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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)

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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • SMEs’ loan guarantee schemes: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Georgios L. Thanasas, Andreas G. Koutoupis, Nektarios A. Karapanagiotis, Fragiskos K. Gonidakis, Leonidas G. Davidopoulos 
    Abstract: This study aims to systematically review the literature on loan guarantee schemes and examines three research questions: “What are the key features of the literature on loan guarantee schemes?”, “What are the tools, theory and themes emerged in loan guarantee schemes literature?” and “What are the avenues of future research on loan guarantee schemes?”. We employ eight criteria to answer the above research questions. Avenues of future research emerge from the analysis of the research questions above as well as the proposals of the reviewed articles. We conclude that most studies analyze one country (developed countries) with the use of qualitative tools. Also, neoclassical theory is mostly used by researchers and policy makers to explain empirical observations and form policies. Further, there is rather inconclusive evidence on the relative value of loan guarantee schemes regarding firms’ performance. Future research could re-examine theoretical lens and methods.
    Keywords: SME; small and medium enterprise; loan guarantee schemes; credit rationing; entrepreneurship; financial risk.

  • Reviewing the gender gap in management and entrepreneurship: environmental factors and co-evolutionary dynamics   Order a copy of this article
    by Anastassia Zannoni 
    Abstract: Through the systematisation of 63 relevant papers, this literature review adopts a co-evolutionary approach in analysing the environmental factors which enable womens inclusion within business ecosystems. To support equal opportunities and sustainable development, it seems essential to better understand how the main antecedents of the gender gap interact with each other in shaping gender-differentiated experiences in management and entrepreneurship. Results reveal that, to trigger social interaction processes oriented toward favouring womens representation within firms, policy makers should foster the economic development and the minimisation of structural inequalities by mainly leveraging socio-cultural factors. By holistically and interactively investigating the gender gap in business, the present study not only establishes a solid background for the continued evolution of this research frontier, but also offers an integrated framework of policies and practices that encourage female entrepreneurship, facilitate inclusive behaviours on the part of organisations, and generate virtuous circles in the social systems.
    Keywords: gender; management; entrepreneurship; co-evolution; review.