International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management (IJCCM)

International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management

2024 Vol.5 No.4

Pages Title and author(s)
281-292UAV aided fruit picking strategy for emergency harvesting
Shuping Pang; Jun Yang; Guilu Lu; Xuan Wang; Yunpeng Wang; Junhao Geng; Huibo Bi
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCM.2024.140444
293-309Designing of intersection driving behaviours based on reward points in congestion-induced emergency situations
Dexian Zeng; Wen-Long Shang; Huibo Bi
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCM.2024.140445
310-328A mobile application enabled emergency routing algorithm for large-scale events
Wenhao Li; Kang Kai; Huibo Bi; Yanyan Chen
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCM.2024.140448
329-349Chopsticks philosophy: Confucianism on the work ethic of East Asian nations
Yusida Lusiana; Dyah Tjaturrini; Nunung Supriadi; Heri Widodo
DOI: 10.1504/IJCCM.2024.140456