International Journal of Information Systems and Management
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. Dr. Eldon Y. Li
- ISSN online
- 1751-3235
- ISSN print
- 1751-3227
- 4 issues per year
IJISAM publishes high-quality articles that involve significant analytical modelling and have relevance to information systems and management science. The journal invites articles concerned with the use of mathematical and economic modelling for information systems and related fields, such as e-business and sharing economies. Analytical modelling can involve continuous, discrete and stochastic optimisation, dynamic programming, stochastic processes, simulation, game theory, decision theory, and so on. Contributions to mathematics that have special relevance to management information systems research are encouraged.
Topics covered include
- Architectures/infrastructures, agent/intelligent/knowledge-based systems
- [Bio]medical informatics, social informatics
- Collaborative work systems/management, human factors
- Data mining, knowledge discovery, data warehouse, OLAP, ontologies
- Database architectures/applications, decision support systems
- Enterprise/executive information systems, ethics in IS
- Functional information systems, impacts of information systems
- IT globalisation, interorganisational systems, e-commerce, virtual business
- ICTs, media, communications, emerging information technologies
- IS education, outsourcing, performance, planning, quality, security, theories, models
- Knowledge management, organisational learning, knowledge networks
- Management information systems, management of information resources
- Metrics/benchmarking, capabilities evaluation, research methods
- Software process/project management, workflow management
- Strategic IS, IT valuation, information economics, competitive advantage
The objectives of IJISAM are to develop, promote and coordinate the development and practice of information systems theories and methods. It also aims to help professionals, business educators and policy-makers to contribute know-how, to disseminate information, and to learn from each other. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological and organisational changes in the global community.
Professionals, policy-makers, academics, researchers and managers in IT, business and commerce.
IJISAM publishes original and review papers, technical reports, case studies and research notes. Contributions may be by submission or invitation, and suggestions for Special Issues and publications are welcome.
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Editor in Chief
- Li, Eldon Y., National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, Province of China
Former Editor in Chief
- Guo, Yue, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Executive Editor
- Wang, Xuan, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Associate Editors
- Burns, Timothy J., Ramapo College of New Jersey , USA
- Choi, Kyungsub S., Rhode Island College, USA
- Gou, Qinglong, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Advisory Board
- Benbasat, Izak, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Bjørn-Andersen, Niels, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- Chen, Peter Pin-Shan, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
- Kraemer, Kenneth L., University of California at Irvine, USA
- Lucas, Jr., Henry C., University of Maryland, USA
- Madnick, Stuart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- McLean, Ephraim R., Georgia State University, USA
- Nolan, Richard, Harvard Business School, USA
- Nunamaker, Jay F., University of Arizona, USA
- Turban, Efraim, University of Hawaii, USA
- Whinston, Andrew B., The University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Zwass, Vladimir, Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA
Editorial Board Members
- Avgerou, Chrisanthi, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
- Baskerville, Richard L., Georgia State University, USA
- Bui, Tung X., University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
- Chau, Patrick Y.K., The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Chen, Houn-Gee, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Chen, Hsinchun, The University of Arizona, USA
- Davis, Fred D., University of Arkansas, USA
- Du, Timon C., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Fichman, Robert G., Boston College, USA
- Galletta, Dennis F., University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Gordon, Michael D., University of Michigan Business School, USA
- Grover, Varun, Clemson University, USA
- Hirschheim, Rudy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
- Iivari, Juhani, University of Oulu, Finland
- Ives, Blake, University of Houston, USA
- Jarvenpaa, Sirkka, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Jiang, James J., National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Karahanna, Elena, University of Georgia, USA
- Kauffman, Robert J., Singapore Management University, Singapore
- Kirsch, Laurie J., University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Lederer, Albert L., University of Kentucky, USA
- Lee, Allen, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
- Leidner, Dorothy E., Baylor University, USA
- Pankowska, Malgorzata, University of Economics, Poland
- Sabherwal, Rajiv, University of Arkansas, USA
- Sambamurthy, Vallab, Michigan State University, USA
- Sarkar, Sumit, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Saunders, Carol S., University of Central Florida, USA
- Schoder, Detlef, University of Cologne, Germany
- Shaw, Michael, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Sheng, Olivia, University of Utah, USA
- Straub, Detmar W., Georgia State University, USA
- Te'eni, Dov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Vessey, Iris, University of Queensland, Australia
- Vogel, Douglas R., Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Wang, Eric T.G., National Central University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Wei, Kwok Kee, Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore
- Whang, Seungjin, Stanford University, USA
- Yen, David C., State University of New York, USA
A few essentials for publishing in this journal
- Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
- Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
- All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
- All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available.
- There are no charges for publishing with Inderscience, unless you require your article to be Open Access (OA). You can find more information on OA here.
- All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.
- View Author guidelines.
Submission process
Journal news
Prof. Eldon Li appointed as new Editor in Chief of International Journal of Information Systems and Management
17 June, 2024
Prof. Eldon Li from National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Information Systems and Management.
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