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International Journal of Services Technology and Management

International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)

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International Journal of Services Technology and Management (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessCharacteristics of industrial service ecosystem practices for industrial renewal
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Maaria Nuutinen, Katri Valkokari, Maarit Halttunen, Katariina Palomäki 
    Abstract: The emergence of service ecosystems can accelerate the industrial renewal required because of urgent global challenges. However, existing research has not sufficiently grasped the social dynamics of coevolution in ecosystems that enhance industrial renewal. This study aimed to advance ecosystem research through a practice lens and to present the key characteristics of industrial service ecosystem practice involved in industrial renewal. Consequently, its three characteristics - accomplishment, attractiveness and actionability - were configured based on an abductive study derived from the ecosystem literature, three practice-oriented approaches to learning, and two case ecosystem examinations. These features created the logic for resource integration and enhanced ecosystems to evolve as units, thus exceeding the actors' independent avenues of renewal. The findings of this study provided a deeper understanding of the coevolution in ecosystems needed to accelerate industrial renewal as well as a novel conceptualisation of an ecosystem-as-practice for further studies.
    Keywords: service ecosystem; industrial renewal; social dynamics; coevolution; ecosystem-as-practice; forest industry; construction industry; case study; sustainability; learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2024.10062724
  • Distinguishing aggregate air travel demand from air passenger volume in China: based on the partial adjustment theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Yingxiao Zhou, Peng Zhao 
    Abstract: Air travel demand estimation is vital for airlines and governmen
    Keywords: air travel demand estimation; air travel volume; partial adjustment theory.

  • Perceived service process in e-service delivery system: B2C online retailers performance ranking by TOPSIS   Order a copy of this article
    by Piyush Gupta, Amit Sachan, Vivek Mishra 
    Abstract: Significant work in service domain has focused on customer journey within e-service delivery system process (e-SDSP). Few studies have focused on process-centric approach to customer journey during delivery of e-services. This study aims to investigate the performance assessment of three online retailers (alternatives) using perceived service process during different stages of e-SDSP as a criterion for decision-making. TOPSIS is used in this paper to rate and evaluate multiple online retailers. Based on perceived service process as the criterion, results show that online retailer-2 outperforms other two online retailers. This study is one of the first to rate online retailers by utilising customer-perceived service process (latent variables) as a decision-making criterion throughout e-SDSP. The finding suggests that perceived searching process is the most essential criterion for decision-making, followed by the perceived after-sales service process, the perceived agreement process, and the perceived fulfilment process. Implications, limitations, and future scope are also discussed.
    Keywords: TOPSIS; service process; service delivery; online retail; performance evaluation; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2023.10060843
  • Customer acceptance of unmanned stores with a focus on grocery retail   Order a copy of this article
    by Caroline Heins, Sebastian Scheler 
    Abstract: Unmanned stores are one of the latest conceptual developments in retail and have received much attention, especially in the context of COVID-19-related social restrictions and the associated changes in consumer behaviour. The concept considers the latest technological developments and promises to offer various benefits to consumers and retailers based on artificial intelligence and automation. Using a German sample, this paper aims to evaluate consumers' acceptance of and intention to use the most prominent innovative solutions in unmanned stores. A modified technology acceptance model (TAM) as a theoretical framework was applied to the study. The results of the structural equation modelling make two contributions to the existing literature: First, the acceptance criteria for unmanned stores have not been analysed previously. Second, the modified TAM could be confirmed in this study. We provide empirical evidence suggesting that significant numbers of consumers accept unmanned stores, especially if the stores are strategically located and when individuals have a high innovation affinity.
    Keywords: retail innovation; COVID-19; innovation; emerging technology; unmanned retail solutions; technology acceptance model; TAM; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2024.10063706
  • Data as a potential path for the automotive aftersales business to remain active through and after the decarbonisation   Order a copy of this article
    by Jorge Eslava-Bautista, Mark Beecroft 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify and understand the perspectives of automotive aftersales stakeholders regarding current challenges posed by decarbonisation strategies. It examines potential responses that the automotive aftersales business could undertake to address these challenges. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with automotive industry experts from Europe and Latin America. This paper focuses primarily on impacts of decarbonisation upon automotive aftersales and the potential role of data in that business. Results show that investment in technology will be a condition for businesses that want to remain active in the industry. Furthermore, experts agree that incumbent manufacturers are not filling the technology gap that the energy transition is creating in the automotive sector, a consequence of which will be the entrance of new players from other sectors. The current aftersales businesses will potentially lose bargaining control. Moreover, policy makers are seen as unreliable leaders of the transition agenda.
    Keywords: aftersales; automotive sector; decarbonisation; customer service; electrification of vehicles; data; remote diagnosis; new business models.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2024.10063253
  • Commercial air transport in Africa: changing structure and development of country pairs   Order a copy of this article
    by Sören Eriksson, Bengt Söderlund 
    Abstract: This study investigates cross-border commercial air passenger traffic in Africa, focusing on the development of the 15 busiest country pairs during the period 1989 to 2015. It explores dimensions not previously studied by using ICAO's 'Traffic by Flight Stage' (TFS) and data from the CEPII Gravity Dataset. The spatial results show on an uneven geographical distribution of country pairs with the centre of gravity to South, East and North-East Africa, with one long-distance corridor between Egypt and South Africa. Countries in North and West Africa have rather few linkages, except for Egypt. Central African countries are not represented among the 15 country pairs. Although the number of passengers and the rank among the countries have shifted, South Africa and Egypt stand out, as having most country pair connections. Factors such as changing economic, diplomatic and political relations have had an influence on changing country pair connections throughout the period. A number of variables were selected to investigate how they correlated with Africa's commercial passenger traffic. Of the seven variables selected, five did show on a correlation and two did partly so. In that view, Africa's air traffic follows rather typical patterns.
    Keywords: transport geography; Africa aviation; commercial aviation; aviation networks; aviation geography; aviation country pairs; aviation hubs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAM.2022.10047561

Special Issue on: LISS16-SIM Service Innovation and Management for Logistics and Supply Chains

  • Research on Risk Control of Vehicle Dynamic Logistics Alliance Based on SD and Evolutionary Game Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Mingbao Wang, Zhiping Du, Hong Duan 
    Abstract: Based on the evolutionary game theory and system dynamics theory, this paper analyzes the characteristics of vehicle logistics supply chain and vehicle dynamic logistics alliance system and the dynamic characteristics of system risk control, analyzes the internal risk control of vehicle dynamic logistics alliance. The evolutionary game model of two game agents under bounded rationality is established by taking the dynamic logistics alliance of two members as the research object. And uses the system dynamics theory, transforms the vehicle dynamic logistics alliance evolution game model into the system dynamics model. The model was simulated by Vensim software. Combined with the characteristics and advantages of the two methods to analyze what factors will promote cooperation between the two sides, what factors tend to make both sides appear egoistic breach of contract and thus affect the cooperation, what will trigger the situation of default. So as to provide reasonable suggestions for risk control of vehicle dynamic logistics alliance.
    Keywords: Vehicle logistics alliance; system dynamics; evolutionary game theory; risk control.