International Journal of Project Organisation and Management
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. John Wang
- ISSN online
- 1740-2905
- ISSN print
- 1740-2891
- 4 issues per year
- CiteScore 1.3 (2023)

Traditionally, project management has been neglected by business schools and by default it has become the preserve of more specialised professional faculties such as engineering and architecture. By taking a broader organisational perspective and by covering a wider range of industries and professions, IJPOM will appeal to a wider readership which includes not only those with an interest in mainstream management topics but also practitioners engaged in an unlimited variety of projects.
Topics covered include
- Pre-project activities
- Project proposals/initial analysis, conception/design, management models
- Post-deployment review/documentation
- Engineering, production, service, construction projects
- Public sector programmes/campaigns, public/private sector partnerships
- Consultancy projects, public relations campaigns
- Mergers/acquisitions, outsourcing, alliances
- Particular events, humanitarian aid programmes, disasters projects
- Virtual projects, web-based PM, open-ended projects
- Communication/collaboration, negotiation skills, risk assessment/management
- Current/emerging standards, facilities/equipment support, quality assurance/testing
- Goals/objectives setting, budgeting, time/cost estimating
- HRM challenges, staffing, organisation change projects
- Opportunity management, marketing/branding strategies, measurement/metrics
- Project coordination/scheduling/governance, knowledge management
Project proposals and initial analysis
Project conception and design
Project management models
Post-deployment review and documentation
Project types:
- Short-term, long-term, open-ended
- Engineering, production, service, construction
- Public sector programmes and campaigns
- Public/private sector partnerships
- Consultancy projects
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Public relations campaigns
- Humanitarian aid programmes
- Film and multimedia production
- Particular events (eg. Olympics, space missions, product launches)
- Disasters
- Virtual projects
Project management functions, issues, themes and techniques, including:
- Budgeting
- Communication and collaboration
- Current and emerging standards
- Facilities and equipment support
- Goals and objective setting
- HRM challenges
- Organisation change projects
- Marketing and branding strategies
- Measurement and metrics
- Negotiation skills
- Opportunity management
- Outsourcing and alliances
- Project coordination and scheduling
- Project governance
- Project knowledge management
- Project management teams
- Project review and evaluation
- Quality assurance and testing
- Resource allocation
- Risk assessment and management
- Scheduling
- Software and systems
- Staffing
- Time and cost estimating
- Web-based PM
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The aim of IJPOM is to attract contributions, and especially case studies, from a wide spectrum of academics and practitioners. As managers and business schools are increasingly placing increasing emphasis on strategy implementation issues, a project management approach will undoubtedly become more compelling and thus more acceptable in a wide range of fields.
IJPOM's readership will come from professionals and managers dealing with project management on a daily basis. It also includes academics and researchers from various fields (business administration, economics and social sciences) concerned with the topic as well as policy makers and project planners in the field of business, commerce and industry.
IJPOM publishes original, theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers on a wide range of issues about project management. It also includes best practice examples as well as technical reports on the latest project management tools.
