International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. Xin Wang
- ISSN online
- 1748-0701
- ISSN print
- 1748-0698
- 4 issues per year
- Impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) 2023 0.6 (5 Year Impact Factor 0.7)
- CiteScore 2.1 (2023)
JCI 0.16

IJSISE covers theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of the engineering design of signal and imaging systems, with emphasis on signal generation and image formation mechanisms, transmission, sensing, analysis and processing, and post-processing algorithms. IJSISE provides the interface between basic research, algorithms and techniques in signal and image processing/analysis/transmission on one side and integral systems on the other. State-of-the-art systems analysis, design, integration, evaluation, standardisation, and the development of algorithms evaluated towards building such systems are the journal's primary focus.
Topics covered include
- Signal Systems Engineering
- Signal systems
- Signal processing
- Technologies
- Multimedia content processing
- Multimedia data compression
- Multimedia systems
- Metadata and media abstracts
- Imaging Systems Engineering
- Detectors and image formation
- Image system design, image instrumentation/measuring techniques
- Nanoimaging, molecular nanophotonics
- Emerging detection/imaging technologies
- Linear and nonlinear techniques for image processing
- Applications
- Transducers: ultrasound, RF, microwave, millimetre wave, THz, optical; operation principles, design aspects, signal and noise parameters, and signal analysis
- Microsensors, MEMS and nanoMEMS: operation principles, sensor design, fabrication, signal and noise parameters, signal analysis
- Light wave sources: light sources (UV, V, NIR, IR), THz waves; design, signal and noise parameters, and analysis
- Photonic devices: semiconductor photon detectors, electro-optic devices, laser amplifiers, switching; operation principles, design aspects, signal and noise, parameters, and signal analysis
- Communications: sources, detectors, modulation techniques, RF, microwave and optical communications, hybrid communications; operation principles, design, signal and noise parameters, and signal analysis
- Adaptive DSP algorithms
- Filter bank theory
- Spectrum estimation and processing
- Non-linear systems
- Digital transforms
- Multidimensional signal processing
- Neural networks
- Fuzzy systems
- Expert systems
- Genetic algorithms
- Pattern recognition
- Data fusion
- Speech processing and recognition
- Audio enhancement
- Image representation and modelling
- Image restoration and enhancement
- Colour and 3D vision
- Image and video analysis
- Watermarking
- New media
- Speech and audio compression
- Image and video coding
- Scalable techniques
- Standards
- Multimodal interfaces
- Networked multimedia
- Seamless audiovisual networks
- Multimedia services
- Multimedia Servers
- Multimedia streaming
- Wireless and mobile multimedia
- Universal multimedia access
- Rights protection and management
- Content description
- Audiovisual databases
- Analog/digital circuits and systems for audio, image and video processing
- Architectures and VLSI hardware
- Programmable signal processors
- Real-time software
- Design and development of high resolution electronic imaging detectors
- Optical detectors and cameras
- Ionizing radiation (x-rays, gamma rays) detectors
- Detector physics, ultrasound transducers
- MRI coils, phased array antenna elements
- Novel detection mechanisms
- Image formation processes
- Image system design parameters, such as spectral response, spatial resolution, contrast resolution, temporal response, system efficiency, noise analysis, data acquisition electronics, and measuring techniques
- Imaging quality parameters as applied to optical imaging, CT, MRI, digital radiography, SPECT, PET, ultrasound, multi-fusion/multi-modality imaging, RADARS, LADARS, LIDARS, electromagnetic imaging, microwave imaging, THZ waves.
- Light wave sources, quantum nanoparticles and detection mechanisms
- Lightwave sources, single-molecule optics, fluorescent particles, bioluminescence, chemoluminescence, optical contrast agents, reporters, nanoparticles and nanostructures, nanotubes, proteins, DNA probes.
- Optical biosensing techniques
- External Reflection techniques, backscattering multispectral polarimetry
- Total internal reflection techniques
- Surface plasmon resonance
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
- Nanoscopic Optical Sensors and Probes
- Near-field optics probes
- Photonanofabrication based on near-optics
- Miniaturised biochemical sensors
- Nanoinstrumentation and Techniques
- Light illumination, detectors, and scanning techniques
- Molecular imaging and spectroscopy
- Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy
- Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
- Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM)
- confocal microscopy
- Specific detection modalities: polarisation microscopy, spectral dispersion of emission, fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), two-photon excitation, time-dependent dynamical studies
- Novel imaging principles and paradigms leading to the development of high resolution-high specificity imaging technological paradigms on areas such active/passive imaging techniques, UV/V/NIR/IR imaging and arrays, THz imaging systems, nano-imaging, quantum dots imaging, imaging for the exploration of space, mine detection, biometric imaging, security imaging, cargo inspection, perimeter surveillance, lab-on-a-chip, improvised dxplosive devices (IED) detection, efficient target detection, identification, discrimination, and reconnaissance techniques, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), defects and surface anomalies, tomographic imaging, multi-modality imaging, miniaturised portable imaging devices, physiological imaging, guided biopsy imaging, biomedical optics and cancer detection, optical polarimetric imaging, and advanced electromagnetic imaging techniques are strongly encouraged.
