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International Journal of Work Innovation

International Journal of Work Innovation (IJWI)

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International Journal of Work Innovation (41 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the state of marketing   Order a copy of this article
    by Etinder Pal Singh, Jyoti Doval 
    Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is catalysing a fundamental transformation in marketing, redefining traditional practices with data analytics, personalisation, and automation capabilities. This paper presents a meticulous exploration of AIs pervasive influence on the marketing industry. It delves into AIs role in optimising data-driven decision making, refining customer segmentation, facilitating unprecedented personalisation, and enhancing marketing efficiency. Additionally, it illuminates the ethical considerations and societal implications associated with the integration of AI in marketing, including issues of data privacy, security, and potential algorithmic biases. The paper also scrutinises the trajectory of AIs future developments in marketing, highlighting potential barriers and opportunities. It posits that by adopting ethically sound, AI-driven practices, marketers can effectively harness AIs full potential, fostering enriched customer experiences and driving sustainable business success.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; chatbots; big data; data driven decision making; personalisation; ethics; bias; automation; challenges in AI marketing; marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10057999
  • Does perceive organisational politics effect emotional intelligence and employee engagement? An empirical study   Order a copy of this article
    by Emily Maria K. Jose, Bijay Prasad Kushwaha 
    Abstract: This paper examines the growing aspect of perceive organisational politics (POPs) in organisations by understanding their employee engagement with mediating effect of emotional intelligence. This study is cross-sectional, wherein a survey is conducted on executives of different sectors holding strategic positions. The purposive sampling technique is applied to find the 117 most suitable executives for this survey. The survey is self-administered, and a questionnaire is used as an instrument with 43 measurement scale items adopted from previous similar studies. Constructs reliability and validity followed by PLS-SEM is performed using JASP statistical application. The result revealed that the dimensionality support and validation of POP based on a new set of measures centred on generalised beliefs of the application and abuse of power, infrastructure, credibility, choice-making, and line-of-sight. In line with earlier the previous finding the current findings also showed that POP work as a barrier to individual behavioural demand and can negatively affect work efficiency. Existence of perceive organisational politics due to the normative belief of the situation happing in the organisation, disengagement of employees, and also evaluates new empirical insight into the organisation by mediating emotional intelligence.
    Keywords: organisational politics; perceive organisational politics; POPs; emotional intelligence; employee engagement; work efficiency.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10059586
  • Does authentic leaders influence innovative work behaviour? An empirical evidence   Order a copy of this article
    by Dinesh Babu Mahendiren, Bijay Prasad Kushwaha 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate how genuine leaders impact the creativity and innovative behaviour (IWB) of information technology (IT) employees. It also examines the impact of perceived organisational support as a mediator in the correlations between authentic leadership as well as innovative behaviours. This study explores the influence of authentic leadership via the employees IWB using aspects from social exchange theory as well as social cognitive theory. The data was collected from a sample of 487 employees of the IT sector in India. The partial least square method is applied to test the structural relationship of the research framework. Findings reveal that authentic leadership positively impact innovative work behaviour and perceived organisation support mediates authentic leadership and IWB. Additionally, when organisations and leaders support the employees and value their creative thinking then the employee replicates IWB in the organisation. The practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
    Keywords: authentic leaders; innovative work behaviour; social exchange theory; social cognitive theory; organisational support.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10059933
  • Fostering innovative work behaviour in Indian IT firms: the mediating influence of employee psychological capital in the context of transformational leadership   Order a copy of this article
    by A.K. Subramani, N. Akbar Jan, Siji Joseph, Rajasekhar David 
    Abstract: This empirical study investigates the mediating role of two components of psychological capital (PsyCap), namely self-efficacy and optimism, in the context of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), work engagement (WE), and innovative work behaviour (IWB). The study was conducted among IT professionals with a minimum of three years of experience employed in Chennai, India. Data collection was executed using a Google Form, and both measurement and structural models were examined using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study reveal several significant relationships. Firstly, transformational leadership (TL) demonstrates a robust positive association with work engagement (WE). Furthermore, work engagement (WE) positively correlates substantially with innovative work behaviour (IWB). Notably, the study underscores that two crucial components of psychological capital, specifically self-efficacy and optimism, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and work engagement (WE). These findings carry valuable implications for IT company managers. Recognising that transformational leadership positively influences both work engagement and employees innovative work behaviour highlights the pivotal role of leaders in fostering a productive and innovative work environment within IT organisations.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; work engagement; psychological capital; self-efficacy; optimism; innovative work behaviour; IWB; information technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060325
  • Ebullient supervision, employee engagement and employee commitment in a higher education institution: the partial least square approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Robert Ipiin Gnankob, Abraham Ansong, Beatrice Sarfo Gyamfi, Kassimu Issau, Edna N. A. Okorley 
    Abstract: The study investigated the influence of ebullient supervision on employee commitment in a Ghanaian public university through the mediating role of employee engagement. The simple random sampling technique was used to draw 302 administrative staff of the university to respond to the self-administered questionnaire on the constructs. Furthermore, the partial least square structural equation technique was deployed to test the research hypotheses in the study. The results showed that ebullient supervision had a significant positive relationship with employee commitment and employee engagement. The findings further revealed that employee engagement positively correlated with employee commitment. Finally, the studys findings established that employee engagement partially mediated the link between ebullient supervision and employee commitment. The study emphasised that various supervisors in a universitys administration should create an environment that favours fun where subordinates can form ties with one another.
