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International Journal of Vehicle Performance

International Journal of Vehicle Performance (IJVP)

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International Journal of Vehicle Performance (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A comprehensive review of engine performance enhanced by nano additives infused within a diesel-biodiesel blend for internal combustion engines   Order a copy of this article
    by Gaurav Ninawe 
    Abstract: The current study focuses on enhancing the combustion properties of a compression ignition (CI) engine by incorporating nano additives into a blend of diesel-biodiesel fuel Numerous scholars are currently directing their efforts towards the advancement of biofuels and their amalgamations, employing nanoparticles as a means to attain reduced exhaust emissions, enhanced combustion efficiency, and improved performance in diesel engine The utilization of nanoparticles as catalysts in biodiesel-diesel blends has demonstrated significant promise in enhancing combustion efficiency The shortened igniting delay time can be ascribed to the enhanced chemical reactivity brought about by the increased surface area of the used nanoparticles Consequently, the use of nanoparticles has led to enhancements in the uniformity of burning, fuel-air mixing, and cutback in ignition delay, thus facilitating the overall combustion of fuels This study offers a thorough examination of the latest scientific research on the utility of nanoparticles as an additive in diesel-biodiesel blends.
    Keywords: nanoparticles; combustion; nano additives; biodiesel; exhaust emissions; fuel properties; emission control.

  • Composing architecture of parallel shaft transmission system in car with novel shifting strategy for effort reduction augmenting ecodesign   Order a copy of this article
    by Manish Chandra, Pranab K. Dan 
    Abstract: This article proposes a new gear-shifting strategy augmenting ecodesign, comprising its two pertinent attributes concerning fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission in the passenger car. The strategy is germane to the gear clusters enabling the merger of gear ratios followed by devising compatible parallel shaft gearbox architectures, obtained via spatial modification of an orthodox dual clutch transmission (DCT). Gearbox configurations derived based on spatial rearrangement of gears, and to assay the working of proposed shifting strategy two architectures are considered; one with three clutches, introduced as multi-clutch transmission system (MCTS) and the other embodying two clutch arrangement and referred as modified dual clutch transmission (MDCT). Modified gearshifting sequences and algorithms are designed to ameliorate the problem of frequent gear-shifting in manual transmission. Full factorial design is utilised to synthesise configurations and, further, simulated in MATLAB Simulink and ADAMS environment to demonstrate the behaviour of proposed configurations in standard HWFET cycle.
    Keywords: multi clutch transmission; dual clutch transmission; DCT; parallel shaft gearbox; gear-shifting; gearbox architecture.