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International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR)

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
The innovation ambidexterity enabled through business process performance and information systems strategy: an empirical study by strategy-as-practice perspectiveAdilson Carlos YoshikuniVol.33 No.1118-136Free access
Recovering from a crisis: designing and implementing a positive change interventionRaina Chhajer; Ankita Tandon; Thomas JosephVol.33 No.1101-117Free access
One marketing metric to rule them all? An examination of the emergence and rise of net promoter score as a marketing fashionDag Øivind MadsenVol.33 No.177-100Free access
Innovation systems performance drivers and outputs: a systematic literature review and directions for future researchAna Maria Ortega Alvarez; Ricardo Pino JordanVol.33 No.156-76Free access
Foundations, the status quo, and future trends of the business model innovation process knowledge baseAmaury-Alexandre Schaller; Ronald Vatananan-ThesenvitzVol.33 No.125-55Free access
Adoption intention and usage behaviour of mobile travel apps: integration of trust, and technology acceptance model with social cognitive theoryH.M. Kamrul Hassan; Saikat Das; Mohammed Shahedul QuaderVol.33 No.11-24Free access