International Journal of Work Innovation
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. Charbel Salloum
- ISSN online
- 2043-9040
- ISSN print
- 2043-9032
- 4 issues per year
- CiteScore 1.1 (2023)

IJWI is a fully-refereed multi-disciplinary international journal dedicated to the study of work innovation. It proposes and fosters research and discussion on innovative work practices including new forms of work organisation (such as virtual teams, network organisations, teleworking, learning organisations, flexible and dispersed work, etc.) as well as the so-called innovative work practices and philosophy (such as knowledge management, teamwork, lean management, project-based work, outsourcing, etc.).
Topics covered include
- Managing new work practices and innovative workplaces
- Exploring the organisational and social implications of new ways of working
- Exploring the impacts of innovative work practices in terms of control and power
- Managing knowledge in new forms of work organisations
- Exploring the impacts of work innovation on environment, energy and transportation
- Enhancing distributed work through workplace design and ICTs
The objective of IJWI is to discuss and disseminate the implications of innovative work practices on individuals, organisations, businesses and societies. Also, contributions aiming at questioning the necessity of transforming current work practices take a front rank in IJWI; it is therefore the intention to produce knowledge simultaneously for and on work innovation management.
IJWI provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers and policy makers working in the field of new working practices to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.
Innovative work practices are discussed from a multidisciplinary perspective; this involves receptiveness to criticism. IJWI publishes original papers, essays and review papers, both theorical and empirical. It also welcomes critical work addressing social and societal issues related to these innovative work practices.
Honorary Editor
- Taskin, Laurent, Université catholique de Louvain, France
Editor in Chief
- Salloum, Charbel, EM Normandie Business School, France
Associate Editors
- Assudani, Rashmi H., Xavier University, USA
- Estrada, Martha Corrales, EGADE Business School, Mexico
- Igel, Barbara, Skolkovo Moscow School of Management, Russian Federation
- Jarrar, Hajer, Excelia Group, France
- Lu, Jintao, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, China
- Mills, Albert, St Mary's University, Canada
- Pereira, Renato, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
- Thion, Stéphane, TBS Business School, France
Editorial Board Members
- Aggarwal, Arun, Chitkara University, India
- Almaharmeh, Mohammad Issa, University of Jordan, Jordan
- Aziz, Miriam R., INSEEC Business School, France
- Baker, Paul Manuel Aviles, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Belaid, Samy, EM Normandie Business School, France
- Bloomfield, Brian, Lancaster University, UK
- Brasseur, Martine, Université Paris V Descartes, France
- Butcher-Powell, Loreen, Bloomsburg University, USA
- Castiaux, Annick, University of Namur, Belgium
- Cazal, Didier, IAE, Université Lille 1, France
- Di Nicola, Patrizio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Di Virgilio, Francesca, University of Molise, Italy
- El Khoury, Charbel M., American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Erkol Bayram, Gül, Sinop University, Turkey
- Gareis, Karsten, Empirica: Communication and Technology Research , Germany
- Gomez, Pierre-Yves, EMLyon Business School, France
- Harley, Bill, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Heckscher, Charles, Rutgers University, USA
- Jacob, Real, HEC Montréal, Canada
- Johnson, Laura C., University of Waterloo, Canada
- Katz, Ralph, Northeastern University and MIT, USA
- Lim, Jasper, Merlien Institute, Singapore
- Maksudunov, Azamat, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Kyrgyzstan
- Mohammadi, Alireza, City University Malaysia, Malaysia
- Nilles, Jack M., University of Southern California, USA
- Pennetta, Daniela, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Peters, Pascale, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Saleem, Irfan, Sohar University, Oman
- Salloum, Laura, TBS Business School, France
- Standen, Pete, Edith Cowan University, Australia
- Trancoso, Tiago, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- Twinomurinzi, Hossana, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ventura, Marzia, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy
- Walrave, Michel, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Willmott, Hugh, Bayes Business School, City University of London, UK
A few essentials for publishing in this journal
- Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
- Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
- All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
- All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available.
- There are no charges for publishing with Inderscience, unless you require your article to be Open Access (OA). You can find more information on OA here.
- All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.
- View Author guidelines.
Submission process
Journal news
You've got to laugh
5 July, 2024
Business environments that foster innovative work behaviour can become more competitive. If employees can introduce new ideas, processes, and solutions, then the company can thrive. An intriguing, yet little explored, factor that can significantly influence this is discussed in the International Journal of Work Innovation – workplace humour. A. Rajeswari and Pulidindi Venugopal of the Vellore Institute of Technology in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, discuss how workplace humour, often seen as merely a source of entertainment, can have a greater significance in terms of employee attitudes, motivation, and overall work dynamics. The team has looked at the relationship between positive humour and innovative work behaviour, having surveyed 236 information technology (IT) employees. They found a positive association using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling to analyse the results of their survey. The work suggests that a workplace culture encouraging humour might improve innovative behaviour among employees and ultimately improve the company's bottom line [...]
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