International Journal of Information and Coding Theory
- Editor in Chief
- Dr. M.A. Dorgham
- ISSN online
- 1753-7711
- ISSN print
- 1753-7703
- 4 issues per year
IJICoT publishes state-of-the-art international research that significantly advances the study of information and coding theory and their applications to cryptography, network security, network coding, computational complexity theory, communication networks, and related scientific fields that make use of information and coding theory methods.
Topics covered include
- Codes and cryptography
- Reed-Muller codes and Boolean functions
- Codes and lattices
- Quantum codes
- Codes and designs
- Algebraic geometric codes (AG), locally recoverable codes (LRC), codes for emerging problems in cryptography, etc
- Source coding, space-time coding
- Detection and estimation theory
- Information and differential entropy
- Private information retrieval (PIR)
- Codes construction/existence/analysis
- Non-existence results for codes, bounds for codes/designs
- Decoding algorithms
- Algebraic and combinatorics methods for codes
The missions of IJICoT are to improve international research on topical areas by publishing high-quality articles, and to expose the readers to the recent advances in these areas.
- Professors and graduate students in mathematics, telecommunications, computer science, and electrical engineering
- Coding theorists, telecommunication researchers, engineers and managers
- General participants in networking and multimedia technologies
Information theory and its important sub-field, coding theory, play central roles in theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. As coding theory occupies an important position within the field of information theory, the focus of IJICoT is on publishing state-of-the-art research articles relating to it.
However, articles discussing other issues within information theory are also of interest to this journal. Progress in this area is mostly based on algebraic, combinatorial or probabilistic approaches. IJICoT serves as a medium to report, exchange, and discuss work-in-progress, experience, trend-setting ideas on constructions/existence, limitations/non-existence, efficient algorithms for encoding/decoding codes, and scientific knowledge that make use of coding-theory methods.
In addition, practical contributions of the aforementioned theoretical approaches, such as applications to cryptography, network coding, network security, computational complexity theory, communication networks, as well as applications to other areas of mathematics and computer science, are included.
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IJICOT is indexed in:
- Academic OneFile (Gale)
- ACM Digital Library
- cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
- Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
- Google Scholar
- Info Trac (Gale)
- J-Gate
- Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet (American Mathematical Society)
- ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
- Zentralblatt MATH (FIZ Karlsruhe)
IJICOT is listed in:
Editor in Chief
- Dorgham, M.A., International Centre for Technology and Management, UK
Associate Editors
- Dumer, Ilya, University of California, USA
- Gaborit, Philippe, University of Limoges, France
- Høholdt, Tom, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Kashyap, Navin, Indian Institute of Science, India
- Oggier, Frederique, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Parker, Matthew Geoffrey, University of Bergen, Norway
Editorial Board Members
- Aubry, Yves, Université de Toulon, France
- Augot, Daniel, National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control and École Polytechnique, France
- Barg, Alexander, University of Maryland, USA
- Blake, Ian, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Carlet, Claude, University of Paris 8, France
- Ding, Cunsheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , China
- Greferath, Marcus, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Helleseth, Tor, University of Bergen, Norway
- Kuijper, Margreta, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Langberg, Michael, State University of New York at Buffalo and Open University of Israel, USA
- Mazumdar, Arya, University of Minnesota, USA
- McGuire, Gary, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Pott, Alexander, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
- Schmidt, Kai-Uwe, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
- Solé, Patrick, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia and Telecom Paris Tech, France
- Tang, Chunming, China West Normal University, China
- Tchamkerten, Aslan, Telecom ParisTech, France
- Vardy, Alexander, University of California San Diego, USA
A few essentials for publishing in this journal
- Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
- Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
- All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
- All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available.
- There are no charges for publishing with Inderscience, unless you require your article to be Open Access (OA). You can find more information on OA here.
- All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.
- View Author guidelines.
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