Calls for papers


International Journal of Arts and Technology
International Journal of Arts and Technology


Special Issue on: "New Tools for Mathematics and Art"

Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Ir. Loe Feijs and Dr. Jun Hu, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Poster available for downloading here

There exist deep connections between mathematics and aesthetics. Some of these connections have been explored already in ancient times, for example the decorative tessellations in the Alhambra and the discovery of harmonic relations in music by Pythagoras. But art is more than aesthetics; it also makes personal and social statements. For example, the geometric principles of Bauhaus and DeStijl go hand in hand with positions about purity in art and about social transformation. The theory of symmetries, i.e. invariance under transformations, has been powerful both in mathematics and in art. Traditional tools have included pencils, rulers, 3D modelling materials. However, with the advent of digital technologies everything has changed, both in mathematics and in art. Mathematicians now have visualisation software, equation solvers, proof checkers, and on-line journals. Artists now have digital drawing tools, 3D printers, sensors, electronic displays, and on-line exhibitions. The question of how digital tools are revolutionising mathematical art is most interesting. New things can happen now which were impossible until recently. More exciting new things are underway. It is the theme of this special issue to report the breakthroughs in the intersection of art and mathematics.

Subject Coverage
The aim of the special issue is to solicit and publish papers that provide a clear view of the state of the art in the new tools for mathematics and art. Submissions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following areas:
  • New tools for exploration and conceptualisation
  • New output modalities, devices and interactions
  • Historic case studies on technologies in mathematics and art
  • Visions on the future of mathematics and art
  • New tools for dissemination and exhibition
  • Contemporary art works based on mathematics and new technology
  • Advances in mathematics based on art and new technology

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page

Important Dates

Deadline for full paper submission: 27 June, 2009

Review results returned to authors: 27 September, 2009

Deadline for camera-ready papers: 26 December, 2009