International Journal of Product Development (IJPD)

International Journal of Product Development

2019 Vol.23 No.4

Special Issue on: User Experience and Agile Innovation: A Future of Servitisation

Guest Editors: Prof. Åsa Ericson and Dr. Johan Lugnet


Pages Title and author(s)
247-263When running fast is not the best option: failure of user involvement in design development processes
Alberto González-Cristiano; Birgitta Sandberg
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105485
264-291Future workplace organisation: how digitisation affects employees' job satisfaction in agile workplaces
Sonali Bhatnagar; Matti Grosse
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105492
292-308Towards autonomous construction equipment - supporting on-site collaboration between automatons and humans
Martin Frank; Ryan Ruvald; Christian Johansson; Tobias Larsson; Andreas Larsson
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105496
309-325Promoting strategic entrepreneurship at the firm level: a case study on training staff within a large organisation
Matthew Lynch; Uladzimir Kamovich; Martin Steinert
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105495
326-352Value models: coordinating artefacts for conceptual design
Massimo Panarotto; Marco Bertoni; Christian Johansson
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105490
353-386A systematic method to design product-service systems using personalisation services based on experience evaluations
Yong Se Kim; YeonKoo Hong
DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2019.105491