- Advanced image enhancement and processing algorithms
- Fuzzy neural and evolutionary techniques for image enhancement
- Noise estimation and filtering
- Image restoration, feature extraction
- Edge detection, image analysis and classification
- Figures of merit for assessing the image quality
- Algorithms for image interpolation
- Post-processing techniques for the correction of coding errors
- Data fusion and high-level computer vision
- Industrial
- Aerospace
- Biomedical
- Defence
- Target recognition, and identification
- Neural-fuzzy logic
- Homeland security
- Robotics
- Sensors and devices
- MEMS, nanoMEMS, lab-on-a-chip
- Advanced diagnostic and imaging devices
- Communication
- Bioinformatics
- Broadcasting
- Television
- Speech
- Virtual reality
Signal Systems Engineering
Signal Systems
Signal Processing
Multimedia Content Processing
Multimedia Data Compression
Multimedia Systems
Metadata and Media Abstracts
Imaging Systems Engineering
Detectors and Image Formation
Image System Design, Image Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques
Nanoimaging and Molecular Nanophotonics
Emerging Detection And Imaging Technologies
Linear and Nonlinear Techniques for Image Processing
More on this journal...
The objectives of IJSISE are to establish an effective communications channel between researchers, developers and professionals from both academia and industry so that they could report on the latest scientific and theoretical advances on applied signal and imaging systems, discuss and debate major issues, demonstrate and evaluate real world state-of-the-art-systems. It aims at helping professionals and systems developers to manage suitable techniques and algorithms in their system integration, evaluation, benchmarking and standardization, and also researchers on the algorithm design level to view the practical aspects of their techniques in complex systems applications.
IJSISE provides a vehicle to help professionals, engineers, academics, researchers working in the field of signal and image processing/analysis/transmission to disseminate information on state-of-the-art techniques and their management, evaluation, benchmarking and standardization mainly when applied as integral parts of real world signal and imaging systems.
IJSISE publishes original papers, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, book reviews, research notes and news on the design, development, evaluation, testing, and standardisation of signal and imaging state-of-the-art-devices, systems and techniques. Special issues devoted to important topics in signal and imaging systems engineering and management as well as to international events on these topics, will also be published.
Editor in Chief
- Wang, Xin, Shenyang Jianzhu University, China
Associate Editors
- Amanatiadis, Angelos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
- Azar, Ahmad Taher, Prince Sultan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Benha University, Egypt
- Deng, Xiaolan, University of Chicago, USA
- Djemal, Khalifa, University of Evry Val d'Essonne, France
- Shrestha, Suman, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
- Ye, Ning, Northeastern University, China
- Zeng, Ziming, Shenzhen Polytechnic University, China
- Zervakis, Michael E., Technical University of Crete , Greece
- Zhang, Yinlong, Shenyang Institute of Automation, China
Editorial Board Members
- Baaklini, George Y., NASA Research, USA
- Bartkowiak, Maciej, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Chiu, Chung-Cheng, National Defense University, Taiwan, Province of China
- Christodoulou, Christos, University of New Mexico, USA
- Conci, Aura, Instituto de Computação, Brazil
- Duan, Hai-Bin, Beihang University, China
- Grgic, Mislav, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Gruhler, Dipl.-Phys. Gerhard, Heilbronn University, Germany
- Ham, Fredric M., Florida Institute of Technology, USA
- Juhar, Jozef, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Lavelle, Joseph, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
- Liatsis, Panos, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
- Mahalik, N. P., California State University, Fresno, USA
- Marpe, Detlev, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Germany
- Nikita, Konstantina S., National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
- Papademetriou, Rallis, University of Portsmouth, UK
- Pastorino, Matteo, University of Genova, Italy
- Perner, Petra, IBaI Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Germany
- Planinsic, Peter, University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Podhradsky, Pavol, Slovak University of Technology STU, Slovakia
- Reddy, Narrender, The University of Akron, USA
- Rovati, Fabrizio, STMicroelectronics, Italy
- Rozinaj, Gregor, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
- Schelkens, Peter, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium
- Siahmakoun, Azad, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
- Svelto, Cesare, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy
- Wang, Dianhui, La Trobe University, Australia
- Yang, Wuqiang, University of Manchester, UK
- Zentai, George, Varian Medical Systems Inc, USA
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Journal news
Associate Prof. Xin Wang appointed as new Editor in Chief of International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering
26 March, 2024
Associate Prof. Xin Wang from Shenyang Jianzhu University in China has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering.
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