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International Journal of Services and Operations Management

International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM)

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International Journal of Services and Operations Management (136 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Development of a goal programming model based on fuzzy QFD and ANP for supplier selecting and order allocation   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Javad Ershadi 
    Abstract: Supplier selection and order allocation have great importance in the supply chain management network to achieve high-quality product and customer satisfaction. During the selection process of the eligible suppliers, qualitative factors, as well as quantitative factors, should be considered. In this paper, a novel method has been proposed by the development of a goal programming model with the assistance of a multi-criteria decision-making approach (MCDM). Also, the concept of the fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) has been employed for importing the voice of customers in the ranking and selecting process of suppliers and assigning the order quantity. Finally, the application of the proposed model has been shown in the automotive industry. Quality, price, delivery, and technology have been selected as the main indicators in determining supplier ranking and weighted by the ANP method. Furthermore, suppliers experience, innovative capacity, certificate of the quality management system, flexibility in satisfaction of customer demands, and financial stability were identified as the main technical specifications which were related to indicators using fuzzy QFD technique. The results of employing the goal programming model showed the developed model is robust based on different service levels.
    Keywords: quality function deployment; QFD; analytical network process; ANP;goal programming; GP; supplier selection; order allocation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2021.10046298
  • Exploring the Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty on the Relationship between Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Performance   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to see how environmental uncertainty effects the relationship between supply chain management and supply chain performance. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Finding shows that the overall environmental uncertainties is not significant to supply chain performance. Only supplier’s uncertainties have the moderating impact to supply chain performance. The findings also show a concrete prediction model that explains the supply chain management’s mediation influence on supply chain performance. As a result, the study goals that focus on the environment and supply chain performance and the direct link between supply chain orientation and SCM as a mediator are met. This findings contributes to the understanding of the environmental uncertainties impact on supply chain performance in the local automotive industry in Malaysia. Future research is suggested to explore this framework into other industries in Malaysia.
    Keywords: supply chain performance; SCP; supply chain orientation; SCO; supply chain management; SCM; environmental uncertainty; automotive industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054430
  • When 'more' is not 'enough' in restaurants: Do the challenge demands and service recovery performance compel a negative influence of the service recovery system on customer justice perceptions   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhishek Rao, Yogesh Pai, Sethumadhavan Lakshminarayanan, Nandan Prabhu 
    Abstract: This paper examines the service recovery system's influence on restaurant customer justice perceptions. Besides, this paper explores the mediating pathways of the service recovery system-customer justice perceptions relationship. This research has used the time-lagged two-wave research design and the multi-source method for the data collection on the study's constructs, i.e., service recovery system, challenge demands, service recovery performance, and customer justice perceptions. This study has tested a model of the service recovery system-customer justice perceptions relationship by drawing a sample of 1085 customers and 168 managers of 31 Indian restaurants. The study's results show that the service recovery system influences customer justice perceptions positively. Besides, the study also reveals that challenge demands and service recovery performance negatively mediate the relationship between the service recovery system-customer justice. The study's findings indicate that 'more' is insufficient for service recovery
    Keywords: Service recovery system; challenge demands; Recovery performance; customer justice perceptions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054453
  • Development & Validation of Business Excellence Framework for Indian Service MSMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Unnikrishnan PM, Jyoti Tikoria, Arun Kumar Agariya 
    Abstract: In today's highly dynamic business environment, excellence is the key to the success of any business. Business excellence models play an important role in promoting and assisting organizations towards achieving enhanced performance. Achieving business excellence is very important in the case of MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) as this sector contributes significantly to the economic growth and prosperity of a country. The aim of this study is to understand the current status of business excellence implementation in Indian service MSMEs with an end goal of coming up with a simple business excellence framework specifically for the service Indian MSMEs. The study suggests a unique business excellence framework for service MSMEs by identifying the success factors of business excellence from the perspective of service MSMEs. The proposed business excellence framework is a simple hands-on model which MSMEs can seamlessly implement in their organizations and reap the benefits in short period.
    Keywords: Business excellence; Service Excellence; Performance enhancement; MSME; Success factors.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054581
  • Employee involvement practices in lean manufacturing: a multi-method approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Nayara Cardoso De Medeiros, Moacir Godinho Filho, Mario H. B. M. Callefi, Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga 
    Abstract: This research aims to identify the primary practices that drive employee involvement efforts in lean manufacturing. We adopted a multi-method study methodology based on two methodological phases. First, we identified a preliminary listing of practices by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR). Second, this list has been validated by seven experts. The main result is a list of 15 employee involvement practices in lean manufacturing. Considering the characteristics of these practices, they were classified into three categories: motivation practices; human resource management (HRM) practices; and operational practices. The most referenced practices in the literature are those connected to motivational elements, namely Group decision-making; education programs, training, and personal development; promoting empowerment and autonomy to employees; and management support. The results of this study can aid managers who want to establish programs for improving employee involvement in lean systems to build a more collaborative environment.
    Keywords: employee involvement; lean manufacturing; lean implementation; systematic literature review; SLR; human resource management; HRM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054612
  • Validating the relationship of information technology in the service supply chain: A Developing Country Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Manish Mohan Baral, Rita Roy, SUBHODEEP MUKHERJEE, Venkataiah Chittipaka 
    Abstract: Information technology (IT) in the service supply chain (SSC) plays an important role in achieving competitive advantages. IT helps service firms to grow their business more and more. The objective of this study is to create and validate the relationship of IT with its process capabilities and SSC. A relationship with IT management and demand management (DM), customer relationship management (CRM), supplier relationship management (SRM), service performance management, capacity and resource management, order process management (OPM) process, and service SC. Thirteen hypotheses were proposed for the study, out of which ten were accepted. The data are collected using the questionnaire method from the leading service firms in the country.
    Keywords: information technology; service supply chain; SSC; service firms; competitive advantages; questionnaire.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054673
  • Assessing mobile wallet service quality using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Evaluation Method   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashwarya Kapoor, Rajiv Sindwani, Manisha Goel 
    Abstract: The aim of the current study is to determine the overall m-wallet service quality (MSQ) score using a hybrid approach. Five service quality dimensions and their indicators relevant in context of mobile wallet (m-wallet) were identified through extensive review of literature. Then, a two phased integrated methodology was applied to evaluate MSQ. In the first phase, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was utilised to prioritise the identified MSQ dimensions and indicators. In the second phase, fuzzy evaluation method (FEM) has been utilised to ascertain service quality scores of identified dimensions and to determine overall service quality score of a m-wallet service provider. The overall score was calculated as 56.31, which is
    Keywords: mobile wallet service quality; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; fuzzy evaluation method; FEM; prioritisation; service quality score.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054803
  • Pricing strategies of carbon emission allowances in the blockchain technology era   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiaon Nan Zhang, Yi Qu, Xiu Bin Gu 
    Abstract: The price of carbon emission allowance directly affects the enthusiasm of market entities to participate in carbon trading, and the application of blockchain will affect the carbon emission allowance price. In this study, the pricing model of carbon emission allowance is constructed and the pricing strategies of carbon emission allowance in the common carbon trading platform (CCTP) and blockchain carbon trading platform (BCTP) are discussed. The results show that emission reduction enterprises and speculators need to dynamically adjust their pricing strategies according to the purchaser preference, historical transaction price, the amount of platform’s supervision and service, commission rate and competitors’ strategies to ensure their own income maximisation The deployment of blockchain on the platform can improve the supervision and service, and enable carbon trading to form the optimal transaction price under the free competition of the market. This research provides inspiration for participants of carbon trading system.
    Keywords: carbon emission allowance; carbon trading; price strategy; platform’s supervision and service; blockchain application.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054817
  • Exploring the impact of e-commerce on mobile phone customer behavior based on data mining techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Gia Minh Dao, Nhat Khang Nguyen, Thanh Bao Le, Le Song Thanh Quynh 
    Abstract: Nowadays, the internet and its associated technologies have created a low-cost and efficient means for businesses to build an electronic sales channel such as e-commerce. Despite the expeditious development of this approach, the contributions of e-commerce towards the mobile phone market are not efficiently utilised. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the behaviour of mobile phone customers in the e-commerce market and cluster the prioritised segments. First, we conduct a short review of literature among the 28 related researches to determine the appropriate factors and techniques. Then, the meaningful factors are adjusted into corresponding items for the questionnaire. Eventually, the data gathered from 339 undergraduate students in Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City are analysed by k-means clustering and attached meaningful representation for the four cluster groups. Overall, the study applies cluster analysis in both mobile phone and e-commerce markets, then interprets four distinct customer groups with managerial implications.