    Keywords: ebullient supervision; commitment; workplace friendship; employee engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060326
  • Uncovering the keys to well-being: calling, mindfulness, and compassion among healthcare professionals in India amidst the post-COVID crisis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sode Raghavendra, A.K. Subramani, N. Akbar Jan, Kalaa Chenji 
    Abstract: This study investigates the well-being of healthcare professionals in India, with a specific focus on the detrimental effects of the pandemic on their mental and physical health, including stress, burnout, and fatigue. This research examines the roles played by calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love as essential resources in promoting the well-being of healthcare professionals. Utilising structural equation modelling (SEM), the results reveal a significant cause and effect relationship between calling, mindfulness, and compassionate love and their influence on overall well-being. Furthermore, the study identifies a noteworthy parallel mediation effect, demonstrating that mindfulness and compassionate love serve as mediators in the relationship between calling and well-being. This research offers practitioners invaluable insights into the effective utilisation of mindfulness and compassionate love practices to enhance the overall well-being of healthcare professionals.
    Keywords: calling; mindfulness; compassionate love; well-being; healthcare professionals; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060401
  • Measuring employee commitment in garment industry: scale development and validation   Order a copy of this article
    by Vanishree Beloor, T.S. Nanjundeswaraswamy, D.R. Swamy 
    Abstract: Garment industries are facing the problems of poor employee retention and commitment due to the prevailing circumstances such as poor salary, inadequate medical facilities, etc. Therefore, the study is undertaken to develop a scale that measures the commitment of employees in garment industries. The methodology includes literature review followed by Pareto analysis, later to reduce the factors exploratory factor analysis was done and the commitment types were validated using CFA. The designed questionnaire was administered to employees working in garment industries. The collected data was screened to eliminate invalid responses. The EFA resulted in three types of commitment along with ten items that together showed a variance of 74%. The proposed three type of commitment model was confirmed along with ten items that comprise of affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment through CFA. The first order QWL model showed adequate fit.
    Keywords: affective commitment; normative commitment; continuance commitment; garment industries; Pareto analysis; EFA; CFA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060403
  • Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonali Arora, Rahul Gupta, Sangeeta Gupta, Manoj Kumar Mishra 
    Abstract: The physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of the servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.
    Keywords: social servicescape; employee servicescape; customers servicescape; physical servicescape; customer satisfaction; behavioural intention; casual dining restaurants.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060494
  • The role of metaverse in collaborative learning: a conceptual framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Samprada Dekate, Prashant Mehta 
    Abstract: During the epidemic and its aftermath, the field of learning and teaching experienced a rapid technological transition. This transition compelled us to engage in virtual learning. The use of technology for learning plays a substantial role in the learners engagement, frequently referred to as online learning; such technology typically uses a variety of 2D applications. However, in recent times, the globe has been shifting its interest toward the virtual world and 3D applications. The virtual world has unique abilities for learning, such as improving social learning environments, enhancing presence, and supporting communication and engagement, which makes it an essential tool for collaborative learning. One such tool that has captured the attention is metaverse. This study explores metaverse-based learning and provides insights into the crucial role of metaverse-based learning in facilitating collaborative learning. The authors also proposed a model to show how metaverse can improve collaborative learning.
    Keywords: collaborative learning; metaverse; virtual reality; augmented reality; extended reality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060495
  • Systematic literature review of artificial intelligence in human resource management research using bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankita Bansal, Raj Kumar Singh, Vikas Tyagi, Vivek Anand, Bhoopendra Bharti 
    Abstract: The study undertakes a bibliometric examination focused on the field of human resource management (HRM) with a specific emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, spanning the period from 2012 to the present year, 2023. This investigation encompasses a comprehensive range of analytical approaches, including trend analysis, thematic analysis, performance assessment, cluster analysis, co-citation analysis, and co-occurrence analysis. Moreover, this research furnishes valuable perspectives on both domestic and international citations and bibliographic associations. Furthermore, it sheds light on the significance of artificial intelligence within the realm of human resources. Data has been retrieved from the Scopus database exclusively. An analysis was carried out using a dataset consisting of 659 documents, all of which were extracted from Scopus. To facilitate the performance analysis and thematic cluster examination for this research, the VOSviewer tool was employed. Furthermore, this study examined of the foremost quartet of clusters, along with their three most conspicuous publications.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; bibliometric analysis; co-occurrence analysis; bibliometric coupling; co-citation analysis; human resource management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060598
  • Impact of dimensions of financial literacy and business innovation on the performance of women entrepreneurs   Order a copy of this article
    by Neetu Juneja, Shweta Nanda, Raj Kumar Singh, Harjit Singh 
    Abstract: The study aims to investigate the impact of dimensions of financial literacy and business innovation on the performance of women entrepreneurs. In recent years, the number of women doing business has increased, and several agencies are also working on increasing their participation. The study collected empirical data from 427 female entrepreneurs in India through purposive sampling technique. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire adopted from literature. Findings suggest that womens financial literacy is judged by their financial capital, capabilities, and support received from various agencies. Financial literacy leads to business innovation and results in an increase in business performance. Financial literacy provides financial freedom to the women entrepreneur to play in the market with confidence. Further, the digitalisation of business with innovation increases women entrepreneurs business performance. Additionally, digitalisation alone with only financial literacy has an insignificant impact on business performance.
