International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. Mitsuo Gen
- ISSN online
- 1751-6056
- ISSN print
- 1751-6048
- 4 issues per year
- CiteScore 0.7 (2023)

IJIMS covers the areas of manufacturing science and technologies, services theory and methods, and corresponding information/knowledge management issues. Its main features are to highlight the use of Internet or World Wide Web techniques, facing the new challenges brought about through network and distribution issues in the above areas. Contributions that deal with both academic research and industrial practices are included. IJIMS provides an international forum and source of reference for those wanting to find information about Internet manufacturing and services.
Topics covered include
- Networked hardware units/systems, internet/web infrastructure, semantic web
- High performance computing, real-time information tracking, sensor networks
- AI and applications, mathematical methods, visualisation
- E-technology, networked virtual/digital equipment, internet/web applications
- Wireless manufacturing, RFID, remote online production, data management
- Web-based product LCE, product development/families design/platforms
- Knowledge engineering, remote management, networked MES
- Digital factory, design, manufacturing, machining, services, recycling
- CAD/CAPP/FEM/CAM/PDM/ERP, SPC, metrology, on-site quality management
- Product service tracking/monitoring/management
- Equipment fault diagnosis, remote maintenance, advanced engineering analysis
- Kansei engineering, requirements modelling, CRM
- Digital/extended enterprise, service optimisation, SME information services
- Workflow modelling/scheduling/management, process modelling/simulation
- Micro/nano-design/manufacturing, tissue engineering, bio-MEMS/manufacturing
The objectives of IJIMS are to establish an effective channel of communication between academy, industry and others concerned with Internet/Web based manufacturing science and technologies, services theory and methods on Internet, and corresponding management issues. It also aims to promote and coordinate the developments in the areas mentioned above. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological and ecological changes in global manufacturing, services and management.
IJIMS provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers and engineers, working in the areas of Internet/Web based manufacturing science and technologies, services theory and methods on Internet, and corresponding management issues, to disseminate research outcomes and practical case studies, and learn from each other's work.
IJIMS publishes original papers, review papers, research notes, case studies, etc. Special issues devoted to important topics in Internet manufacturing, services and management will occasionally be published.
Editor in Chief
- Gen, Mitsuo, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute and Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Managing Editor
- Yun, YoungSu, Chosun University, South Korea
Associate Editors
- Al-Refaie, Abbas, University of Jordan Amman, Jordan
- Altiparmak, Fulya, Gazi University, Turkey
- Hsu, Chia-Yu, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Province of China
- Hua, Guowei, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
- Izui, Kazuhiro, Kyoto University, Japan
- Lin, Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China
- Sethanan, Kanchana, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
- Wu, Dazhong, Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Zhang, Yingfeng, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
- Zhong, Ray, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Regional Editors
- Ohnishi, Kei, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Syarif, Admi, Lampung University, Indonesia
- Zhang, Juliang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Regional Editor Europe
- Zhang, Min, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Editorial Board Members
- Alting, Leo, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Cheng, Kai, Brunel University London, UK
- Gadh, Rajit, The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
- Hao, Xinchang, Changzhou Institute of Technology, China
- Huang, George Q., Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Jean, Ruey-Jer Bryan, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Kusiak, Andrew, University of Iowa, USA
- Peng, Qinjin, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Wang, Zhiqiang, South China University of Technology, China
- Yen, Benjamin, The University of Hong Kong, China
- Zhang, W.Q., Henan University of Technology, China
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- Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
- Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
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