    Keywords: data mining; mobile phone market; e-commerce; internet shopping; market segmentation; cluster analysis; k-means; customer relationship management; customer segmentation; segmentation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054918
  • Inception, Growth and Efficiency of Small Finance Banks (SFBs) in India: An empirical study   Order a copy of this article
    by Padmasai Arora, Hitesh Arora 
    Abstract: This study traces the origin and operations of small finance banks (SFBs) in India. Using input oriented data envelopment analysis, efficiency scores are computed for 2017
    Keywords: small finance banks; SFBs; India; efficiency; banking; data envelopment analysis; DEA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054975
  • The Influence of Sustainability Risk Management on Supply Chain Sustainability and Profitability of Medical Technology Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Leslie Dass, Sreerengan V.R. Nair 
    Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to determine how sustainability spending can help build sustainable supply chains. This study also assesses the sustainability of five firms with respect to four dimensions; profitability, sustainability spending, risk rating, and Sustainability Risk Management. Data was collected through unstructured interviews with biotechnology and medical technology industry personnel. Key sustainability risk factors that created a ripple effect along the supply chain were identified. The supply chain surplus and risk management strategies were evaluated. Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was used to rank the firms on their sustainability and risk management practices. The critical sustainability risks identified are inventory management, logistics/transportation, waste management, energy consumption, supplier sustainability, material handling, and plant or facility management. Findings reveal that firms investing in sustainability risk management face better prospects of developing supply chain sustainability and profitability.
    Keywords: sustainability; risk management; supply chain; environment; social; economic; supply chain profitability; supply chain surplus; sustainability spending;.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055075
  • Work overload, toxic leadership and internal auditors' turnover intention: Evidence from Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdallah Alzoubi, Hashem Alshurafat, Firas Dahmash 
    Abstract: This article attempts to investigate the impact of work overload and toxic leadership on turnover intention of Jordanian internal auditors. Internal auditors employed by Jordanian insurance companies provided a sample of 97 self-administered questionnaires for the study. Using the PLS 3 program’s path analysis technique, the model that examined the impacts of work overload and toxic leadership on turnover intention was tested. The study’s findings showed a strong and positive association between work overload, toxic leadership, and turnover intentions. The report makes suggestions for ways that businesses may use to reduce the onset of toxic behaviours and assess the workload of internal auditors. This study offers proof of the effects of work overload and toxic leadership on internal auditors’ turnover intentions in a growing economy.
    Keywords: work overload; toxic leadership; turnover intention; social exchange theory; internal auditors; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055228
  • Post-COVID-19 Situational Analysis Assessment of the Food and Beverage Sector Using Rasch and PAM Clustering Techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Elia Oey, Andre Dharma Saputra, Alexander Yoga Pratama, Hanijanto Soewandi 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic forced business owners to re-think how to manage and protect their business in the new normal. The food and beverage (F&B) sector was one of the areas which rebounded first in the post-pandemic era and adapted by managing their operational challenges and different consumer requirements. This research tried to identify challenges faced by the food and beverage sector in Greater Jakarta through an open questionnaire to business owners and grouped them into 20 key challenges. The key challenges were then quantified through a closed questionnaire to 315 F&B stakeholders and analysed using a Rasch model. With the Rasch model, the key challenges (KC) were then grouped into fighting KC (five KC), efficient KC (five KC) and advantage KC (ten KC). For each group, clustering was done using the partitioning around medoids (PAM) approach to give situational analysis/insights of the F&B sector in Greater Jakarta area.
    Keywords: food and beverages; F&Bs; PAM; Rasch.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055324
  • Assessing the effect of land administration reforms on service delivery by the lands commission of Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Pius Basoah Asumadu, Kyeame Ghansah 
    Abstract: Land service delivery in Ghana remains problematic, often characterised by delays, poor records management, rent-seeking behaviours, political interference, unreliable information, uncertainties and insecurity of land rights; a situation that eventually undermines national development and investment in the real estate market. The regulator has been operating in an environment beset with costs and delays in service delivery. This suggests the need to develop reform interventions through re-engineering of business processes and calls for organisational citizenship behaviour. The current study examines how internal and external reforms impact on services provided by the Lands Commission (LC) and the moderating role of commitment and motivation on service delivery. The results of the regression found a significant positive relationship between internal and external reforms and service delivery. The study argues that, commitment moderated both the positive relationship between internal reforms, external reforms and service delivery. Motivation also affects the relationship between external reforms and service delivery.
    Keywords: land administration reforms; service delivery; motivation; commitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055408
  • A Study on the Effect of Open Innovation Activities on Digital Transformation Capability and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Chieh-Chih Hou, Ja-Shen Chen, Bo-Jyun Chen 
    Abstract: This study focuses on whether external knowledge inflow activities under open innovation, including financial knowledge acquisition, non-financial knowledge exploration, and strategic alliances, have a positive impact on firms’ execution of digital transformation (DX) and whether firms’ execution of DX contributes to firm performance. In addition, we assess whether the knowledge absorption capability of enterprises interferes with their DX capability. In this study, we collected 472 valid samples from Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and we conducted data analysis using SPSS 25.0 and SmartPLS3. The results show that all three types of external knowledge inflow activities have a positive impact on DX implementation, DX can effectively improve the performance of enterprises, and different interference effects occur based on different knowledge inflow activities.
    Keywords: open innovation activities; digital transformation; absorptive capacity; firm performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055547
  • Impact of Perceived Value of services and Buzz Marketing on the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction:- A Meta-Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Praveen Kumar Pandey, Amandeep Dhaliwal 
    Abstract: This study examined the relationships between service quality (SQ), perceived value (PV), buzz marketing, and customer satisfaction (CS) in the Delhi and NCR regions. The results showed that all four variables are positively related. SQ dimensions such as tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy positively impacted PV, while reliability had no significant effect. Both PV and buzz marketing had a positive influence on CS. Also, they had a positive and significant moderating effect on the relationship between SQ and CS. These findings suggest that companies in the Delhi and NCR regions can improve CS by focusing on SQ and PV and generating positive buzz about their products and services. Future research could explore the impact of these variables on post-purchase behaviour and the role of customer demographic characteristics on PV. Longitudinal data could also provide more insights into the relationships between these variables.
    Keywords: services; service quality; perceived value; customer satisfaction; profitability; marketing; buzz; marketing; word-of-mouth; WOM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055595
  • Zero defect philosophy and 8D method applied to improve technical documentation of oil and gas segment suppliers   Order a copy of this article
    by Felipe Cerchiareto Pereira, Ualison Rébula De Oliveira, Sérgio Nogueira Fiuza, Vicente Fernandes 
    Abstract: The present research has the general objective of developing a systematic procedure for reducing non-conformities in technical documentation from suppliers, allowing them to continuously improve their processes. Methodologically, the research was mostly supported by action research in a company in the oil and gas sector and its main suppliers. The conceptual basis of this research was supported by the philosophy Zero Defects and the method of the eight disciplines 8D for problem-solving. As a result, a procedure was obtained that considers the union between these two methods (Zero Defects philosophy and the 8D method). In economic terms, the use of this procedure in the target company of this study generated a cost reduction of more than R$350,000.00 in two years of application. This result is due to the gains obtained by reducing costs related to documental non-conformities.