    Keywords: financial literacy; financial support; business innovations; women entrepreneur; business performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060935
  • The effect of high-performance human resource practices on workplace bullying through self-control   Order a copy of this article
    by Atheer Abdullah Mohammed 
    Abstract: The key research objective is to comprehend whether self-control mediates the relationship between high-performance human resource practices (HPHRPs) and work-related bullying or not. To achieve this objective, a quantitative designed approach is adopted. This study has randomly stratified a sample of employees who work at 28 Iraqi middle-manufacturing companies. 469 individuals were recruited, but only 428 of them accurately responded, finalised, and utilised for final data analysis. The study finds new evidence for reducing the adverse effects of bullying by HPHRPs (carefully selected staffing, extensive training, fair compensation, and self-directed teams) through self-control. However, extensive training positively enhances workplace bullying. Moreover, the roles of carefully selecting staffing and fair compensation practices with bullying are weak. This examination provides an applied model and useful guidelines for designers, decision-makers, future investigators, as well as officials who work at Iraqi manufacturing organisations. It has never been before studied within a single research in non-Western environments.
    Keywords: high-performance human resource practices; HPHRPs; workplace bullying; self-control; manufacturing workplaces.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10060937
  • Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in pharmaceutical SMEs: the mediating effect of blockchain technology adoption   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Manigandan, J. Naga Venkata Raghuram 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance with the mediating effect of blockchain technology adoption. The primary data were collected from 91 respondents serving as owners and managers of pharmaceutical companies in South India. Using SPSS for descriptive data analysis and partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) for structural and measurement model analysis through smart PLS4.0 software for quantitative data analysis. The results demonstrate that entrepreneurial orientation has a significant effect on firm performance. In addition, the results confirm that mediation of blockchain technology adoption positively affects the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Our research contributes to the literature by highlighting how blockchain technology adoption can improve firm performance in pharmaceutical SMEs. This research has yielded comprehensive theoretical and managerial implications leveraging the implementation of blockchain technology to enhance firm performance.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; blockchain technology adoption; firm performance; dynamic capability view; pharmaceutical company.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061099
  • Understanding the effect of personality types on workplace happiness using structural equation modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Shilpa Bhandari, Manoj Kumar Mishra, Pretty Bhalla, Seema Gupta 
    Abstract: Education reform should include the growth of psychological factors, with the primary goal of making teachers happy at work. The aim of the study is to determine a model of continuous happiness on the basis of the big five personality traits. The method uses the structural equation modelling approach to develop the model. The effects of each big five personality types (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness and neuroticism) on workplace happiness have been demonstrated in the study. The presence of variables that function as factors influencing teacher work happiness as the dependent variable. The data was collected from the teachers working in UGC recognised universities in Delhi and NCR with a sample size of 384. The sampling technique used in the study was quota sampling wherein the sample was distributed among government universities, private universities and others (deemed and to-be deemed universities). The studys findings show that the main five personality types have a considerable effect on university teachers happiness at work.
    Keywords: extraversion; neuroticism; agreeableness; conscientiousness; openness; happiness; workplace; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061355
  • Toxic workplace environment in developing countries: strategic perspective from Iraq   Order a copy of this article
    by Hatem Ali Abdullah 
    Abstract: The study aims to know the effect of toxic leadership through its dimensions (abusive supervision, authoritarian leadership, narcissism, self-promotion, and unpredictability) on toxic workplace behaviours in the Iraqi environment, specifically the health sector in Tikrit city. The study uses the survey method, and the study population is represented by nurses in Tikrit Teaching Hospital and Tikrit General Hospital. A non-random sample of (216) nurses is selected to properly represent the study population. The data is collected through a questionnaire. The study concludes that toxic leadership has a positive effect on toxic workplace behaviours in the field under study. It has some limitations represented in the difficulty of searching on a large sample in several Iraqi cities in Iraq, as well as the lack of approval of the higher managements in hospitals. Therefore, the researcher resorts to study only two hospitals inside Tikrit city. The study deals with the strategic perspective to study toxic workplace environments, which are not studied in the Iraqi environment.
    Keywords: toxic workplace environment; TWE; toxic leadership; toxic workplace behaviours; TWBs; developing countries; health sector in Iraq.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061469
  • Understanding attitudes of Kashmir Valley residents towards tourism development: a SEM study   Order a copy of this article
    by Younis Malik, Shakeel Basheer, Vikram Jit Singh 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop an approach for examining the opinions of residents regarding the growth of tourism in the Kashmir Valley, utilising the principles of community attachment and tourist contact. By utilising a multistage convenient sampling approach and a pretested questionnaire, primary data (n = 520) were collected from residents of the top three tourist destinations in the Kashmir Valley. Structural equation modelling was employed to develop and analyse the model. As a result of the economic, social, and cultural advantages that tourism provides, the findings indicate that residents possess a strong sense of community and consider interaction with tourists to be a critical component in the development and promotion of tourism in the Kashmir Valley. The study also demonstrates that residents who perceive more benefits from tourism development are happily in support of it, while others are not supportive due to a greater number of drawbacks.
