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Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development

Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development (LAJMSD)

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Latin American J. of Management for Sustainable Development (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Optimising contract types for infrastructure projects in emerging economies: a fuzzy logic approach for sustainable development   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Hosein HoushmandRad, Ahmadreza Nadaffard 
    Abstract: In emerging economies, sustainable infrastructure development is vital for economic integration into global markets. This study employs a fuzzy logic approach to analysis various contract types to optimise sustainable development from the employer’s perspective. Utilising a descriptive research methodology, data from existing databases, and expert consensus, build-operate-transfer (BOT) and buy-back contracts were identified as optimal for promoting sustainable infrastructure. These contracts, which focus on design and construction, address the challenges of limited liquidity and technical expertise in local governments. The findings suggest that adopting these contract types can significantly enhance the development of reliable infrastructure, contributing to sustained economic growth.
    Keywords: contract types; emerging economies; project delivery system; sustainable development; sustainable infrastructure; build-operate-transfer; BOT.

  • Reverse logistic of rejected plastic: the circularity and resilience of waste pickers in the supply chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Luiz Savio Pires De Castro, Perla Calil Pongeluppe Wadhy Rebehy, Pedro Lepos Cardoso De Mattos, Alexandre Pereira Salgado Junior, Grégoire Jean-François Demets, Renan Louro Cardoso Franco 
    Abstract: The absence of actions that promote the circular economy implies huge socio-environmental and economic losses since many materials could return to the production chain and generate income instead of being destined for landfills. This work aims to quantify and characterise the gravimetric composition of plastic waste from the recyclable waste segregation process in Brazil. The specific objectives are: 1) build the circular plastic economy flowchart for a Brazilian municipality with the respective quantities at each stage of the cycle; 2) identify the socio-environmental impacts of incorrect disposal of plastic packaging. The method used was a case study based on multiple sources of evidence. The results point to the disposal in landfills of plastic packaging as waste, 87% of which is type 1 (PET polyethylene terephthalate). The waste flow shows that only 0.55% of the total volume of waste generated is collected and 4% of the selectively sorted plastic returns to the landfill, which has different impacts on all dimensions of sustainability.
    Keywords: reverse logistic; plastic; waste; collectors; circular economy.
    DOI: 10.1504/LAJMSD.2025.10069079

Special Issue on: Sustainable Perspectives for Managerial Practices a Selection of Current Research and Further Endeavours in Latin America

  • Sustainability reports in the automotive industry: a comparative analysis of the Argentinean sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Marina N. Santucci, Gastón Méndez-Crespi, Alisia Pietropaolo 
    Abstract: Sustainability has become a competitive factor for the automotive industry, and communication scandals have risen concerns on the transparency of reported practices. The primary objective of this research was to study sustainability initiatives claimed by automotive companies through a qualitative and descriptive approach with a content analysis of the reports issued by the Argentinean locations of three global companies. Results showed the report of interorganizational relations to standardize processes and ensure quality and sustainable products, along with local and international cooperative alliances. Energy efficiency was improved for both production and usage of the vehicles. Social impact is largely reported through training and diversity programs, both for the taskforce and the local communities. Reflections of the global culture were identified in the structure of two of the reports, although no evidence was found to sustain legitimacy and impression management.
    Keywords: sustainability reports; automotive; Argentina; accountability; global culture; legitimacy; impressions management.