    Keywords: technical documentation; providers; Zero Defects; 8D method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055655
  • Liquidity and bank risk-taking in the MENA region   Order a copy of this article
    by Liman Salihu Mairafi, Sallahuddin Hassan, Shamsul Bahrain Mohamed Arshad 
    Abstract: This paper examines the effect of liquidity on bank risk-taking in the MENA region during the period 20052017. Using a fixed effects model with panel-corrected standard error, we found that funding liquidity, liquidity risk, and bank activities significantly influence the banks risk-taking behaviour. However, the effect varies with risk-taking proxies and the size of banks. While the results for funding liquidity and risk-taking using the standard deviation of return on asset revealed insignificant, using the z-score, the results revealed a significant effect. Nonetheless, both the results for liquidity risk and bank activities are significant. This result entails that liquidity and bank risk-taking behaviour differ with countries peculiarities. Thus, liquidity regulation should be implemented with the consideration of other region and their peculiarities. Furthermore, this study provides additional insight from a region with distinct peculiarities and challenges with liquidity management tools using additional risk-taking proxies and alternative methods of analysis
    Keywords: risk-taking; liquidity; MENA region.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055825
  • The effect of worker's impression of executing green supply chain management network on hotels performance: Perspective of a developing country.   Order a copy of this article
    by Muneebul Hassan, Minhaj Ikram, Javaria Ismail, Waqar Ahmed 
    Abstract: Hotels play an essential role in facilitating tourists and foreign visitors in any country. The purpose of this study is to explore green supply chain management practices in the hotel industry and their relationship with economic performance. This is explanatory research and a survey methodology is used for this study. The data is collected from the management of the hotel industry in Pakistan. Partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is used for hypothesis testing. The study's findings reveal that environmental legislation and green purchasing have statistical significance a but negative impact. While, environmentally-friendly activity, economic performance, and green marketing practices found a significant and positive relationship. Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable countries that can be impacted by environmental degradation. This study is one of the few studies on the Pakistani hotel industry from the management perspective, which may help them to sustain its growth.
    Keywords: GSCM practices; environmental legislation; economic performance; green purchasing; green marketing practices; GMPs; hotels industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10055987
  • Entrepreneurial Intentions on Students' Academic Performance through Institutional Culture and Personality Traits- A Review.   Order a copy of this article
    by SMITA PANDA, Vasumathi Arumugam 
    Abstract: This article is a conceptual review of the association between entrepreneurial intentions and student academic performance. The existing literature examines the influence of entrepreneurial intentions on students' academic performance and how personality and institutional culture shape these intentions. The article focuses on a gap in the existing studies by exploring the influence of entrepreneurial intentions on students’ academic performance. This topic has yet to be extensively studied in the context of entrepreneurial intention. This article's objective is to expand the interpretation of the link between entrepreneurial aspirations and academic performance, specifically in entrepreneurship intention. The findings of this article recommend that students' entrepreneurial intentions can significantly impact their academic performance. The article also highlights the role of personality and institutional culture in shaping these intentions. By better understanding the factors influencing students' entrepreneurial intentions and academic achievement, policymakers can develop effective strategies to support and encourage entrepreneurship among students.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial intentions; institutional culture; personality traits; student academic performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10056208
  • A Performance Measurement Model in Risk Environment: A Decision Making Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Arezoo Azarshab Arezoo Azarshab, Soroush Avakh Darestani, Rana Imannezhad, Eyob Mulat-weldemeskel 
    Abstract: Organisations' success in today's competitive world relies on their performance evaluations. In this regard, this paper presents a method for evaluating service organisations considering the performance cost indices. The objectives of the research are to determine important performance evaluation indicators based on balanced scorecard based on risk consideration risk, and to determine the causal relationships of balanced scorecard perspectives that include financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth, risk using the DEMATEL method. Then final ranking of alternatives according to V = 0 to V = 1 using VIKOR method. Also, the risk perspective is introduced as a separate perspective on the balanced scorecard. The research case study is the Water Research Institute under the Ministry of Energy and the results show that the highest weight was related to the financial perspective based on the analysis conducted between different perspectives. Also, the risk perspective is the most influential and the financial perspective is the most influenced perspective. Furthermore, the increasing return on assets with more appropriate use of existing equipment and space has the highest weight among the indices. Finally, different ratings are achieved for the studied institutions for different values in terms of mean distance and maximum distance.
    Keywords: performance measurement; performance costing; balanced scorecard; multiple criteria decision-making; fuzzy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2022.10056264
  • Exploring the Internal Supply Chain Management Practices for Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: Evidence from Bolgatanga Technical University   Order a copy of this article
    by Oswald Atiga, Bright Tanzubil Junior 
    Abstract: This study explored the educational supply chain management of the Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) as an effective internal management tool for public tertiary institutions in Ghana. A descriptive research design was applied in this study. A simple random sampling method was used to select 203 second-and third-year students from the Schools of Business, Applied Sciences and Arts and Engineering from whom the primary data was obtained. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data which was entered into version 7.4 of the Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) software and subsequently exported into Stata 14.2. Factor analysis was used to identify the underlying dimensions that explained the correlational factors. The study revealed that internal supply chain management factors such as sporting and recreational activities, classroom setting, alumnae activities, student interaction with faculty members, examination, academic facilities and source of admission information significantly influenced internal supply chain management practices.
    Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; internal supply chain management factors; internal supply chain; supply chain framework; Bolgatanga Technical University; BTU; education; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10056744
  • A predictive model for Cash or In-kind transfer in welfare scheme: Implications for Indian Public Distribution System   Order a copy of this article
    by Arun Biswal  
    Abstract: This study identifies the key socio-economic factors that influence the choice of in-kind and/or cash transfer mechanism used in welfare schemes. We collect secondary data with respect to the identified indicators for different countries and the respective welfare methods they use. Through logistic regression we investigate the relationship between these dependent and independent variables to establish a predictive model and then validate it through K-Fold Cross-Validation. Our analysis shows that food production index, global hunger index and literacy rate are significant factors those decide whether a country should use in-kind food transfer or cash transfer. This study is a unique attempt to establish a logistic regression model between the independent socio-economic factors of a country and the food-security mechanism they use. Food security is a global issue and the findings from this research could be used to recommend a suitable transfer method in developing countries.
    Keywords: food security; developing countries; food policy; public distribution system; PDS; direct benefit transfer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10057020
  • Comparative analysis of CSR Initiatives and Service Delivery in Selected PSUs of India   Order a copy of this article
    by Brundaban Panda, Rinki Mishra 
    Abstract: The concept of 'corporate social responsibility' has advanced into a significant portion of business interaction. Globalisation seems to have delivered contests among organisations to act as per worldwide exchange practices. In today's environment, numerous public organisations donate a percentage of their profits to the environment as well as social growth. The government's shifting regulations, as well as reports, have always had an impact on CSR in India. The topic of this research study is the status of significant firms in Odisha in terms of corporate social responsibility business operations and service delivery. The goal of this study is to see how CSR and related services are integrated into the corporate structure of the PSUs under consideration. The regulations made by PSUs in relation to social sustainable development as well as environmental challenges are also discussed in this research article.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; service delivery; public sector undertakings; PSUs; drivers; sustainable development; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10057142
  • Beyond the surface: understanding how workplace bullying affects womens performance via emotional exhaustion and psychological well-being   Order a copy of this article
    by A. Vasumathi, K. Ganesan, P. Prasad Babu, Smita Panda 
    Abstract: Workplace bullying that affects women's performance at work. This review investigates how workplace bullying affects women's performance, considering the role of a mediator of emotional exhaustion and psychological well-being. This review revealed consistent associations between workplace bullying and increased emotional exhaustion in women. Emotional exhaustion is negatively impacted job performance, including reduced productivity, engagement, and job satisfaction. Higher levels of psychological well-being buffering the negative impact of emotional exhaustion on job performance among women. These findings highlight the complex interplay between workplace bullying, emotional exhaustion, psychological well-being, and job performance in women. Employers and organisations should prioritise preventing and managing workplace bullying while promoting psychological well- being among female employees through supportive programs and policies. This review provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in understanding and addressing the impacts of workplace bullying on women's performance through psychological well-being and emotional exhaustion.
    Keywords: workplace bullying; psychological well-being; emotional exhaustion; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10057850
  • Superimposition of adoption model on the hierarchy of needs - A case of four-wheeler electric vehicles in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Navin Mathew, G. Varaprasad 
    Abstract: The zero tailpipe emissions in electric vehicles (EVs) make them environment-friendly compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. The four-wheeler EV segment is considered to be very crucial as the Indian car market is the third largest in the world. Despite the presence of four-wheeler EVs in the market, customers still show buying resistance. This study aims to identify the factors influencing the adoption of four-wheeler EVs and also proposes a consumer hierarchy of needs for four-wheeler EVs. The proposed model is an improvised version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, with respect to EVs. Partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is used to analyse the model. The findings reveal that belonging and love need is the most significant factor, followed by transcendence. This study can help manufacturers, marketers and government bodies to make better strategies to identify and satisfy the consumers needs, thus leading to a higher adoption rate.
