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International Journal of Structural Engineering

International Journal of Structural Engineering (IJStructE)

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International Journal of Structural Engineering (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Effect of superplasticiser mixing time on pumping characteristics of concrete mixtures   Order a copy of this article
    by Quang-Nhat Pham, Van-Nhan Vu, Phu-Anh-Huy Pham 
    Abstract: This article discusses experimental results related to the assessment of concrete slump and pump parameters utilising varying proportions of superplasticisers at two distinct time intervals: the initiation of mixing and the end of curing period. The test findings indicate that the pumpability of concrete mixes depends on the specific superplasticiser ratio used during each designated time. Furthermore, the slump of concrete mixes exhibits notable recovery when utilising a specific admixture ratio at the end of the concrete curing process. Additionally, the friction parameters, represented as shear stress (r) and viscous surface friction (n), exhibit improvement with the gradual incorporation of admixture content at different stages of the concretes curing period. The optimal proportion of admixture introduced at mixing initiation falls within the range of (20 / 40)%. Importantly, the addition of additives in various stages during the concrete mixing period, at judicious ratios, does not have adverse effects on concrete strength.
    Keywords: contact slip threshold; superplasticiser; admixture; concrete pumping; concrete slump.