    Keywords: residents’ attitudes; Kashmir Valley; community attachment; tourist contact; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061646
  • Navigating psychological contracts with AI interactions in the workplace: from chatbots to boss bots   Order a copy of this article
    by Sabale Anjali Abasaheb, Subashini Rajagopal 
    Abstract: This article delves into the intricate dynamics of the modern workplace as it transitions from traditional human interfaces to artificial intelligence (AI)-powered interactions. Theres a growing need to comprehend how these AI-driven changes impact the psychological contracts and how employees navigate these changes. Therefore, the objective is to highlight the nuances and complexities inherent in this evolution and provide a foundational understanding of navigating the emerging digital-human workplace interface. In the burgeoning era of artificial intelligence (AI) integration into workplaces, the dynamics of psychological contracts are undergoing profound transformations. Through an extensive review of the current literature and theoretical frameworks, looking ahead, the relentless evolution of AI technology foretells even more pronounced influences for ethical standards and more individual-centric work experiences. The findings underscore the imperatives of continuous training, clear communication, and the strategic balancing of AI and human interactions to uphold and adapt psychological contracts in the AI-era. .
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; psychological contract; employees; organisation; chatbots.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061647
  • Fostering team flow in R&D project teams: a novel framework   Order a copy of this article
    by V. Kiran Govind, Sumati Sidharth 
    Abstract: Organisations working in the field of cutting-edge technologies depend on research and development (R&D) project teams to deliver innovative high-quality products, services, and solutions in the most economical ways and within stringent timelines, thus enhancing cost-effectiveness and productivity. Creating high-performing R&D project teams has thus become an inevitable necessity for these organisations. Team flow, an emerging area of research in team science, is found to enhance the effectiveness and performance of teams, leading to positive team outcomes. In this paper, a new framework that can likely foster team flow in R&D project teams is proposed. The resonant, reflection, response, resultant, and reinforcing processes, collectively called 5Rs represent the five different categories of team processes that an R&D team undergoes for accomplishing its objectives. The 5R framework is proposed as a unique model to foster team flow in an R&D project team context with the potential to enhance team effectiveness and performance.
    Keywords: teams; team flow; research and development; R&D; R&D project teams; IMOI model; team effectiveness; 5R framework; team performance; team processes; team emergent states.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061764
  • The relationship between environmental innovation and ESG: case of healthcare organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Saime Ulucayli, Kemal Cek 
    Abstract: Nowadays, environmental, social and governance (ESG) has been an important factor in increasing innovation in businesses for many years but has not yet been widely recognised in healthcare organisations. This study aims to investigate the relationship between environmental innovation and each component of the ESG score on the innovation of healthcare companies. The sample of the study consists of 100 companies with healthcare facilities, biotechnology and research, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment located in European countries with high GDP, and was analysed for the period 20022021. The results have shown that environmental innovation score grade (EISG) has a positive and significant impact on the companys ESG performances. The effect of EISG on individual dimensions of ESG is also tested and founded that EISG has a positive and significant impact on environmental (ENV) and social (SOC) performance. However, it did not show a significant impact on governance (GOV) performance.
    Keywords: environmental innovation; environmental; social and governance; ESG; corporate social responsibility; CSR; healthcare organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061841
  • Country and commodity based concentration analysis of Indian trade   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruchita Verma, Dhanraj Sharma, Deepak  
    Abstract: The present study attempts to evaluate the concentration levels of Indian trade with respect to various countries and commodities. The countries and commodities wise-data have been collected from the secondary sources for the study period of 20112012 to 20202021. The concentration ratios, Hefindahl-Hirschman Index have been employed to evaluate the market competitiveness and BCG matrix has been used to evaluate the market structure and growth. The results show that the top 2 trading partner (USA and China) accounted for 24.9% of export and 23.8% of import of India. It is also observed that dependency on top 2 commodities was reduced in case of export (from 34.1% to 18.1%) and import (from 53.8% to 39.2%) during the study period. The main findings of the study reveal that the market structures (country and commodity-wise) were found to be highly competitive during the study period.
    Keywords: HHI index; concentration ratio; BCG model; Indian trade; market share and growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061842
  • Exploring the nexus of self-leadership, innovative work behaviour, and mediating goal processes within small and medium-sized enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Imran, Li Ji Zu, Sher Bano 
    Abstract: This study explores the dynamics between self-leadership and innovative work behaviour in small and medium-sized enterprises, investigating the mediating roles of goal striving and goal crafting. Utilising advanced quantitative techniques, especially Smart PLS 4 for data analysis, our results reveal that self-leadership significantly enhances innovative work behaviour, both directly and indirectly through employees self-initiated goal crafting. Interestingly, self-leadership also positively influences goal striving. However, the study identifies a non-significant impact of goal striving on innovative work behaviour. These findings contribute to employee leadership literature and offer actionable insights for managers aiming to foster creative work behaviour. Recognising the importance of self-initiated goal crafting in mediating these relationships can guide strategies to optimise organisational effectiveness and enhance employee performance within small-sized enterprises.
    Keywords: self-leadership; innovative work behaviour; IWB; goal striving; goal crafting; GC; small and medium-sized enterprises; SME’s; Smart PLS 4.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10061913
  • Amidst COVID-19: the moderating role of innovation and brand valuation in ESG disclosure and firm value relationship   Order a copy of this article
    by Josua Tarigan, Jasmine Iskandar, Saarce Elsye Hatane 
    Abstract: This paper mainly aims to explain the correlation of ESGD, innovation, and brand valuation toward firm value. In addition, this paper also observes the significant changes in ESGD before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that innovation positively strengthens the relationship between ESGD and firm value, while brand valuation does not. ESGD has had significant changes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggest ESGD, innovation, and brand valuation act as a competitive advantage and enhance additional value towards the firm value. The link between ESGD and firm value has been extensively studied. There is still a sizable study gap when considering potential mediating elements that can offer a more thorough and fuller picture of the ESGD and firm value link. Innovation and brand valuation are two of the most significant potential mediators.
