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International Journal of Global Warming (IJGW)

International Journal of Global Warming

Title Author(s) Vol. and Issue nos. Page nos. Full-text article
Performance and CO2 emission evaluation of a grid-connected photovoltaic system at two different climatesAhmad Saeidavi; Mostafa Kiani Deh Kiani; Elaheh MashhourVol.32 No.1102-118Free access
Wavelets and hybrid optimised SVM with random forest-based pollution forecastingZaheer Abbas; Princess RainaVol.32 No.181-101Free access
Appraising the role of energy subsidy on the environmental sustainability in Arab Nations - is it compatible or confronting?Dalia M. Ibrahiem; Shaimaa A. Hanafy; Rehab R. EsilyVol.32 No.165-80Free access
Detection of annual rainfall trends using innovative trend analysis method in BeninHilaire KougbeagbedeVol.32 No.154-64Free access
Bibliometric analyses of climate change study in Central Asia between 1990-2022Makhliyo NasirovaVol.32 No.129-53Free access
Chaotic time series analysis of acid rain in TürkiyeAysegul Sener; Gonca Tuncel; Mirac KamisliogluVol.32 No.11-28Free access