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International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology (IJQET)

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International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Application of the AHP method for checking the quality of mechanical transmission half shaft   Order a copy of this article
    by Imane Moufid, Lagrat Ismail, Bouazaoui Oussama 
    Abstract: Nowadays, the Moroccan automobile industry is in continuous progress, automobile manufacturers are doubling their efforts in order to meet the challenge toward global competition and customer requirements. However, quality issues present a brake on the evolution. Indeed, quality plays a very important role within the company. For that, our research is oriented towards the classification of quality defects, within a Moroccan automobile manufacturer of mechanical transmission parts. Thereby, a classification method based on the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to classify these defects according to criteria chosen by stakeholders during the manufacturing process. In this context, five quality defects will be considered and four criteria will be chosen, this classification helps us to analyse the defects in order of priority. As a result, after data collection and application of the AHP method, the primary defect that requires resolution is non-uniform hardness, with a score of 70%.
    Keywords: quality; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; quality defects; automotive industry; classification.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJQET.2024.10065282