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International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology

International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT)

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International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Web Service Recommendation using Memory-Based and Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithms   Order a copy of this article
    by Rahm Rupasingha 
    Abstract: With the ever-growing volume of web services on the Internet, recommendation systems are playing a very important role to overcome such information burden. In this study, we recommend applicable services quickly and accurately using collaborative filtering (CF) techniques. The novel clustering approach by ontology generation that based on domain specificity and service similarity is used to solve cold-start and data sparsity main issues. After solving the issues the approach is continued for the recommendation based on memory-based and model-based CF algorithms. The memory-based method calculates the similarity between users and then the trust value between users were calculated to predict the user ratings. The model-based method is applied for each separate cluster by the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm and user ratings were predicted by the singular value decomposition (SVD). Among the proposed two approaches the model-based approach performed with higher accuracy than the memory-based approach when compared with existing approaches.
    Keywords: Recommendation; Web service; Clustering; Collaborative filtering; Singular Value Decomposition; K-Nearest Neighbor.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2024.10069152
  • Path Loss based Distance Vectored (PLDV) Routing Protocol for Greenhouse Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks   Order a copy of this article
    by Aarti Kochhar, Naresh Kumar 
    Abstract: Greenhouses provide a controlled environment to crops, and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) present an economical solution for monitoring these environments. Data communication within greenhouses is challenging due to its environment and interference from growing crops. This study proposes a hybrid Path Loss-based Distance Vectored (PLDV) routing protocol, combining distance-vector and total path loss as routing metrics, to address the impact of vegetation on communication. Several propagation loss models, namely Free Space Path Loss, Log-Distance and Two-Ray Ground Reflection, and foliage loss models, like Weissbergers Modified Exponential Decay (WMED), International Telecommunication Union Recommendation (ITU-R) and COST235 are considered. The PLDV protocols resilience is tested under varying levels of routing links loss (10%, 20%, and 50%) caused by growing crops. The PLDV routing protocol can maintain connectivity even with the loss of 50% of routing links due to crop obstruction, experiencing only 8.98% impact on network viability compared to distance vector routing.
    Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network; Greenhouse Monitoring; Routing Protocol; Path Loss; Distance Vector; Vegetation Interference; Link Loss.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2024.10069274
  • Energy Consumption Reduction Through Efficient Load Adjusting of Hosts in Cloud computing   Order a copy of this article
    by Linz Tom, Bindu V. R 
    Abstract: Energy consumption of cloud data centres has been increasing drastically in recent years. This has a negative impact on environmental sustainability. One solution to reduce the energy consumption of cloud systems is to maximise resource utilisation. Virtualization is an essential technique to improve system utilisation. For obtaining load balancing, virtual machine migration is used. However, unnecessary migrations result in ineffective cloud systems. In this context, we propose an energy consumption reduction through load adjusting model to reduce VM migrations without increasing power utilisation. Multiple aspects are considered while selecting and performing VM migrations. This method tries to achieve load balancing of host machines too. Simulation results using the CloudSim toolkit showed that the proposed model reduced power consumption with minimum virtual machine migrations.
    Keywords: Cloud computing; load balancing; energy consumption; VM migration; Datacenter.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2025.10069277