Chapter 13: Knowledge Management

Pages Title and author(s)
611 - 623Title: Automated design process modelling and analysis using immersive virtual reality
Raymond Chun Wai Sung, James Millar Ritchie, Theo Lim, Graham Robinson, Philip Day
624 - 634Title: Capturing a key relationships over the product lifecycle: an e-mail approach
Craig Loftus, Ben Hicks, Christopher McMahon
635 - 645Title: Measurement of product model complexity based on the integrated PLM model
Stephan groBe Austing, Axel Hahn
646 - 655Title: Profile-based self-organization for PLM: approach and technological framework
Alexander Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Alexey Kashevnik, Nikolay Shilov
656 - 666Title: ‘PLM on a budget’: lightweight lifecycle solutions for small enterprises
Lian Ding, Alexander Ball, Manjula Patel, Jason Matthews, Glen Mullineux