    Keywords: adoption; purchase intention; four-wheeler EV; partial least square-structural equation modelling; PLS-SEM; Maslow's hierarchy of needs; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10057895
  • Exploring the Impact of Organizational and Human Factors on Cybersecurity Behavior in Jordanian Banks: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Bany Baker, Mohammad Almuiet, Qotadeh Saber Aljawazneh, Ahmad Alhawamleh, Zaid Jaradat 
    Abstract: Cybersecurity has garnered a great deal of attention as a critical issue in information technology, with its importance spanning various areas of national security and the global trading system. This study takes a closer look at the usage of cybersecurity in Jordan's banking sector, providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence attention towards its usage and examining their impact on actual cybersecurity behaviour. By utilising PLS-SEM approach with a research sample of Jordanian banks, this study identifies several key factors that positively impact attention towards using cybersecurity, including awareness, organisational technological readiness, organisational security culture, and self-efficacy. These findings underscore the importance of increasing awareness and investing in organisational technological readiness and security culture to enhance cybersecurity behaviour in the banking sector and beyond. In addition, offering valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in enhancing cybersecurity practices and promoting the security and stability of the financial system.
    Keywords: cybersecurity; organisational-human factors; actual behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058022
  • Risk management applied to budgetary planning in the public administration: an operations management approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Poliana A. F. Abreu, Ualison De Oliveira, Vicente Fernandes 
    Abstract: This research aimed to develop a systematic risk management procedure in an Institution of the Brazilian federal executive power, with emphasis on the process of preparing its budget proposal. As an innovation in the public budgetary process, it was decided to work with risk management techniques commonly used in the field of operations management, thus contributing with new approaches and also with the interdisciplinarity between these two areas of knowledge. Methodologically, this study was supported by bibliographic research, documentary research, in-depth interviews and experts' consensus. The model presented is based on techniques derived from ISO 31010, which can be considered intelligible and practical for the implementation of risk management in federal public institutions, in addition to contributing to these institutions to comply with the legislation that regulates risk management in the public sector in Brazil.
    Keywords: public budgeting processes; risk management; brazilian federal government.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058053
  • Exploring the Impact of Educational Services Quality on Student Satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Byung-Hak Leem 
    Abstract: This study is to examine the influence of quality attributes of educational services on student satisfaction. Seven attributes, including the major curriculum, liberal arts curriculum, extracurricular programs, conference and interaction, administrative services, information systems, and e-class, were considered as quality attributes of education services. The study analysed 6,726 survey responses collected from 130 May 2020. Logistic regression analysis and a ROC curve were employed to assess the relationship between the variables. The results showed that the major curriculum was the most impactful attribute on student satisfaction, followed by liberal arts curriculum, administrative services, information systems, and extracurricular programs. This study expands the understanding of the impact of educational service quality on student satisfaction and suggests a ranking to maximise student satisfaction.
    Keywords: education service quality; student satisfaction; logit model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058096
  • The success of BPR through KMP for workers in production operations   Order a copy of this article
    by Mariam Ibrahim 
    Abstract: Highlighting the role of the knowledge management process (KMP) as a critical factor for successful business process reengineering (BPR). It supports the theory that knowledge management (KM) can provide the dynamism needed to motivate successful BPR and reduce the failure rate and its sources. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to a very important issue in knowledge acquisition (KA), knowledge creation (KC), knowledge storage (KSt), knowledge sharing (KSh), and knowledge application (KP) throughout an organisation. It reflects the need not only to store a specific type of knowledge, but also different types of knowledge. Where the workers with specialisation and interest in the production processes in the productive factories were identified, and 78 employees were identified to conduct the statistical analysis using the SPSS programme. Where it was found that the implementation of KMP in BPR leads to better results and builds support for long-term success in designing business systems and processes. Knowledge remains a competitive and intangible resource in contemporary organisations today. Most KM initiatives aim to take advantage of knowledge to achieve sustainable corporate performance.
    Keywords: business process reengineering; BPR; knowledge management process; KMP; knowledge acquisition; KA; knowledge creation; KC; knowledge storage; KSt.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058128
  • Evaluation of the Degree of Digitalisation: a Study in Law Offices   Order a copy of this article
    by SHYNAIDE MAFRA HOLANDA MAIA, Fagner José Coutinho De Melo, Djalma Silva Guimarães Junior, Eryka Fernanda Miranda Sobral 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the level of digitisation from the perspective of Industry 4.0 in law firms. The paper uses the analysis through a questionnaire containing 7 parts, from the four structural areas presented in the model of maturity index adapted from DigiMaturity. The work uses six dimensions to assess maturity. The work uses a scale to calculate the dimensions. The results show that most of the Pernambuco law firms studied are in the preliminary stage of digital transformation. Of the six dimensions analysed, the highest average found was in the people and culture dimension, with 1.66, demonstrating interest in digital transformation, with answers at the defined level. This paper is original, since, although there are several approaches to digital transformation from the perspective of I4.0, there is nothing specific for the service sector, nor for law firms.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; Maturity 4.0; law firms; law; digital transformation; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058199
  • A Multi-Criteria Classification Framework for Inventory Items Management at the Department of Defense   Order a copy of this article
    by Makinde Olasumbo, Sannah Sithole, Humbulani Phuluwa, Jan Swanepoel 
    Abstract: Poor management of multiple inventory items can result in overstocking of inventory items and/or stockout. Hence, this paper proposes a multi-criteria classification framework that could be used to effectively manage multiple inventory items at the Department of Defense (DoD). The framework was premised on pairing inventory items with similar inventory attributes in a particular inventory item group. The inventory attributes associated with each inventory item was thereafter deployed to ascertain appropriate inventory management policy to effectively manage inventory items required at DoD. The framework was tested using a case study of selected inventory items required at the DoD of a particular country. The result of this exercise revealed that more items in stock single period economic order quantity (EOQ) model, more items in stock continuous-review EOQ model and minimum stock policy are the suitable inventory management policies that could be used to effectively manage 55 inventory items required by soldiers in the organisation.
    Keywords: inventory item; multi-criteria classification framework; inventory management policy; Department of Defense; DoD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058210
    by Honesta Anorue, Ernest Ugwoke, Oliver. O. Okanazu 
    Abstract: Unarguably, the success of every business enterprise, including hotel/guest houses among others depends on the quality of decisions made by their management. The study determined the influence of cost accounting information on management decisions of hotel services in South East, Nigeria. The study was conducted using a descriptive survey research design. A sample size of 375 respondents was drawn from the population using two stage sampling procedure. The mean (X) and standard deviation (SD) was used to analyse the data, and the null hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. Generally, the study found that cost accounting information has low influence on management decision making of hotel services in South East. Based on the results, it was suggested that the hotel management team should place a greater emphasis on service decisions towards customer satisfaction and adapt to other strong motivating approaches in order to improve quality.
    Keywords: hotel services; management; decision making; cost accounting information; CAI; service quality; service pricing; customer satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058478
  • Company Characteristics and Human Resource Disclosure Practices in Indian Corporate Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Dr. Kirti Aggarwal  
    Abstract: The aim of the present study is to examine the potential effects of company characteristics on human resource disclosure index in Indian corporate sector. The present study has been conducted on 341 companies listed on NSE-500 Index. The results of the two-way LSDV regression model shows that there is a significant positive effect of net sales, market capitalisation, quick ratio, auditor type, annual report’s pages, return on total assets, return on equity and significant negative of age, current ratio, profit after tax on HRDI. Furthermore, the results of one-way ANOVA also show that there are significant variations in HR disclosure practices across the varied industrial sectors. Overall, it can be said that the HRDI used in the present study helps the different regulatory bodies to set the standards regarding the HR disclosure practices which is currently voluntary in nature in India.
