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International Journal of Society Systems Science

International Journal of Society Systems Science (IJSSS)

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International Journal of Society Systems Science (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Job Recommendation Model using Association Rule on Applicants’ Contextualised Data   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayodeji Ibitoye, Adeyinka Abiodun, Adeola Siyanbola, Tijesu Olademeji, Christianah Oyewale 
    Abstract: Globally, the growing number of graduates is outpacing the availability of job opportunities. Not all degree holders possess the desired skills that align with their obtained degree for employment purposes, Hence, applicants are faced with the challenges of determining, which skillsets and earned degree align with their desired job positions. Here, a job dataset of 26705 samples, which contained user profile, and job descriptions were mined in context through association rule to recommend applicants next job opportunity using distinct and optimal hyperparameter of high confidence, and lift set as thresholds on different runs for validation. Overall experiments and evaluations showed a stronger positive association between the antecedents and consequents over a higher lift value using association mining when compared with apriori mining. The research presented sample exploratory information as outputs, highlighting the potential of association rule mining in bridging the gap between applicants' skill sets, degrees and desired jobs.
    Keywords: unemployment; job prediction; association rule; academic degree; employee’s skillset.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSS.2024.10061281
  • Predicting Higher Education Student Performance with Educational Data Mining Technique   Order a copy of this article
    by William William, Tya Wildana Hapsari Lubis, Suci Pertiwi 
    Abstract: Predicting student performance in higher education is critical for enhancing the academic outcomes of students. This study conducted on undergraduate students at STMIK Mikroskil and STIE Mikroskil in Medan, Indonesia, deals with a research gap by exploring factors beyond conventional metrics like cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The unique Indonesian educational landscape introduces additional factors, including graduation time and lecturer competency. Acknowledging the importance of student behaviour and lecturer competency, the study employs an artificial neural network model to predict student performance. By considering variables such as entry pathway, attendance, grade point average (GPA), scholarship, and lecturer performance index, the model achieves high accuracy 85.33% for CGPA and 77.43% for graduation time. This research contributes to adopting educational data mining, aligning with Indonesian education regulations and facilitating early identification of at-risk students for targeted interventions.
    Keywords: performance prediction; cumulative grade point average; CGPA; graduation time; artificial neural network; ANN; grade point average; GPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSS.2024.10062099
  • Reconceptualising Sustainable City a Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Alberto Frigerio 
    Abstract: World urbanisation is rising, and the UN predicts that 68% of the people will live in cities by 2050. Indeed, the question of how to foster a sustainable city is becoming a priority for the 21st century. Still, there is no universal definition of a sustainable city yet. This might generate confusion and hinder the efforts to produce consistent and reliable research. This article critically analyses 15 diverse interpretations of sustainable city collected from scientific books, international reports, and academic papers. The goal is to examine such definitions and offer a new reconceptualisation of the term for future research. According to the literature, the author provides an umbrella-systemic definition of a sustainable city based on three pillars: the vision of the sustainable city as a dynamic goal; the processes aimed to realise such vision through a tangible and intangible transformation; and the harmonious integration of the multiple dimensions at stake.
    Keywords: conceptualisation; literature review; sustainable city; urban sustainability; vision.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSS.2024.10063459
  • Relationship between Access to Mental Health Care Services and Mental Health Status of LGBTQ+ Patients   Order a copy of this article
    by Kristin A. Schuller, Rebekah P. Crawford, Marilena Wolf, William A. Young II, Adam Moyer 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the access to care barriers among LGBTQ+ patients who did not access mental health services, assess the mental health status of patients based on service use, and determine what barriers served as predictors of mental health status. Data was gathered from 257 LGBTQ+ individuals via an electronic survey. ANOVA with t-tests and SHAP analysis assessed the current self-reported mental health status of LGBTQ+ participants. Significant differences were found in the mean mental health status between LGBTQ+ participants who did and did not need services. SHAP results indicate cost and insurance status serves as the greatest predictor of mental health status. This study provides evidence of the poor mental health outcomes for LGBTQ+ patients who indicate needing mental health care regardless of whether they can access it when compared with LGBTQ+ patients who indicate not needing it.
    Keywords: mental health; LGBTQ+ community; access/demand/utilisation of mental health services; social determinants of mental health; mental health care disparities; mental health workforce.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSS.2024.10065413