International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity
2019 Vol.13 No.4
Pages | Title and author(s) |
201-214 | Triaxial tests on weak planes damage of hard brittle shale of Longmaxi formation in South Sichuan Basin, ChinaYi Ding; Xiangjun Liu; Wei Zeng DOI: 10.1504/IJMSI.2019.103207 |
215-241 | Modelling and characterisation of a magneto-rheological elastomer isolator device under impact loadings using interpolated multiple adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system structureMohd Sabirin Rahmat; Khisbullah Hudha; Zulkiffli Abd Kadir; Noor Hafizah Amer; Nur Rashid Mat Nuri; Shohaimi Abdullah DOI: 10.1504/IJMSI.2019.103210 |
242-256 | Study on the adsorption of methylene blue by NaOH KH550 modified bagasseXuanjun Dai; Jiyuan Zhu DOI: 10.1504/IJMSI.2019.103211 |
257-273 | Effect of high temperature on fly ash-based alkali activated concrete compared to Portland cement concreteThakkar Sonal; Dave Urmil; Patel Jay DOI: 10.1504/IJMSI.2019.103212 |
274-292 | Environment friendly milling of Inconel-625Pragat Singh; J.S. Dureja; Harwinder Singh; Manpreet S. Bhatti DOI: 10.1504/IJMSI.2019.103209 |