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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)

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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Exploring Indian MSME perspective on integrating AI-enabled solutions in the recruitment processes: an analytical hierarchy (AHP) approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Vartika Kapoor 
    Abstract: The paper identifies the barriers to artificial intelligence (AI) adoption in the hiring process of Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), which is an under-researched area. It makes a significant contribution to the upcoming AI-based solutions recruitment process in practice and research. The study identifies the barriers and sub-barriers to adopting artificial intelligence in the hiring process of MSMEs and then assesses their weights utilising the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique which further helps in prioritising the barriers. The findings reveal that environmental and organisational barriers are the two most crucial barriers affecting AI adoption in the hiring process of MSMEs. Moreover, lack of government support, lack of competitive pressure, lack of adequate IT infrastructure, and performance-tocost value are the top four sub-barriers that are most important for driving AI adoption in MSMEs. The results can help HR managers in decision-making for adopting AI-enabled solutions in the hiring process.
    Keywords: AI adoption; hiring process; MSME; micro; small and medium enterprise; India; recruitment; artificial intelligence; TOE framework; AHP; analytic hierarchy process.

  • The role of education and ICT in improving the performance of enterprises: evidence from micro and small enterprises survey   Order a copy of this article
    by Eny Sulistyaningrum, Elan Satriawan, Esa Azali Asyahid 
    Abstract: The advancement in information and communication technology (ICT), particularly the internet, has positively affected business performance, including for micro and small enterprises (MSEs). Human capital, primarily owners education, is one of the substantial factors influencing the capabilities of ICT utilisation. This study aims to examine the potential nexus between those two findings by testing whether the education of Micro and Small Enterprise owners augments the positive impact of internet adoption on export outcomes. We conducted a survey of 576 MSEs residing in the Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia in January 2018. This study found that the education of Micro and Small Enterprise owners augments the positive impacts of internet adoption on export outcomes, particularly export probability. For owners with primary or without education, internet adoption has not brought any effect. Three specific uses of internetbusiness communication, buying and selling, and financial transactionwere found to be augmented by education in bringing positive effects on export probability.
    Keywords: MSEs; ICT adoption; education; export outcomes; Indonesia.

  • Globalisation vs. anti-globalisation of art museums: a comparative analysis of France and UK   Order a copy of this article
    by Nasser AlShawaaf, Soo Hee Lee 
    Abstract: Art museums are increasingly seeking globalisation in times of rising nationalism. This study examines the causes of arts globalisation and the effects of anti-globalisation by analysing the impacts of cultural policies and major events on art museums. A comparative analysis of France and UK shows that funding and cultural policies are determinants in maintaining a local focus of arts or acquire foreign artworks and expand globally. France has pushed for cultural decentralisation and democratisation which encouraged art museums to globalise to enhance financial performance and cultural reach. In contrast, UK experienced a major anti-globalisation event that is leading to curtailing the extent of arts circulation. Nationalism is diminishing funding, restricting artists movement, and restraining international artworks exchange. Countries aspiring to have a global cultural influence need legislations that enable and stimulate cultural institutions to expand globally. Arts globalisation initiatives may not succeed, given the rise of anti-globalisation around the world.
    Keywords: globalisation; nationalism; art museums; cultural policies; France; United Kingdom.