International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL)
Editor in Chief
Prof. Daphne Halkias
ISSN online
ISSN print
4 issues per year

Subscription price

Impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) 2024
0.8 (5 Year Impact Factor 1)
JCI 0.69
3.8 (2023)

IJTEL focuses on promoting and disseminating research in e-learning and distance education worldwide. It encourages multidisciplinary research in online learning/teaching, technology-enabled design and deployment of academic programmes, teaching projects and initiatives, emerging technologies and applications, blended online and face-to-face teaching modes, materials and pedagogy. IJTEL aims: to provide holistic, multidisciplinary discussion on technology-enhanced learning research; to promote international collaboration and the exchange of ideas/know-how on technology-enhanced learning; and to investigate strategies on how technology-enhanced learning can promote sustainable development.