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International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (IJTTC)

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International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Innovative resource management for strategic entrepreneurship and competitive advantage   Order a copy of this article
    by Yan Yewei, Renato Pereira, Hajer Jarrar, Charbel Salloum, Iman Samir Youssef 
    Abstract: This empirical investigation explores the integration of strategic entrepreneurship (SE) and the resource-based view (RBV) within Chinese manufacturing enterprises to identify mechanisms for sustained competitive advantage (SCA). Central to this study is the assessment of knowledge-based resources and their impact on core competencies and opportunity newness. The findings indicate that knowledge-based resources significantly enhance core competencies and contribute positively to the level of opportunity newness, which in turn influences the firm’s strategic and innovative capabilities. A crucial element of this study is the examination of resource bundling processes stabilising, enriching, and pioneering. These processes serve as moderators between core competencies and knowledge-based resources. Particularly, the enriching bundling process exhibits a stronger modulatory effect compared to its counterparts. This research underscores the dynamic interplay between opportunity recognition, resource management, and core competencies within the framework of SE, providing new insights into the strategic management of resources for achieving and sustaining competitive advantages. This study contributes to theoretical advancements by demonstrating the practical implications of SE in aligning strategic resources with entrepreneurial opportunities for enhanced organisational performance.
    Keywords: strategic entrepreneurship; SE; knowledge-based resources; resource bundling; core competencies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2024.10067395
  • Casualisation of teaching workforce in higher education sector: a study of its impact on the relative performance of the employees   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhishek Sharma, Kiran Mehra, Supreet Sandhu 
    Abstract: The casualisation of workforce has achieved the status of global phenomenon and the education sector of India is also one of the prominent sectors that increase its dependence on the casual workforce. The international organisations such as International Labor Organisation (ILO) and the Industrial and Public Service International (PSI) have condemned the practice of casualisation in various sectors of the country. The increase in casualisation of workforce in education sector is having the long term impact on the overall growth and development of the country. The education institutions are adopting the practices of hiring casual workers rather than full time workers. The study attempts to establish the relationship between the casualisation of teaching workforce and the performance of employees in higher education sector by setting the null and alternative hypothesis. The regression analysis test through the IBM SPSS software is used to analyse the data which showed that there is a positive correlation between the casualisation of workforce and work performance of the employees.
    Keywords: casualisation; higher education industry; performance of employees; quality education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2024.10068408