    Keywords: ESG disclosure; ESGD; innovation; brand valuation; firm value; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10062016
  • Does workplace happiness lead to organisational citizenship behaviour: a study of faculty in higher education institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Ritu Deswal, Karamvir Sheokand 
    Abstract: Workplace happiness has a crucial role in engaging organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The above relationship has been researched extensively in organisational psychology, but human resource management scholars have yet to give more attention. This study advances knowledge by examining workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. A sample of 376 faculty members of higher education institutions is used in this quantitative study. Correlation and regression analysis were used to study the relationship between workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. The results showed that workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour both positively and statistically significantly correlated. Organisational citizenship behaviour is significantly influenced by workplace happiness. This work is distinctively different because it introduces a previously unexplored connection between workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour in higher education institutions. Higher education institutions must develop strategies for fostering a happy workplace.
    Keywords: workplace happiness; organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; higher education institutions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10062248
  • Unravelling the project escalation enigma: optimising principal-agent dynamics in IT project management   Order a copy of this article
    by Saida Harguem, Karim Ben Boubaker, Said Baadel 
    Abstract: To enhance project success, researchers have tirelessly explored the perplexing phenomenon of project escalation and its detrimental impact on budgets. However, a crucial void remains the lack of actionable solutions to combat and avert project escalation. This paper seeks to fill the gap by adopting a fresh and innovative approach: applying the agency theory. This research identifies the root causes of project escalation and unveils a new approach to overcome this daunting challenge. The cornerstone of this research lies in establishing an optimal mathematical function and meticulously defining start and stop conditions. Project managers can forecast and exercise control over escalation risks through an ex-ante approach. Such foresight gives project stakeholders the knowledge to discern the opportune moment for project launch and, equally crucial, the conditions that demand immediate cessation to avert the perilous grip of escalation, thereby significantly mitigating risks.
    Keywords: agency theory; ex-ante research approach; IT project escalation; IT project management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2023.10062683
  • Impact of entrepreneurial orientation on Moroccan SME performance: the role of commitment to organisational learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Yassin Allammari, Ahmed Taqi, El Hassania Rahou 
    Abstract: This article aims to examine the mediating role of commitment to organisational learning in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Moroccan SMEs. Through a quantitative survey of 81 Moroccan SMEs, this study explores how entrepreneurial orientation practices, based on innovation, risk-taking and proactivity, can improve SME performance by enhancing their commitment to organisational learning. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation method. The results of this study show that there is a significant and direct impact between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of Moroccan SMEs, and that commitment to organisational learning partially mediates this relationship. These findings offer important theoretical and managerial implications, providing researchers in the field and decision-makers with evidence highlighting the importance of entrepreneurial orientation and organisational learning as key levers for enhancing the erformance of Moroccan SMEs.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; EO; commitment; learning; performance; SMEs; Morocco; structural equations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10062685
  • Womens productivity in hostile work environments: evaluating organisational efforts to tackle workplace bullying and its mediating impact on psychological consequences   Order a copy of this article
    by C. Divyakala, A. Vasumathi 
    Abstract: The present study explores how bullying at work affects womens productivity, with a particular focus on the mediating role of psychological consequences. Using Albert Banduras social cognitive theory as a foundation, the research examines how workplace bullying can lead to a decline in womens self-efficacy and self-worth, as well as foster negative emotional states and reduced coping mechanisms. A questionnaire survey was conducted among female employees in the leather industry in Vellore and Tirupattur Districts of Tamil Nadu. The research design used in this study is descriptive. The statistical sample consisted of 527 female labourers. Observational learning plays a crucial role, wherein women witnessing bullying behaviours or the lack of appropriate consequences may internalise such attitudes, further impacting their psychological well-being. As a result, the study explores how the psychological consequences of workplace bullying significantly influence womens productivity in the workplace. The findings highlight the importance of implementing targeted interventions, such as anti-bullying policies, support systems, and mentorship opportunities, to reduce the adverse consequences of bullying at work and create a supportive work environment that empowers women and enhances their overall productivity and satisfaction.
    Keywords: workplace bullying; WB; productivity; women; leather industry; psychological consequences.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063327
  • Analysing employer mediation over sense of belongingness and job quality for retaining employees in Indian start-ups   Order a copy of this article
    by Shiwangi Sharma, Nandini Srivastava 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation of employer over sense of belongingness and job quality for retaining employees in Indian start-ups. Thus, data was collected from 364 employees of Indian start-ups through five-point Likert scale questionnaire. Partial least square (PLS) structural equation modelling was used to test data reliability, validity, and hypothesis. Result shows that job quality and sense of belongingness are not having significant impact over employee retention. However, sense of belongingness had significant impact over role of employers and the latter further has significant impact over employee retention; thus, showing the mediation in between. Additionally, role of employer also had significant impact over job quality, but could not mediate with this factor. This implies to maintain sense of belongingness and explore more on job quality to uplift employee retention in start-ups; which can further benefit the emerging business markets.