    Keywords: human resource disclosure; content analysis; annual report; human resource disclosure index; HRDI; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058480
  • Incorporating decision-making styles to predict driver-injury severity in road accidents in a large metropolitan area: a machine-learning-based approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali Ghazizadeh, Mojtaba Hamid, Mahdi Hamid, Mohammad Mahdi Nasiri 
    Abstract: Traffic accidents around the world cause significant economic, human, and social losses annually. As a result, they have always involved their own macro policies and executive plans. Proper planning in this area requires a thorough understanding of traffic accidents. Identifying and analysing the causes of traffic accidents help make better predictions about them and the severity of their injuries. In addition to the well-cited reasons such as vehicle and road conditions, this study explored drivers' decision-making style as one of the factors affecting the severity of traffic accidents. The purpose of this study was to predict traffic accidents and the severity of their injuries by considering the decision-making style of drivers. To this end, we developed and analysed different scenarios according to a variety of data sorting modes, data pre-processing methods, and various classifiers based on machine learning. The results showed that considering the decision-making style has a positive impact on the performance of the prediction model. It was also found that the best-case scenario occurs under the following conditions: 1) all the data alongside decision-making style are presented to the model; 2) outliers are excluded in a permissive mode; 3) the AdaBoost classifier is used for making predictions.
    Keywords: traffic accidents; severity of injury; decision-making style; machine learning; prediction; classifier.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058497
  • Linking the Information Technology with Performance Management in Moroccan Companies: A Qualitative Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohamed ALAMI 
    Abstract: Researchers and professionals are increasingly interested in leveraging information technology (IT) investments to achieve high performance. This is driven by the commodification of IT, influenced by imitation, substitution, and the digitalisation of the economic and social landscape. This study focuses on the use of IT for performance management, which has gained significance due to the collapse of the performance control paradigm and the rise of performance management in today's volatile and uncertain markets. Our objective is to explore the relationship between IT and performance management in Moroccan companies. It is a qualitative study through a conceptual analysis to insights into the context of our research problem. The mean result of this study reveals a low contribution of IT to the digitalisation of the process of the performance management. This weakness is linked to organisational and managerial variables.
    Keywords: information technology; performance management; management instruments; dashboard.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058702
  • The Moderating Effect of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Mechanisms on the Relationship between Production Complexity and Costing System Design: Evidence from Saudi Arabia   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdulrahman Aljabr, Badr Banhmeid 
    Abstract: Operating with optimal costing system design (CSD) that suits the surrounding production and business context is essential to achieve optimal performance. Thus, this research drew on contingency theory and aimed to test the moderating role of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) mechanisms on the association between production complexity (PC) and CSD, with the aim of extending the prior research on this issue by utilising more comprehensive PC and CSD measures and incorporating additional factors that represent the underlying AMT effect. By exploiting quantitative data from Saudi Arabia, the findings of this research show that AMT and the mechanisms of its effect, as indicated by the level of manufacturing flexibility (MF) and reduction in batch- and product-level costs (RBPCs), do not moderate the relationship between PC and CSC, which is contrary to expectations. This research advances prior findings on the impact of PC on optimal CSD, considering the adopted manufacturing technologies.
    Keywords: advanced manufacturing technologies; AMTs; activity-based costing; ABC; batch- and product-level costs; costing system complexity; CSC; costing system design; CSD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058780
  • The impact of globalisation, digitalisation and COVID-19 on the development of new services in the Jordanian banking sector from the perspective of concerned bank employees   Order a copy of this article
    by Khleef Alkhawaldeh 
    Abstract: Creating, enhancing and sustaining competitive advantage is critical challenge in the globalised digital business environment in which COVID-19 is spreading. This study examined the development of new services in the Jordanian banking sector. It also investigated the impact of globalisation, digitalisation and COVID-19 on the development of new services in this sector. About 94% of responses revealed that the new service development process was either very successful or at least successful. The results indicate that the averages (means) of the impact of globalisation, digitalisation and COVID-19 on the development of new services are not different from the high level. These results support the significant high impact of globalisation, digitalisation and COVID-19 on the development of new services in the Jordanian banking sector. The challenges of globalisation constitute beneficial opportunities for business, not threats to its expansion or continuity.
    Keywords: new service development; globalisation; digitalisation; COVID-19; banking sector; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058785
  • Simulating the conditions of variability for service system- A case of Automobile Service Centre   Order a copy of this article
    by Rishu Sharma 
    Abstract: Today, variability in different domains of manufacturing systems like demand, leads to unreliable customer services, unbalanced shop loads and manufacturing lead times. In order to meet demand variability and incorporate the changes of variability, hence improving the high levels of system performance, it becomes necessary to study the different parameters of variability. This helps to improve several criteria like machine utilisation, labour output, bottleneck detection and reduction, etc. in turn meeting the quality parameters in terms of quality, cost and delivery time. This paper considers a job shop to examine the effects of variability conditions on various factors. Simulation is adapted as tool and results indicate that shop performance measures are affected by demand variability parameters. Automobile service centre is considered as the job shop for studying the effects of demand variability.
    Keywords: job shop system; simulation; demand variability; automobile service centre; ASC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058788
  • Optimizing Truck Service Logistics with an Intelligence-Based Spatial Movement Information System: A Usability Review and QFD Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Batara Parada Siahaan, Togar M. Simatupang, Liane Okdinawati, Michael Binsar Tua Sinaga, Kevin Yoyada Tambunan, Arijona Purba 
    Abstract: This paper provides a thorough description of the design and implementation of an intelligent system for tracking truck unit movement at NHT, a North Sumatra-based truck logistics and transportation company. This study employs the quality function deployment (QFD) technique in order to achieve its primary purpose. The QFD method was used to examine the company's operational management requirements, which were then translated into a design for an intelligent information system. In addition, this study assesses the usability of the system prototype developed using the waterfall approach in order to determine its end-user friendliness. The results of the system usability testing suggested that the design satisfied the organisation’s present requirements. This research is anticipated to add to the expanding body of literature on the application of intelligent systems in logistics and transportation management. In addition, the study's practical implications are applicable to practitioners in the logistics and transportation industries who wish to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations through the use of intelligent information systems.
    Keywords: truck service logistics; business information intelligence; performance dashboard; system usability; spatial movement; quality function development; waterfall; software engineering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058789
  • TQM Implementation in Indian Airline Industry: A Digraph Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by WAQAS NIAZI, Jamal Ahmad Farooqui 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to identify TQM practices pertinent to airlines as well as evaluate and compare the TQM implementation in private and public airlines. The evaluation and comparison of TQM implementation in airlines are made using the digraph theory. A digraph is used in the graph-theoretical model to represent abstract system information using directed edges, which are useful for visual analysis. The digraph-developed matrix model is useful for computer processing. The permanent value of multinomial developed from the matrix represents a single number/index that is useful for comparison, ranking, and optimal selection. In our study, seven different TQM practices pertinent to airlines were identified. Also, by calculating the TQM index, it was found that the level of TQM implementation is better in the case of private airlines compared to public airlines.
    Keywords: total quality management; TQM; digraph theory; performance measurement; service industry; airline industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058975
  • Leagile manufacturing in air compressor manufacturing industry: a literature perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Sakthivel T, S.R. Devadasan, D. Ramesh Kumar 
    Abstract: This paper reports a literature survey which was carried out from the perspective of implementing leagile manufacturing paradigm in air compressor manufacturing industry. Leagile manufacturing paradigm is incorporated with lean and agile manufacturing principles. This literature survey was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, the researches on leagile manufacturing were surveyed. During the second phase of the literature survey, the research papers reporting the literature reviews containing the air compressor based researches were reviewed. During the third phase of conducting this literature survey, it was found that so far no efforts for examining the implementation of leagile manufacturing paradigm in air compressor industry have been made by the researchers The paper is concluded by indicating the need of designing an implementation model and conducting case studies to practically validate this model for implementing leagile manufacturing paradigm air compressor manufacturing industry to acquire competitive strength.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; agile manufacturing; leagile manufacturing; postponement; decoupling point; air compressor; literature survey.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10058984
  • Examining the mediating influence of job satisfaction on the link between the delegation of authority, work teams, and human resource agility in commercial banks   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohamed Husni Ali Athamneh, Juraifa Jais 
    Abstract: The paper aims to investigate the mediating influence of job satisfaction (JS) between the delegation of authority, work teams (WT), and human resource agility (HRA) in commercial banks. The study employed a quantitative research design and gathered data from a sample of 448 respondents. The data were analysed statistically using structural equation modelling (SPSS and AMOS 25). The findings of the analysis showed a significant and positive impact of WT, JS, and delegation authority on HRA. Additionally, the study demonstrated the critical mediating role of JS between delegating authority, WT, and human resource agility. It is important to note that this research represents one of the initial investigations into the interconnectedness of these factors. The implications of the findings are significant not only for the financial industry and for the banking sector, but also for the scholarly community, as elaborated in this paper.
