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International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment

International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment (IJEWE)

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International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Sustainable flexible work arrangements: a qualitative study from Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Samuel Howard Quartey 
    Abstract: This paper explores sustainable flexible work arrangements (FWAs). Sustainable flexible work arrangements highlight the nexus between flexible work arrangements and environmental sustainability. As an exploratory qualitative study, 25 human resource practitioners working in public sector organisations in Ghana were purposively selected and interviewed. In-depth interviews were conducted, and data gathered was thematically analysed. The findings showed that different forms of flexible work arrangements were practiced and notable among them were shift system, remote working, flexi time, annual leave, and job sharing. Flexible work arrangements largely supported environmental sustainability through limited energy and electricity consumption, limited water consumption, and limited vehicular use and emissions. This paper shows that flexible work arrangements can support environmental sustainability and subsequently foster sustainable flexible work arrangements using the natural resource-based view lens. Theoretical, practical, and research implications of the findings were discussed.
    Keywords: flexible work arrangements; FWA; environmental sustainability; sustainable flexible work arrangements; human resource practitioners; public sector organisations; Ghana.

  • Employee voice behaviour: a pathway to effective transformational leadership and employee work engagement   Order a copy of this article
    by Obinna Osita Ike, Ikechukwu Joseph Attamah, Ifeanyichukwu Chukwudi Eze 
    Abstract: Evidence has shown that transformational leadership significantly influences work engagement among employees. However, the pathway through which such a relationship is associated has yet to be fully understood. This present study investigated the mediating role of employee voice behaviour in the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. A sample of bank employees (n = 540; age range 25-55 years; M = 42.60 years; SD = 5.88) were selected through purposive sampling technique from commercial banks in South-East Nigeria. Findings showed that transformational leadership was positively associated with work engagement (vigour, dedication and absorption). Employee voice behaviour was also positively associated with work engagement (vigour, dedication and absorption). In addition, employee voice behaviour mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. The researchers concluded that the findings underscores the pivotal role of organisational leaders in fostering a workplace culture where employee voice is not just encouraged but also valued. This practice not only enhances transformational leadership but also significantly boosts employee engagement, leading to overall organisational success. By implementing the insights from this study, leaders can take charge in creating more dynamic, innovative, and productive work environments.
    Keywords: banks; employee voice behaviour; transformational leadership; work engagement.

  • Adopting artificial intelligence and big data tools across industry sectors in Morocco: an integrative literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Rachid Ejjami 
    Abstract: Morocco’s strategy to integrate its industries into the Europe-Mediterranean-Africa network faces challenges in digital transformation, primarily due to a knowledge gap among leaders regarding AI and big data benefits. This literature review addresses this gap, focusing on adopting these technologies as agile innovations across Moroccan sectors. It aims to enlighten organisational leaders and IT policymakers on leveraging AI and big data to enhance operational efficiency, decision-making, and competitiveness. The study emphasises data protection, training, government support, and global partnerships. Key recommendations include fostering agile innovation, ensuring data privacy, upskilling the workforce, building collaborative ecosystems, supporting SMEs, incorporating ethical AI, and promoting interdisciplinary research. Addressing this knowledge gap is crucial for Morocco’s economic growth and digital transformation, highlighting the need for strategic technology adoption to enhance national progress and sustain competitive advantage.
    Keywords: agile innovations; AI; big data; regional competitiveness; digitalisation; industry sectors; organisational sustainability; Morocco.

  • Social support for undergraduate women pursuing a criminal justice career: an integrative literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Andrea M. Jones 
    Abstract: There is a gap in the literature regarding how social support may change over time as perceived by women students in their first year of college and those at the final stage of their college careers an evident limitation of the research on social support for women undergraduates in criminal justice studies. Raising awareness of the social support needed to keep undergraduate women in the criminal justice profession up to and beyond graduation is essential. Given the historical exclusion and discrimination of women in criminal justice professions, this research may drive positive social change by encouraging corrections policymakers, scholars, and educators to develop action pathways of social support activities and initiatives for women aspiring to enter and remain in the criminal justice profession.
    Keywords: social support; women; criminal justice professions.

  • Exploring the complex interplay of barriers confronting women entrepreneurs: an interpretive structural modelling analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sweata Gurung, Swati Sharma, Kshitiz Sharma 
    Abstract: Promoting the economic participation and empowerment of women is a vital necessity to build sustainable development in India. Numerous studies have demonstrated that female entrepreneurs in the specified area face substantial obstacles, including but not limited to, a lack of formal education, inadequate entrepreneurial training, limited access to capital, a scarcity of skilled and trained workforce, deficiencies in managerial abilities, restricted networking prospects, insufficient infrastructural support, fear of failure, gender-based bias, and the challenges associated with familial obligations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the interconnected dynamics between the issues stated before and develop a hierarchical framework that identifies the main impediments. The primary objective of this framework is to effectively tackle obstacles and promote the progress of women entrepreneurship within South Asian nations. Using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) as the research methodology, the primary study involved a sample of 149 female entrepreneurs hailing from Sikkim, India. The results emphasise the necessity of implementing comprehensive and diverse strategies to guarantee equal access to economic opportunities for women. This will enable their complete and significant involvement in the economic progress of the region.
    Keywords: women entrepreneurship; challenges; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; gender based-bias; familial obligation.

  • Revolutionising luxury fashion: embracing circular business models for sustainable innovation   Order a copy of this article
    by Jinju Heo 
    Abstract: With the mounting demand from society to embed sustainability into firms’ business models, the luxury fashion industry has been heavily criticised for its wasteful operation models and for its true intention to advance the integration of more sustainable practices in its demeanour. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the luxury industry can transition its current linear business models into a circular business model while preserving its value offerings and equity. Content analysis of the selected literature was conducted to obtain the most relevant knowledge on how the transition could be pursued and whether a few visible barriers to implementation would emerge from a more systematic analysis of the literature. This study underlines the need for more research to be conducted to reconcile sustainable practices that are insufficiently formulated for strategic embeddedness while elevating the debate to the appropriate level of engagement that the industry needs to make.
    Keywords: circular business model; circular economy; innovative business model; luxury; luxury consumption; fashion; sustainability; sustainable consumption; sustainable fashion; sustainable luxury.