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International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT)

International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
Improved network performance in CPS communication with distributed IPC mechanisms of recursive internetworking architecture (RINA)Bhushana Samyuel Neelam; Benjamin A. ShimrayVol.16 No.168-74Free access
Research on personalised privacy-preserving model of multi-sensitive attributesHaiyan Kang; Yaping Feng; Xiameng Si; Kaili LuVol.16 No.158-67Free access
RAD: reinforcement authentication model based on DYMO protocol for MANETRushdi A. Hamamreh; Mohammed R. Ayyad; Mohammed AbutahaVol.16 No.146-57Free access
Secure and verifiable outsourcing of Euclidean distance and closest pair of points with single untrusted cloud serverShilpee Prasad; B.R. PurushothamaVol.16 No.134-45Free access
Practical and scalable access control mechanism for wireless sensor networksUmmer Iqbal Khan; Ajaz Hussain MirVol.16 No.111-33Free access
A cross encryption scheme for data security storage in cloud computing environmentHaiyan Kang; Jie DengVol.16 No.11-10Free access