    Keywords: human resource agility; HRA; job satisfaction; delegation of authority; work teams; commercial banks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059102
  • Analysis of community engagement on social media during disasters: a Machine Learning Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Arun Thomas, Sumit Kumar, Vinay Panicker 
    Abstract: Recently social networking sites have emerged as an imperative source for providing information to identify and track disasters. The utilisation of social networking data streams to extract meaningful data is possible. A proper data gathering and an evaluation protocol is required for a predictive model. With this purpose, the features of tweets during the Kerala floods of 2018 were examined in this research. About 154,524 tweets were collected using the API during the period between July 2018 and February 2019. Data visualisation has been done with the help of Tableau, and the most commonly used words were identified using a dataset of 10,704 tweets. A topic modelling approach was adopted for exploring and recognising the unlabelled topics in the dataset. A typical machine learning technique is designed for the sentiment analysis of tweets. The long short-term memory (LSTM) model has been developed to find the accuracy of the data.
    Keywords: Twitter API; machine learning; topic modelling; data analysis; sentiment analysis; tweets; binary classification; long short-term memory; LSTM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059122
  • Optimal Location and Allocation of Vaccination Outreach Centres   Order a copy of this article
    by Oladunni S. Okunade, Abiodun Osifowokan, Adepeju A. Opaleye 
    Abstract: Expanded programme on immunisation in developing nations aim at reduction of mortality and morbidity from the six killer diseases to a level of eradication through administration of vaccines. However, achieving the immunisation goals in developing countries like Nigeria is difficult because of heavily scattered settlements and nomadic population. To improve the vaccination coverage by using outreach strategy; there is need to consider the siting of the outreach centres to increase access and reduce the distance to get the vaccine. The study applied location set covering problem and maximum covering location models to define and solve location and allocation of vaccination outreach centres in Ward 1 of Odogbolu local government area. Geographic information systems (GIS) techniques was used in determining the distances between settlements. The models locate four settlements; Oke Oloja, Iganke, Iperin and Berger for siting of the vaccination outreach centre and the demand covered by each settlement are maximised. The study gives an optimal location and allocation of outreach centres which maximises the vaccination coverage in all settlements. Thus, the study aids efficient planning and allocation of outreach centres for vaccination in a timely and effective manner.
    Keywords: outreach; vaccination; allocation; location; covering models.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059229
  • Enhancing efficient aircraft spare parts management in Republic of Korea Air Force: a multiple criteria ABC analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Myungjin Choi, Daekyung Sung, Donggyu Jeon, Kyunghwan Choi 
    Abstract: Catastrophic item manager (IM) has to cope with two issues in Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF): the aircraft operating cost and mission fulfilment. Requisition objective (RO) plays a significant role in both of them. RO can obtain from adding operating level quantity, ordering and shipping time quantity, safety level quantity, and a rounding coefficient. ROKAF has to make a careful decision on this rounding coefficient. This is because it determines the inventory level of all spare parts for the ROKAF. Despite the changes in the air force's weapon system and the very different distribution of the aircraft spare parts, the ROKAF is still using the policy made 30 years ago. This study aims to prepare an economic defence operation policy and an efficient spare parts management plan by presenting the rounding coefficient policy suitable for the changing environment using the multi-criteria ABC analysis. This study is significant in that it prepares and presents a new plan for ROKAF's unique rounding coefficient policy, which is difficult to find in other countries or fields.
    Keywords: aircraft spare parts; multiple criteria ABC analysis; requisition objective; RO; rounding coefficient; economic defence operation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059233
  • Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Indian Commodity Futures Prices: Case of Agricultural Commodities   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonia Garg 
    Abstract: The present study explores the long-run and short-run impacts of various macroeconomic variables on Indian agricultural commodity futures prices. To accomplish this purpose, the present study uses an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The findings of the study show that, in the long run, inflation has a significant impact on kapas, mentha, and chana. Gross domestic product (GDP) has a significant influence on the futures prices of cotton and guar seed. The interest rate has a significant impact on kapas only. The exchange rate has a significant impact on kapas, mentha oil, and chana. Stock market prices (SP) have a significant influence on the futures prices of kapas and mentha oil.
    Keywords: macroeconomic variables; commodity futures; India; autoregressive distributed lag; ARDL; agricultural commodities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059341
  • Bridging modular service architecture and performance of the service delivery process: An example from the healthcare setting   Order a copy of this article
    by Anu Bask, Mervi Vähätalo, Anssi Panula 
    Abstract: Healthcare organisations face challenges to improve their performance while providing customer-oriented services. It has been suggested that modular service architecture has the potential to address these challenges, but empirical research is still scarce. Therefore, the aim of this study is to discover how modular service architecture can support service delivery performance in the healthcare setting. The results demonstrate how modular service architecture allowed the case organisation to customise the service process according to each patient's needs, thus shortening the recovery time and increasing patient satisfaction. Standard modules and components as well as well-defined interfaces were essential factors in supporting the organisation's vision and successful service delivery performance. This study is one of the first attempts to bridge a gap in the research on the intersection between modular service architecture and performance of the service delivery process.
    Keywords: service management; healthcare; architecture; modularity; interfaces; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059355
  • Does Employee Happiness Play any Mediating Role in the relationship between Work-life Balance and Turnover Intentions   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajwinder Kaur, Gagandeep Kaur 
    Abstract: The subject of academician turnover in private universities is crucial to the higher education industry. Two concepts - work-life balance and employee happiness - are combined to examine academicians’ turnover intentions. Here, a thorough model that accounts for work-life balance, employee happiness and turnover intention is put forward. 392 academicians from private universities in Punjab took part in a questionnaire distributed. The analysis of data is performed by applying structural equation modelling. The findings of the study state that work-life balance and employee happiness have a significant (negative) effect on turnover intentions. Furthermore, the study found a significant (positive) effect of work-life balance on employee happiness. Besides this, the study has discovered the mediation effect of employee happiness and the moderation effect of gender on work-life balance and turnover intentions. The outcomes state that employee happiness partially mediates the association between work-life balance and turnover intentions. From the aspect of organisational human behaviour, this research has significant theoretical and practical ramifications for the turnover intentions of academicians, and it would support the happy teaching environment offered at private universities.
    Keywords: academicians; human resource management; moderation; intentions to leave; private universities; work-family conflicts.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059376
  • Grey Theory based Leanness Assessment and decision support system development: A case study   Order a copy of this article
    by D. Senthil Kumar, S. Vinodh, Yuvaraja T 
    Abstract: Evaluation of leanness level of an organisation becomes important as it identifies ill performing criteria and enables organisation to explore process from lean perspective and to focus more on weaker areas to improve operational performance. This work presents a study on leanness assessment of a manufacturing organisation using grey numbers approach. Assessment model comprises five enablers, 30 attributes and 90 criteria. Inputs are obtained from experts and are aggregated at three levels (enabler level, attribute level and criterion level). Overall grey performance index (OGPI) is computed as (2.192, 15.788), which indicates that the organisation is lean. Weaker areas are recognised based on grey performance importance index (GPII) and grey possibility degree (GPD) values. Results are validated using a decision support system. The practical implications are highlighted.
    Keywords: lean manufacturing; leanness assessment; grey numbers; grey systems; decision support system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059448
  • Operations strategy in the manufacturing of Robots   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Maragathasundari, Meka Jahnavi 
    Abstract: Robots are any autonomously run machines that eliminate the need for human labour, even if they may not look like humans or carry out tasks in a way that is humanlike. The majority of today's robots, known as bio-inspired robots, draw their inspiration from nature. The queueing attitude pinpoints the manufacturing issue and offers the crucial ideas that need to be communicated in order to minimise disruptions to the robotic production process. Queuing theory is also used in this work to handle potential delays and other issues. Queues can help uncover ineffective processes and inspire the creation of solutions to reduce resource waste. For the selected queue research, the line size probability generating function and all other efficiency indicators are calculated. The theoretical evaluation of queuing theory in the production of robots is illustrated by a numerical and comprehensive graphic research.
