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International Journal of Services and Standards

International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS)

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International Journal of Services and Standards (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Intellectual structure of salesforce control system research: mapping the domain using bibliometric tools   Order a copy of this article
    by Adil Khan, Sujit Kumar Patra, Sunil Kumar 
    Abstract: This study uses bibliometric techniques to synthesise past material to address various elements of Salesforce control system. The Scopus database is used in this study to assess the most productive authors, institutions, countries, and most referenced papers, etc. Data from Scopus 224 articles, entailing contributions from 357 authors, 87 journals, were analysed. The study used R-package (biblioshiny) and Vosviewer for conducting bibliometric review research. The Vosviewer software identifies the co-occurrence of authors, countries, sources, and so on, and Biblioshiny is used for impact analysis. This is a comprehensive research that provides a historical overview of significant advancements and analyses of salesforce control system. The data suggest that there is an increasing number of studies focusing on salesforce control system. These findings are used to propose directions for further research in this field, such as the need for methodological advancement and theoretical grounding.
    Keywords: salesforce control system; sales management; sales performance; sales compensation bibliometric analysis; Vosviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSS.2025.10066530