    Keywords: start-up ventures; Indian start-ups; emerging businesses; new ventures; entrepreneurship; job quality; sense of belongingness; role of employers; employee retention; challenging job; training; work-life balance; employee engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063723
  • Green HRM practices foster environmental performance: the role of environmental knowledge and pro-environmental behaviours   Order a copy of this article
    by Quoc-Loc Nguyen, Nhu-Ty Nguyen, Ngoc-Nhu Ta, Tuyet-Anh Nguyen, Thanh-Trieu Nguyen 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the interaction between green human resource management practices and environmental performance through the role of pro-environmental behaviours and environmental knowledge. A quantitative approach was adopted to achieve the aims of this study. The sample consisted of 284 management hoteliers from 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotels and resorts in Vietnam through PLS-SEM technique. In order to test the proposed hypotheses, partial least structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique using SMART PLS 4 was employed. Furthermore, both SPSS and SMART PLS were conducted to test the validity and reliability of the measures. The results reveal that green human resource management practices had significant impacts on both pro-environmental behaviours and environmental performance. Pro-environmental behaviours and environmental performance and environmental knowledge were further found to mediate the relationship between the direct paths. In addition, this research has demonstrated a positive moderating role of environmental knowledge. This study extends the research on green human resource management practices by concentrating the moderating role of environmental knowledge towards to the relationship pro-environmental and environmental performance. Leaders can draw on these studies to come up with new strategies, policies, and solutions to boost their environmental performance.
    Keywords: green human resource practices; pro-environmental behaviours; environmental knowledge; environmental performance; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063724
  • The influence of self-efficacy on high school students STEM career choice: implications for human resources development   Order a copy of this article
    by Hoang Viet Linh, Tran Trong Sy 
    Abstract: The aim of the current research is to investigate parental influence, teacher influence, and friend influence on STEM career choice intention among high school students in Ho Chi Minh City, using social cognitive career theory (SCCT) developed by Lent et al. (1994). Furthermore, this research also examined the mediating role of self-efficacy (SE) on the relationships among parental influence, teacher influence, friend influence, and STEM career choice intention. Results indicate that friend influence directly and indirectly affects STEM career choice intention through the mediating variable self-efficacy. Meanwhile, parental influence and teacher influence only indirectly affect STEM career choice intention through the mediating variable self-efficacy. Based on the research results, the author has some suggestions to improve the intention to choose a STEM career, contributing to the development of STEM human resources for Ho Chi Minh City. This research also demonstrates some limitations and recommendations for future research. Further research can apply this model to investigate the STEM career choice intention among students in different regions of Vietnam and compare the results.
    Keywords: self-efficacy; social cognitive career theory; SCCT; STEM; career choice intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063725
  • Unveiling the dynamics of change acceptance: exploring environmental and individual factors in HR practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Nurul Alam 
    Abstract: The ready made garment (RMG) industry is known for its dynamic nature, characterised by frequent changes in technology, market demands, and production processes. HR managers and directors play a critical role in facilitating organisational change within this industry, yet the factors influencing their acceptance of change remain understudied. Therefore, the study examines change acceptance in the RMG industry among HR managers/directors, exploring factors influencing acceptance using a survey of 500 samples. Analysis via Smart-PLS 3.2.9 and SPSS v26 revealed direct, positive impacts of social influence, subjective norms, locus of control, and attitude towards change on change acceptance. Organisational support significantly moderated relations between social influence, locus of control, and change acceptance. However, it did not moderate subjective norms or attitude towards change. This study identifies key factors influencing change acceptance in RMG HR professionals, emphasising the importance of openness and targeted training for adaptability. Industry-specific limitations warrant broader research exploring long-term effects.
    Keywords: acceptance of change; individual factors of change; environmental factors of change; readymade garment industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063895
  • Examining the impact of ethical leadership behaviour on employee outcome: mediating role of empowerment and authenticity   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Sekar, Nanjaraje S. Urs, U. Umesh, Suja Sundram 
    Abstract: The study investigates the influence of ethical leadership behaviour on employee outcomes, exploring the mediating mechanisms of empowerment and authenticity in the workplace. Ethical leadership is recognised as a crucial factor in fostering a positive organisational culture, and its effects on employee well-being and performance have garnered increasing attention. To deepen our understanding of the underlying processes, this research examines how ethical leadership practices translate into desirable employee outcomes through the mediating pathways of empowerment and authenticity. The qualitative component of the research enriches these findings by providing insights into employees experiences under ethical leaders. The interviews highlight specific behaviours and practices that employees perceive as ethical, empowering, and authentic, shedding light on the subtleties of leadership dynamics. The study contributes to theoretical and practical implications by emphasising the importance of ethical leadership and its cascading effects on employee outcomes. The study concluded that organisations could use these insights to refine leadership development programs and create environments that promote ethical behaviour, empowerment, and authenticity. Ultimately, cultivating ethical leadership practices can lead to enhanced employee well-being, satisfaction, and performance, contributing to the overall success of organisations in todays complex and dynamic business landscape.