    Keywords: robots; queuing strategy; supplementary variable technique; performance measures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059546
  • An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Periodic Machine Specific Halting and Preventive Maintenance Operations   Order a copy of this article
    by Thangaraj M, Thenepalle Jayanth Kumar 
    Abstract: In the majority of flow shop scheduling scenarios, machine availability is typically assumed consistent throughout the process. Allowing machines to operate continually without a break, however, results decline in productivity or machine failure. Therefore, it is required to allow machines to undergo maintenance operations periodically including halts to avoid machine breakdowns as well as improve performance factors like productivity, reliability and affordability. The existing literature lacks comprehensive studies on flow shop scheduling models integrated with halting times and preventive maintenance operations. Given the practical relevance of this gap, this paper first address a flow shop scheduling problem (FSSP) with periodic machine-specific halting and preventive maintenance operations. To minimise the overall tardiness and effectively manage halting and preventive maintenance operations with job scheduling, an effective NEH-based heuristic algorithm has been developed. As the present problem is new to the literature, comparative studies are not carried out. However, over 50 Taillard benchmark instances ranging from 20-jobs five-machines to 200-jobs ten-machines are used to test the performance of the proposed technique and results are duly reported, which could be helpful as a comparative basis for further research. The results reveal that the proposed algorithm provides the best solutions within a considerable time.
    Keywords: flow shop scheduling problem; FSSP; halting operations; NEH algorithm; preventive maintenance; Taillard instances.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059599
  • An empirical study of the determinants of employee silence among Generation Z   Order a copy of this article
    by Chew Sze Cheah, Kwang Wei Charn, Cheng Ling Tan, Afandi Yusof 
    Abstract: There has been an increasing interest in employee silence over the past ten years. Previous research indicates that employee silence negatively affects employee performance, trust, motivation, and morale. Therefore, investigating the underlying factors that affect employee silence among Generation Z is the aim of this study. A non-probability purposive sampling method was employed in this study and the online questionnaires were distributed to 150 respondents aged between 16 and 24 years old. Smart PLS software was used to analyse the gathered data in the measurement model and structural model. The findings indicated that abusive supervision and implicit belief positively influence employee silence while locus of control negatively influences employee silence. However, power distance culture failed to influence employee silence among Generation Z in this study. This study can assist managers and organisations in better understanding their next-generation workforce and preparing them for future management positions.
    Keywords: employee silence; Generation Z; abusive supervision; implicit belief; locus of control.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10059884
  • Study on the influence of perceived service process belief on overall customer satisfaction: The role of stage satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Piyush Gupta, AMIT Sachan, Sasadhar Bera, Tanusree Dutta 
    Abstract: A significant amount of research in service operations has focused on customer journey and experience along the e-retail service delivery (e-RSD). Literature reveals that little research has focused on the service process-beliefs of the customer journey in multi-stage e-RSD. The objective of this paper is to see the influence of perceived service process-beliefs on stage satisfaction and attempt to study the impact of stage satisfaction on the customer’s overall satisfaction in multi-stage e-RSD. Survey data was collected from 455 Indian customers. Multiple regression analysis is used to find the significance of independent variables on dependent variables. The results identify the significant service process-beliefs impacting the stage satisfactions and results show that all four stage-satisfactions are affecting the overall customer satisfaction. This study offers empirical proof to comprehend the service process-beliefs that affect stage satisfactions in multi-stage e-RSD which can be used by managers to tailor their e-retail service offerings.
    Keywords: online retail service delivery; stage satisfaction; customer journey; customer satisfaction; service process; e-retail service delivery; e-RSD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060304
  • Cultivating Productivity among Women Employees: The Dynamic Role of Psychological Well-Being, Emotional Exhaustion, and Conflict Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Divyakala C, Vasumathi Arumugam 
    Abstract: The study delves into moderation effects, unveiling how the conflict management climate intricately influences psychological well-being, emotional exhaustion, and productivity. The research demonstrates that a positive conflict management climate amplifies the favourable impact of psychological well-being on productivity while mitigating the adverse effects of emotional exhaustion on work performance. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of these variables, their means, standard deviations, and interrelationships. The climate of conflict management variable indicates varying perceptions, with a significant positive correlation linking it to psychological well-being, and a negative correlation with emotional exhaustion. the findings stress the central role of effective conflict resolution strategies in nurturing an environment that promotes both worker well-being and heightened productivity. the complex associations with productivity reveal a delicate balance where enhanced well-being, effective conflict resolution practices, and reduced emotional exhaustion contribute to improved work output.
    Keywords: psychological well-being; PWB; emotional exhaustion; productivity; women; workplace; conflict management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060469
  • Hybrid higher education supply chain and value stream mapping design   Order a copy of this article
    by Hind Bouhassoun, Nicolas Cheimanoff 
    Abstract: Education systems evolved in a dynamic ecosystem after the industrial revolution, in the light of the Industry 4.0, and after the recent pandemic. They are constrained by the massive need for education and job market specifications. Leaders and managers of higher education institutes (HEIs) are continuously challenged. On the strategic level, they establish the vision, build the mission, clearly define objectives, plan the activity and position their organizations on the global higher education (HE) map. The authors offer to support the decision-making process of HEIs with practices and methodologies from supply chain management. After analysing literature, HE is considered a service and the hybrid higher education supply chain and value stream mapping design (H-HESC-VSM-D) is constructed. It uncovers the current-state of a HEI and helps depict incoherence. As a managerial contribution, it offers a basis for integration, coordination and quality improvements to attain global performance and quality targets.
    Keywords: higher education; supply chain; service supply chain; value stream mapping; decision-making; management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060549
  • Integration of Lean Thinking and Service Quality in the Healthcare Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Berhanu Tolosa, Daniel Kitaw, Kassu Jilcha, Sisay Sirgu 
    Abstract: Healthcare service quality has a pivotal goal in every country’s economy and level of productivity. The sector has turned its attention to a lean approach due to a growing influence in reducing cost and waiting time, enhancing service quality, and increasing flexibility. The main objective of the study is to investigate the existing databases under the umbrella of quality service and lean thinking to identify possible research gaps. The study used different databases to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the literature to enhance service quality. Using a descriptive analysis technique, the selected studies were carefully evaluated and analysed by their study distribution; year of publication, method, potential factors (dimension, knowledge, trust, etc.), scope, relationships, area, and findings. Finally, the study showed that lean service quality adoption is the major research gap that blocks the performance of the service sector in general and healthcare in particular. The authors suggested lean service quality improves healthcare patient satisfaction and future research directions were also forwarded to initiate young researchers in the sector.
    Keywords: service quality; lean thinking; healthcare; health system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060723
  • Unveiling the Dynamics of Product Service Systems: Insights from Digital Platform Ecosystems and Customer Engagement Perspectives   Order a copy of this article
    by Luke T. Treves, Mikko Pynnonen, Mika Immonen 
    Abstract: This research delves into the complex relationship between digital platform ecosystems, business-to-customer (B2C) engagement, and the triumph of product-service systems (PSS) business models that prioritise functionality over ownership. While digital platform ecosystems have evolved as collaborative arenas that add value to PSSs, our understanding of their synergistic role in PSS business model success remains limited. An extensive review of 94 peer-reviewed academic articles in business management and economics revealed important influences and correlations between digital platform ecosystem factors and B2C engagement in PSS business models. The key influences include cooperation and collaboration, design and structure, governance, network effects, technology, communication and marketing, value and co-creation, acceptance, trust, and risk. The paper unveils the intricate link between digital platform ecosystems, B2C engagement, and PSS success, stressing adaptability to changing customer preferences and leveraging digital platforms for innovation. It sets the stage for future research in this transformative field.
