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World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research

World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR)

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World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Applying the quantitative approach to identify the major antecedents to the process of cold ironing adoption   Order a copy of this article
    by Son-Tung Le 
    Abstract: Seaports are important nodes in global commerce networks, but they also produce considerable amounts of pollutants. Cold ironing is one of the technological solutions that allows seaports to be both economically and environmentally efficient. However, various difficulties remain to be solved before this technology may be implemented. The purpose of this study is to examine at the factors that led to the adoption of cold ironing in Vietnam ports. Our finding shows that there are four primary factors that influence how ports are used for cold ironing, including regulation drivers, incentive drivers, macroeconomic drivers, and foreign capital drivers. Among the factors mentioned above, regulations, as one of the most important, influence the implementation of cold ironing for emission reduction at ports in Vietnam. The discussion section of this paper goes into considerable detail about its findings and implications.
    Keywords: cold ironing; green ports; drivers; regulations; sustainability.

  • Evaluation of the implementation of automated gate services in a seaport freight terminal   Order a copy of this article
    by Stefan Jacobsson, Björn Lantz 
    Abstract: The massive flows of containers through seaport terminals create bottlenecks and long total truck turnaround times (TTTTs). Because long TTTTs adversely affect terminal operators and road hauliers alike, the purpose of this study is to evaluate how automated gate services (AGSs) affect TTTTs using data from the real-world implementation of AGSs in a seaport terminal. Data were analysed using an innovative application of queueing theory. Following implementation, the overall mean TTTT decreased by 17% and the overall mean queueing time by 38%, and variation in queueing time during peak hours also decreased. For theory, our study has shown how queuing theory can be applied in capacity analyses and contributed a new understanding of how AGSs can decrease queuing time and TTTTs in a seaport terminal. For practice, our findings provide decision-makers with evidence of how AGSs decrease TTTTs and consequently reduce stress, reduce idling, and increase profit.
    Keywords: automated gate services; total truck turnaround times; seaport freight terminal; queuing theory.