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International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling

International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (IJSPM)

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International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Generic inter-task communication paradigm in a business process and its modeling and simulation with extended Petri nets   Order a copy of this article
    by Alexander Kostin 
    Abstract: A model of inter-task communication in a business process (BP) is described and investigated in a long series of simulation experiments It is assumed that BP consists of a set of dynamic and communicating tasks that, for a given project instantiation, try to implement the related project under some predefined system parameters Thus, the BP is implemented as a project consisting of an ordered set of involved tasks The developed model includes not only tasks of the project, but also the components that continuously generate requests for projects, analyze the reports from involved tasks and collect and evaluate the statistics for each project These components are called requesters After the generation of a request for a new project, the requester randomly chooses, among a set of available tasks, the first task and initiates it This task, after performing a part of the requested project, activates the next task.
    Keywords: simulation modelling; business processes; performance metrics; extended Petri nets.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2024.10068361
  • Gene regulatory networks optimisation method based on joint evaluation of network structure and node attribute   Order a copy of this article
    by Luxuan Qu, Junchang Xin, Yinghui Xiang, Mingcan Wang, Zhiqiong Wang 
    Abstract: Accurately modelling gene regulatory networks (GRNs) is essential for revealing the mechanisms of disease development. However, existing methods often include false positive edges, reducing model accuracy. Current optimization algorithms, primarily focusing on removing triangular structure edges, tend to ignore many redundant edges and sometimes delete correct ones due to improper parameter settings. This paper introduces a GRNs optimization based on joint evaluation of network structure and node attribute. The approach addresses redundancy in both triangular and mutual structures, allowing for the identification of more redundant edges. By incorporating global node attribute, the method limits the removal of correct regulatory edges. This joint evaluation ensures that only the truly redundant relationships are deleted. Experimental results demonstrated that NSNA achieved an overall nearly 7\% improvement both in F1-score and AUC compared to modeling method without optimization. The approach offers potential benefits for advancing disease research and improving network modelling.
    Keywords: gene regulatory networks; joint evaluation; network structure; node attribute; redundancy relationships.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2024.10068608