International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM)

International Journal of Technology Management

2024 Vol.95 No.3/4

Special Issue on: Art and Imagination for Responsible and Disruptive Innovation: Foresight, Fiction, and Narratives and Their Influence, Exploitation, and Potential

Guest Editors: Prof. Stefan Hüsig, Dr. Julien Bucher, Prof. Ziska Fields and Prof. Sven Schimpf


Pages Title and author(s)
269-291Innovation as manifesting imagination: exploring the role of imaginations and imaginators in the innovation process
Julien Bucher; Stefan Hüsig
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138849
292-306Sectoral myths, technotypes and institutional science fiction: how organisations stimulate their creativity
Thomas Michaud
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138848
307-334Cyberpunk as a frame for institutional change through blockchain applications? A narrative analysis of three blockchain projects examining their goals regarding established institutions
Jan-Peter Schmitten; Julien Bucher
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138801
335-360Back to the roots: imagining the application of Bauhaus methodologies in design thinking
Sven Schimpf; Kai Wussow; Mark Zeh
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138847
361-387Creative transdisciplinary architectural design as means for realising the sustainable development goals in the built environment
Rana Geith; Sherif Goubran
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138799
388-410The interplay between moral and creativity: examples from R&D institutions
Stéphane Gangloff; Klaus-Peter Schulz; Kamel Mnisri
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138832
411-433Using green team creativity in developing eco-innovation prototypes
Ziska Fields
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138809
434-455University incubators and entrepreneurial universities: a case study of the process of setting up a university incubator in a developing country
Ulvick Houssou; Klaus-Peter Schulz; Mahamadou Biga-Diambeidou; Serge Abihona
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138802
456-481Impact entrepreneurship to fight global warming: from utopia to practice
Carine Sonntag; Gabriela Torres Ramos
DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2024.138818