IJPOM is indexed in:
- Scopus (Elsevier)
- Academic OneFile (Gale)
- cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
- Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
- OneFile Business (Gale)
- Google Scholar
- Info Trac (Gale)
- Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
- J-Gate
- ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
- RePEc
IJPOM is listed in:
- National Agency for Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR)
- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities
Editor in Chief
- Wang, John, Montclair State University, USA
Managing Editor
- Gu, Vicky, University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA
Associate Editors
- Arditi, David, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- Hussein, Bassam, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Loosemore, Martin, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Pons, Dirk, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Shen, Li-Yin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Vitner, Gad, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Australian Editor
- Ke, Yongjian, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
European Editor
- Caron, Franco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Japanese Editor
- Morita, Hiroshi, Osaka University, Japan
Editorial Board Members
- Adenfelt, Maria, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden
- Alderman, Neil, Newcastle University, UK
- Andersen, Erling S., BI Norwegian School of Management, Norway
- Ballesteros Pérez, Pablo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
- Bao, Jinsong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Bourgault, Mario, University of Montreal, Ecole Polytechnique, Canada
- Bowen, Paul, University of Cape Town , South Africa
- Bryde, David, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
- Burns, James, Texas Tech University, USA
- Burström, Thommie, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
- Bygdås, Arne Lindseth, Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway
- Castellano, Davide, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Chen, Chuan, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Chen, Wei Tong, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan, Province of China
- Chiocchio, François, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Chong, Heap-Yih, Curtin University, Australia
- Davis, Jonathan, University of Houston Downtown, USA
- Eriksson, Per Erik, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Espinosa, J. Alberto, American University, USA
- Fortune, Joyce, Open University, UK
- Furlong, Shauneen, University of Liverpool, Canada
- Gottlieb, Stefan Christoffer, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Gunawan, Indra, University of Adelaide, Australia
- Guo, Hongling, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Gustafsson, Magnus, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Hwang, Bon-Gang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Jaafar, Mastura, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
- Karrbom Gustavsson, Tina, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Kirytopoulos, Konstantinos, University of South Australia, Australia
- Korn, Michael, Hochschule Karlsruhe, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Kutsch, Elmar, Cranfield University, UK
- Liu, Julie Yu-Chih, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Loke, Siew-Phaik, Quest International University Perak, Malaysia
- Lu, Yujie, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Maqbool, Rashid, Northumbria University, UK
- Marle, Franck, CentraleSupélec, France
- Martinsuo, Miia, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
- Maylor, Harvey, Cranfield University, UK
- Meng, Xianhai, Queen's University Belfast, UK
- Müller, Ralf, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
- Nyathani, Ramesh, US Foods Inc., USA
- Ochieng, Edward, The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Olsson, Nils, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Oyedele, Lukumon, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Packendorff, Johann, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Pesämaa, Ossi, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Prasher, Vikram Singh, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, USA
- Rajablu, Mahmoud, Canadian Business Success Centre (CBSC), Canada
- Ram, Jiwat, University of Adelaide, Australia
- Rathod, Urvashi, International Institute of Information Technology, India
- Reed, April, East Carolina University, USA
- Schniederjans, Dara, University of Rhode Island, USA
- Sense, Andrew, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Sertyesilisik, Begum, Izmir Democracy University, Turkey
- Sirakoulis, Kleanthis, University of Thessaly, Greece
- Sirisomboonsuk, Pinyarat, University of Texas Permian Basin, USA
- Smyth, Hedley, University College London, UK
- Sun, Ming, Nottingham Trent University, UK
- Svejvig, Per, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Swain, Ajaya, St. Mary's University, USA
- Tam, Vivian, University of Western Sydney, Australia
- Teerajetgul, Wasan, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
- Unger-Aviram, Esther, Sapir Academic College, Israel
- Vesperi, Walter, University of Palermo, Italy
- Watt, David, Australian Institute of Project Management, Australia
- White, Anthony, Middlesex University, UK
- Wierschem, David, Texas State University, USA
- Wong, Peter S.P., RMIT University, Australia
- Xue, Xiaolong, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Yan, Hong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Yang, Jyh-Bin, National Central University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Yang, Li-Ren, Tamkang University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Yeung, John F.Y., Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Yung, Ping, Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Zainul-Abidin, Nazirah, University Science of Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
- Zalila, Faiza, University of Houston-Clear Lake, USA
- Zaneldin, Essam, Indiana University - Purdue University, USA
- Zhao, Xianbo, Central Queensland University, Australia
- Zwikael, Ofer, Australian National University, Australia
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Journal news
Oil agility is a gas!
30 July, 2024
A study in the International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, has focused on the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia, an area known for its vibrant oil and gas industry. The research by Muh Arifuddin Budiman, Budi Widjaja Soetjipto, Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, and Setyo Wijanto of the University of Indonesia, offers new insights into the interplay between organisational agility, stakeholder management, and project success. The team used quantitative analysis to look at data from various national and multinational companies operating within the sector [...]
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