Permission to reproduce content

Inderscience Publishers allows users to reproduce material from our copyrighted content under the conditions of the licence used. You must obtain permission before reproducing any such content.

(N.B. Authors seeking to reproduce their own work should read our Author copyright information page to see the conditions set out for them. PhD students requesting permission to reproduce their own work in their thesis should contact

We have partnered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) and PLSclear to make it easy for you to secure permissions to reuse our content. You can use either service.

Copyright Clearance Center

Go to CCC's web site and enter the details of the content that you are requesting permission for in the search box.


Go to PLSClear's web site and follow the on-screen instructions.

If you need help in placing a permission request, contact the services above directly via their web site. You will also find explanatory material about copyright there.