    Keywords: ethical behaviour; empowerment; employee outcomes; team-oriented; values-driven decisions; job performance; responsibility; accountability; continuous learning; job satisfaction; culture; empowerment; personality; work pressure; decision making; honesty; transparency; authenticity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063896
  • The mediation effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between teachers autonomy and innovative work behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Safiek Mokhlis, Abdul Hakim Abdullah 
    Abstract: Substantial evidence indicates that teachers autonomy plays a pivotal role in promoting innovative work behaviour (IWB). However, little research has focused on the mechanisms behind this link. The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which the relationship between teachers autonomy and IWB is mediated by self-efficacy. Drawing from selfdetermination theory and social cognitive theory, a mediational model linking teachers autonomy, self-efficacy and IWB was developed. The model was tested with a sample of 376 teachers from 12 public and secondary schools in Malaysia using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results have indicated the complete mediation of the link between teachers autonomy and IWB by teachers self-efficacy. This finding underscores the pivotal role that self-efficacy plays in fostering IWB, suggesting that simply increasing teachers autonomy may not directly result in IWB. Building self-efficacy in teachers also serves as a pathway to fostering innovative practices.
    Keywords: autonomy; self-efficacy; innovative work behaviour; IWB; innovation; education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063988
  • The political economy of media on the Metro TV station in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Novi Erlita, Mohd Nor Shahizan Ali, Wan Amizah Wan Mahmud, Charli Sitinjak, Józef Ober 
    Abstract: Within the realm of the political economy of media, the role of media in mass communication and social life encompasses five principal components: the social world, the media industry, messages and/or media products, viewers/public, and technology. This study offers an examination of the role played by Metro TV station within the political economy of media in Indonesia, with a particular focus on its distinctive approach as a television station primarily dedicated to round-the-clock news broadcasts, interwoven with entertainment elements. Grounded in Vincent Moscos political economy perspective, this research delves into the media production and ownership dynamics characterising Metro TV. Although previous studies have explored the political economy of television media in Indonesia, there is a notable gap in the comprehensive analysis of the Metro TV station from a political economy of media perspective. The findings underscore Metro TVs considerable political economy influence as an entity predominantly controlled by elites and strategically positioned within the economic landscape, thereby prompting enquiries into its impact on media content and public interests within the nation. This research contributes significantly to a more profound understanding of the forces of political economy forces that mould media institutions in Indonesia.
    Keywords: political economy; media; private TV station; commodification; spatialisation; structuring; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10063989
  • Determinants of adoption of internet banking by elderly people in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Nishit Kumar Srivatsava, Santosh Kumar Yadav, A.K. Subramani, N. Akbar Jan, Namrata Chatterjee, Pankaj Kumar Singh 
    Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the intention of senior citizens in India to adopt internet banking. The use of internet banking has grown in importance in society. However, it is crucial to recognise that not everyone, especially the elderly, has embraced and utilised it to the same degree. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the technological acceptance model (TAM) are the research frameworks used in this study. By including four new constructs innate innovativeness, perceived risk, trust, and perceived benefits it offers an integrated-extended framework. Convenience sampling was used to gather data from 439 elderly individuals, and structural equation modelling was used to evaluate the suggested framework. The results indicate that the behavioural intention to adopt internet banking among older adults in India is significantly affected by perceived usefulness, perceived behavioural control, perceived benefits, trust, innate innovativeness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk. Therefore, it is concluded that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use play a significant role in the adoption of internet banking by elderly people in India.
    Keywords: internet banking; behavioural intention; trust; innate innovativeness; II; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10064295
  • The effect of organisational climate, role clarity and turnover intention on audit quality: evidence from emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Vinh Khuong Nguyen, Long Thinh Nguyen 
    Abstract: The paper examines the impact of the organisational climate, role clarity, and turnover intention on audit quality at audit firms in Ho Chi Minh City post-COVID-19. The study uses the PLS-SEM methodology to analyse data from 183 auditors, mainly Gen Z and millennials, and finds that these factors impact audit quality, performance, and unethical decisions differently. The study suggests that audit firms in Vietnam should focus on these factors to improve service quality while adding to Vietnams auditing industrys theoretical and practical basis. Besides, this study also presents the causes of the burnout factor because work has a negative and positive effect on audit quality and performance as well as unethical behaviours. The study is conducted after the COVID-19 pandemic and uses data from a developing country where the Vietnamese government controls audit quality instead of professional associations like other countries. The study also highlights the importance of considering a new generation of auditors, who are expected to have higher turnover rates.
    Keywords: audit quality; turnover intention; organisation climate; role clarity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10064363
  • The mediating role of maturity between purchasing recognition and company performance in terms of cost savings   Order a copy of this article
    by Abderrahim Zghaida, Hassan Aachaach, Yassin Allammari 
    Abstract: This article examines the role of the purchasing function in improving business performance. Despite its potential contribution to the design of new products, process innovation, quality improvement and the mobilisation of suppliers know-how, pressure on margins often leads to cost control being perceived as the main contribution of the purchasing function. We test the effect of recognising this strategic function. The study, based on a survey of 74 Moroccan company directors, reveals a significant positive relationship between recognition of the purchasing function and company performance. The partial least squares (PLS) structural equation method was used to analyse the data, highlighting a partial mediating effect of purchasing maturity. These findings align with previous studies and have important practical and theoretical implications. Henceforth, the need to reconsider the status of the purchasing function as a strategic function within Moroccan companies is indisputable. Finally, our research is the first in the Moroccan context and continues the debate on the strategic or clerical role of the purchasing function.
