International Journal of Nanotechnology
2010 Vol.7 No.4/5/6/7/8
Special Issue on Nanotechnology in France II: C'nano Rhône-Alpes
Guest Editor: Laurent P. Lévy
Special Issue on Nanotechnology in France II: C'nano Rhône-Alpes
Guest Editor: Laurent P. Lévy
Editorial |
Pages | Title and author(s) |
288-303 | Nanoelectronics with CMOS transistors: electrostatic and quantum effectsXavier Jehl, Marc Sanquer, J. Gautier, M. Vinet DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031721 |
304-319 | Germanium on insulator and new 3D architectures opportunities for integrationM. Vinet, C. Le Royer, P. Batude, J-F. Damlencourt, J-M. Hartmann, L. Hutin, K. Romanjek, A. Pouydebasque, O. Thomas DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031722 |
320-347 | Oxides heterostructures for nanoelectronicsC. Dubourdieu, I. Gelard, O. Salicio, G. Saint-Girons, B. Vilquin, G. Hollinger DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031723 |
348-366 | Simulation, modelling and characterisation of quasi-ballistic transport in nanometer sized field effect transistors: from TCAD to atomistic simulationStephan Roche, Thierry Poiroux, Gilles Lecarval, Sylvain Barraud, Francois Triozon, Martin Persson, Yann Michel Niquet DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031724 |
367-382 | Molecular electronics and reconfigurable logicI. O'Connor, J. Liu, D. Navarro, R. Daviot, N. Abouchi, P.E. Gaillardon, F. Clermidy DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031725 |
383-402 | Electronic properties of epitaxial grapheneClaire Berger, Jean-Yves Veuillen, Laurence Magaud, Pierre Mallet, Valerio Olevano, M. Orlita, P. Plochocka, C. Faugeras, G. Martinez, Marek Potemski, Cecile Naud, Laurent P. Levy, Didier Mayou DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031726 |
403-419 | Quantum coherence and magnetic scatteringChristopher Bauerle, Pascal Degiovanni, Laurent Saminadayar DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031727 |
420-437 | Disorder in low dimensions: localisation effects in spin glass wires and cold atomsD. Carpentier, E. Orignac, G. Paulin, T. Roscilde DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031728 |
438-455 | New trends for the Kondo effect in nanostructuresSabine Andergassen, Denis Feinberg, Serge Florens, Mireille Lavagna, Shiueyuan Shiau, Pascal Simon, Raphael Van Roermund DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031729 |
456-473 | Hybrid superconducting nanostructures: very low temperature local probing and noiseC. Chapelier, F. Lefloch, H. Courtois, K. Hasselbach DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031730 |
474-496 | Superconducting quantum nano-circuitsW. Guichard, L.P. Levy, B. Pannetier, T. Fournier, O. Buisson, F.W.J. Hekking DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031731 |
497-522 | Molecular nanomagnets: towards molecular spintronicsWolfgang Wernsdorfer DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031732 |
523-574 | Functional nanostructures from clustersA. Perez, P. Melinon, V. Dupuis, L. Bardotti, B. Masenelli, F. Tournus, B. Prevel, J. Tuaillon-Combes, E. Bernstein, A. Tamion, N. Blanc, D. Tainoff, O. Boisron, G. Guiraud, M. Broyer, M. Pellarin, N. Del Fatti, F. Vallee, E. Cottancin, J. Lerme, J-L. Vialle, C. Bonnet, P. Maioli, A. Crut, C. Clavier, J.L. Rousset, F. Morfin DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031733 |
575-590 | (Ge,Mn): A ferromagnetic semiconductor for spin injection in siliconM. Jamet, T. Devillers, I-S. Yu, A. Barski, P. Bayle-Guillemaud, J. Rothman, V. Favre-Nicolin, S. Tardif, S. Cherifi, J. Cibert, L. Grenet, P. Noe, V. Calvo, P. Warin, J-M. Hartmann, B. Rodmacq, S. Auffret, Y. Samson DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031734 |
591-614 | Spin-transfer effect and its use in spintronic componentsB. Dieny, R.C. Sousa, J. Herault, C. Papusoi, G. Prenat, U. Ebels, D. Houssameddine, B. Rodmacq, S. Auffret, L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.C. Cyrille, B. Delaet, O. Redon, C. Ducruet, J-P. Nozieres, I.L. Prejbeanu DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031735 |
615-640 | Nanophotonic structuresTaha Benyattou, Christian Seassal, Pierre Viktorovitch DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031736 |
641-667 | Spins in semiconducting nanostructuresL. Besombes, D. Ferrand, H. Mariette, J. Cibert, M. Jamet, A. Barski DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031737 |
668-685 | Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensation: advances and issuesMaxime Richard, Jacek Kasprzak, Augustin Baas, Stefan Kundermann, Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis, Michiel Wouters, Iacopo Carusotto, Regis Andre, Benoit Deveaud-Pledran, Le Si Dang DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031738 |
686-701 | Single photons from single CdSe quantum dot embedded in ZnSe nanowireT. Aichele, G. Sallen, A. Tribu, R. Andre, C. Bougerol, S. Tatarenko, K. Kheng, J-Ph. Poizat DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031739 |
702-718 | Electro-mechanics of resonating nanotubes and nanowires in the field emission environmentS. Perisanu, A. Ayari, S.T. Purcell, P. Vincent DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031740 |
719-737 | Bistable molecules development and Si surface grafting: two chemical tools used for the fabrication of hybrid molecule/Si CMOS componentFlorence Duclairoir, Lionel Dubois, Adrian Calborean, Alexandra Fateeva, Benoit Fleury, Anbarasan Kalaiselvan, Jean-Claude Marchon, Pascale Maldivi, Martial Billon, Gerard Bidan, Barbara de Salvo, Guillaume Delapierre, Julien Buckley, Kai Huang, Regis Barattin, Tiziana Pro DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031741 |
738-752 | Molecular engineering of biomolecules for nanobio-sciencesOlivier Renaudet, Julian Garcia, Didier Boturyn, Nicolas Spinelli, Eric Defrancq, Pierre Labbe, Pascal Dumy DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031742 |
753-780 | Biomimetic membranes and biomolecule immobilisation strategies for nanobiotechnology applicationsAgnes P. Girard-Egrot, Christophe A. Marquette, Loic J. Blum DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031743 |
781-801 | Multifunctional nanoparticles: from the detection of biomolecules to the therapyStephane Roux, Olivier Tillement, Claire Billotey, Jean-Luc Coll, Geraldine Le Duc, Christophe A. Marquette, Pascal Perriat DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031744 |
802-818 | Some examples of micro-devices for biotechnology developed at the Department of Technologies for Life Sciences and Healthcare of the LETIJ. Berthier, V. Mourier, N. Sarrut, D. Jary, Y. Fouillet, P. Pouteau, P. Caillat, C. Peponnet DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2010.031745 |