International Journal of Economics and Business Research

International Journal of Economics and Business Research (IJEBR)
Editor in Chief
Prof. Demetri Kantarelis
ISSN online
ISSN print
6 issues per year

Subscription price

1.1 (2023)

IJEBR addresses economics/business issues that are clearly applicable to private profit-making entities and/or to public policy institutions. It considers all aspects of economics and business, including those combining business and economics with other fields of inquiry. IJEBR, unlike its sister title, Global Business and Economics Review, does not require that authors write papers about the impact/implications of, "globalisation". Instead, it publishes papers with local, national, regional and international implications. IJEBR is sponsored by the Business and Economics Society International.

IJEBR is an Open Access-only journal and article processing charges (APCs) apply.