    Keywords: purchasing recognition; purchasing maturity; performance; cost saving.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10064671
  • How employees mental health mediates the relationship between job stress, organisational commitment, and job performance of nurses after COVID-19 epidemic recovery period   Order a copy of this article
    by Erum Shaikh, Waqas Ahmed Watto, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Muhammad Asrar 
    Abstract: This study examines what factors contribute to nursing staffs job stress in public and private institutions. It is critical to know how job stress affects nurses and the major sources of it in the hospital setting. The research highlights the primary causes of employee mental health in nursing staff and how it influences work performance and organisational commitment. Two hundred twenty-four questionnaires were delivered to male and female nursing personnel in public and private hospitals in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. PLS-SEM version 3.0 was used to evaluate the data. Statistical results show that if job stress increases, then job performance and organisational commitment fall. Providing essential abilities, procedures, and techniques to decrease job stress is necessary. Based on the findings, preventive strategies were proposed to minimise occupational stress among female nursing staff in public and private hospitals. Furthermore, employees with greater social interaction are more likely to be committed to their work, according to current statistics. Socialising with peers or supervisors is a more effective technique to reduce the stress in a job and stable mental health.
    Keywords: job stress; job performance; job commitment; nursing staff.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10064885
  • Empowering Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs as food service providers: bridging innovation, social capital, knowledge, performance, and sustainable development   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Tariqul Islam, Uma Pandey, Jeetesh Kumar 
    Abstract: The present study examined the relationship between Bangladeshi womens food service providers entrepreneurial innovations, social capital, entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial performance, entrepreneurial success, and sustainable development goal (SDGs) 5 (gender equality) and 8 (decent work and economic growth). This study is a quantitative cross-sectional study that was conducted by surveying 196 Bangladeshi women food service providers. The data was collected through a purposive sampling technique. The findings of this study revealed that Bangladeshi womens homemade food service providers entrepreneurial innovations, social capital, and entrepreneurial knowledge positively influence their entrepreneurial performance and success. In addition, entrepreneurial success positively impacts achieving SDGs 5 and 8. The result highlights that successful food service businesses operated by Bangladeshi women directly contribute to achieving the countrys sustainable development goal. This study contributes both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the study provides a research framework to emphasise what factors impact womens entrepreneurial success and how successful women entrepreneurs can contribute to achieving the sustainable development goal. Practically, this study provides several implications for the stakeholders of the respective industry.
    Keywords: women entrepreneurs; women food service providers; sustainable development goals; SDGs; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10064964
  • Flexible working arrangements and employee contextual performance of working mothers   Order a copy of this article
    by Yap Fui Peng, Jugindar Singh, Jeetesh Kumar, Janitha Kularajasingam 
    Abstract: Employers are focusing on boosting employee performance in todays uncertain climate, and flexible working arrangements (FWA) have become a key strategy. Limited research exists on the contextual performance of working mothers, who represent 61% of the workforce. This study explored the relationship between the contextual performance of working mothers in Malaysias service sector and various FWA dimensions: flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, and compressed workweeks. A deductive approach collected 132 responses from working mothers in Kuala Lumpurs ICT service sector. The findings showed that reducing the workweek positively affects contextual performance, while flextime had a lesser impact. However, telecommuting and job sharing did not significantly predict contextual performance. The study underscores the importance of shorter workweeks and flexible scheduling in boosting the contextual performance of employed mothers. Human resource managers and business leaders can use these findings to create adaptable work schedules, potentially enhancing performance and retaining working mothers in the workforce.
    Keywords: flexible work arrangements; FWAs; flextime; telecommuting; job sharing; compressed workweek; contextual performance; working mothers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10065011
  • Financial leverage and bank employee wage: evidence from an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Liem Nguyen, Han Do, Nguyen Nguyen, Vy Le, Khuong Nguyen 
    Abstract: The effect of banks leverage on employees wage has received little attention thus far. This link is highly relevant in the context of developing markets with weak institutional quality and corporate governance. This paper seeks to examine the relationship between leverage and bank employees wages in Vietnam, using a sample of commercial banks from 2007 to 2021. The research findings show that financial leverage exerts a negative effect on bank employees salaries. The negative effect of leverage on bank employees salaries implies that equity owners and bank managers tend to consider leverage as a bargaining tool to reduce labour costs, resulting in lower pay for employees. The result is robust to another measure of financial leverage. Based on the findings, we provide implications for the relevant stakeholders.
    Keywords: wage; Vietnam; human capital.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10065434
  • The influence of spiritual leadership on organisational citizenship behaviour: understanding the roles of psychological empowerment and organisational climate   Order a copy of this article
    by Alina Kiran, Suraya Binti Ahmad, Fahad Aftab, Junaid Aftab 
    Abstract: Based on social learning theory, the current study investigates the direct effect of spiritual leadership on organisational citizenship behaviour for the environment (OCBE) and indirectly through psychological empowerment. In addition, the moderating effect of organisational climate on the relationship between spiritual leadership and psychological empowerment with OCBE was also examined. With a sample (N = 506) of Chinese employees from the manufacturing and service sectors, the current research analysed the data using structural equation modelling. The study found that spiritual leadership and psychological empowerment are positively and significantly related to OCBE. Additionally, psychological empowerment significantly mediates spiritual leadership and OCBE relationships. Further, the organisational climate (as a moderator) significantly strengthens the relationships between spiritual leadership and psychological empowerment with OCBE. This study is among the first to investigate the importance of spiritual leadership and psychological empowerment in OCBE and how organisational climate can affect these relationships. Thus, novel implications for theory and managers are provided in this paper.
    Keywords: organisational climate; psychological empowerment; spiritual leadership; social learning theory; SLT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJWI.2024.10065495