    Keywords: product service system; PSS; digital platforms; digital platform ecosystems; DPEs; consumer engagement; customer engagement; service innovation; open innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060737
  • Unveiling the Drivers of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Cinema Theatres: Integrating Sufficiency and Necessity Perspectives   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaime Dagostim Picolo, Gerson Tontini, Giancarlo Gomes 
    Abstract: This study aims to examine the sufficiency and necessity of antecedents for customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of cinema theatres. A survey-based approach was employed to collect data from 319 customers of three multiplexes located in Brazil. The survey included measures related to various dimensions of cinema theatre services (access, attendants’ service, exhibition, promotions, confectionery, tickets, comfort, projection, conservation, information, and responsiveness), customer satisfaction, and loyalty. The data were analysed using a combined approach of partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and necessary condition analysis (NCA). The results of the PLS-SEM analysis indicate that three dimensions, namely promotions, projection and comfort significantly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty in cinema theatres. However, all dimensions, even those that were not found to be significant in the PLS-SEM analysis, were identified by NCA as necessary to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    Keywords: necessary condition analysis; NCA; sufficiency; necessity; customer satisfaction; loyalty; cinema theatres.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060830
  • Usability of E-Commerce as a Digital Platform: Resilient Food Supply Chains (RFSCs) amid Covid-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Alawamleh, Lana Mohannad Al-Twait 
    Abstract: This research aims to evaluate the usability of e-commerce via digital platforms amid the COVID-19 pandemic and investigate the relationship between usability, customer behaviour, and resilience in food supply chains (FSCs) from the perspective of digital customers. A structured online survey tool was employed targeting customers who were visiting business to consumer (B2C) digital platforms. A series of analyses were performed based on the varimax rotation technique, as well as the principal component analysis (PCA) extraction approach. The empirical results indicate the following: 1) usability is a six-dimensional construct, comprising navigation, information architecture, value of content, satisfaction, aesthetics and consistency, and functionality; 2) customer behaviour is a two-dimensional construct, comprising decision-making and physical activity; 3) resilience is a three-dimensional construct, comprising agility, collaboration and risk management. The structural findings indicate that the above factors of usability positively and significantly affect customer behaviour and resilience in FSCs.
    Keywords: usability of e-commerce; digital platforms; business to consumer; B2C; resilience; food supply chain; FSC; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060833
  • Staff Records Management Practices by Registry Staff: Influence of Institutional Factors in Kaduna State University (KASU) Kaduna, Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Ismaila Adamu, Hardik Bhadeshiya, Dr. Sahabi Muhammad Kabir 
    Abstract: The study investigated staff records management practices by registry staff: influence of institutional factors in Kaduna State University (KASU) Kaduna, Nigeria. A sample size of 140 out of 220 registry staff was obtained using Krejcie and Morgan's 1970 formula. The researchers employed the questionnaire as the research instrument for collecting data. A validated and structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.83 to 0.95. The results demonstrated that institutional variables had a favourable and substantial impact on staff records management practises at the KASU registry. It is advised that KASU should consider political factors more to sustain staff records management practices because political factors significantly impact staff records management practices.
    Keywords: institutional factors; staff records; records management practices; Kaduna State University; KASU; registry; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060834
  • Women leadership styles on manufacturing industry employees' job performance: Evidence from Sarawak, Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Pan Wen Ting, Lo May Chiun, Abang Azlan Mohamad, Jun Zhou Thong 
    Abstract: The under-representation of women in top management is due to various factors, including discriminatory attitudes and family responsibilities. Despite progress, there is still a substantial gap to close, and Malaysia aims to involve 30% of women in top management. The study aims to investigate women's leadership in enhancing employees' job performance. The research aims to examine the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership styles and their effect on job performance in the manufacturing industry of Sarawak. The researchers used Smart PLS 3.0 to analyse the variables of transformational and transactional leadership (idealised influence, inspiration motivation, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, contingency reward, active and passive management by exception) on job performance. The study revealed that idealised influence and individualised consideration did not have a significant impact on employee performance. However, other dimensions of transformational and transactional leadership had a positive association with job performance.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; transactional leadership; job performance; manufacturing industry; Sarawak; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060851
  • The integration of retail supply chain and Industry 4.0   Order a copy of this article
    by Yamini S. 
    Abstract: Retail 4.0 makes use of the Internet of things and big data analytics at the retail stores to focus on achieving more customers. This investigation categorises supply chain, retail, Industry 4.0, and related research articles based on the publication trends in Retail 4.0. The search showcases the research outcomes by doing a bibliometric analysis during the period 20082022 with respect to active authors, data-clusters from abstracts, titles and keywords from various reputed databases. For the last few years, integration of supply chain and Industry 4.0 practices have been an emerging and trending area and it is very evident in Retail sector as well. This article highlights about the need for integration of I4.0 technologies in retail supply chain. These classifications and bibliometric analyses aid in identifying potential areas of research and providing directions for aspiring researchers in the field of Retail 4.0 and SCM 4.0.
    Keywords: Retail 4.0; supply chain management 4.0; big data; Industry 4.0; IoT in retail; artificial intelligence; smart supply chain management; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10060853
  • Beyond parcels: Exploring the service quality-driven paradigm of customer satisfaction in the courier sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Weng-Kar Foo, Jeffrey S. S. Cheah 
    Abstract: Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study delves into the dynamic between courier service quality and the contentment of young customers. Harnessing the robust SERVQUAL model, we engaged 217 Malaysians under 40, employing structural equation modelling. The findings resonate with the positive influence of assurance, empathy, reliability, and tangibility on customer satisfaction, though responsiveness veers in a different direction. Beyond its theoretical contribution to the SERVQUAL model, this research carves a unique niche by dissecting the interplay of courier service quality and customer satisfaction, resonating strongly with young consumers during the pandemic. Practical implications abound, empowering courier firms to optimise their service quality for enhanced customer experience.
    Keywords: customer satisfaction; service quality; courier company; young customers; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061093
  • Financial Development, Country Governance and Economic Growth: Evidence from BRICS Economies   Order a copy of this article
    by Byomakesh Debata, Sangita Dutta Gupta, Mafruza Sultana 
    Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of financial development and governance on the economic growth of BRICS economies for a sample period spanning from 1992 to 2017. Besides financial development and governance, this study considers the macroeconomic variables, trade openness, economic freedom, human capital formation, life expectancy, and inflation which have been considered the essential determinants of economic growth. Dynamic panel data models, more specifically, generalised method of moments techniques were used for the analysis. Data on governance was collected from World Bank reports. The empirical findings suggest that financial development is positively associated with economic growth. Good governance, control of corruption, and an effective rule of law affect economic growth positively. The findings from this study have implications for policymakers, corporate managers, and investors to create a stable and vibrant financial system.
    Keywords: economic growth; financial liberalisation; financial market; generalised method of moments; GMM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061095
  • The Effects of Internet Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Nepal   Order a copy of this article
    by Gunja Kumari Sah  
    Abstract: The research aims to examine the effect of internet banking service quality dimensions and moderating factors on consumer satisfaction. A commercial bank's 300 internet banking customers were surveyed using questionnaire by convenient sampling. However, 219 were responses returned, 24 were discarded, and 195 were determined to be authentic for analysis by SPSS and AMOS 20. The factors' reliability and validity determined by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Independent sample t-test and ANOVA were used to examine the moderating effect. It was found that website design and ease of use significantly but security and privacy had an insignificant effect on customer satisfaction. Ease of use and website design was high but privacy and security were low influential dimensions. Gender and occupation were significant except age and education were insignificant difference with customer satisfaction. This research model increase facts to maintain internet banking quality in developing countries.
    Keywords: AMOS 20; customer satisfaction; ease of use; privacy; security; website design.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061155
  • Influence of Blockchain Technology on Open Banking: A Scoping Literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Baiju J. Nair, Tomy K. Kallarakal, U.M.A. VR, Girish S, Sachin K. Parappagoudar 
    Abstract: The recent shift towards customer-centric products and services has prompted an investigation into a framework prioritising a customer-centric banking experience. The synergy between open banking and blockchain technology has the potential to power this framework. Open banking, despite being relatively new, has garnered considerable attention globally, fostering a more interconnected economy and restoring customer control over their data. Privacy and security concerns in open banking can be mitigated through the strategic integration of blockchain technology. A scoping literature review of 153 articles from 2016 to 2023 indicates that blockchain enhances the security, transparency, and accessibility of open banking. Its decentralised nature ensures customer data security, and smart contracts ensure precision in financial transactions. This research emphasises the growing interest in integrating open banking and blockchain, providing valuable insights for stakeholders and guiding future multidisciplinary collaboration in this evolving domain.
    Keywords: open banking; fintech; banking; blockchain; literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061279
  • Recent Review on Non-Instantaneous Deteriorating Items in Inventory Models (2006-2022)   Order a copy of this article
    by Anthony Limi, K. Rangarajan, P. Rajadurai 
    Abstract: This article presents comprehensive information about the advances and recent research made in the field of non-instantaneous deteriorating inventory objects in this literature review. This paper investigated some characteristics that play a significant role in the management of a non-instantaneously deteriorating inventory model. Our reviewed papers have been classified using keywords such as economic order quantity (EOQ), two warehouses (TWs), vendor managed inventory (VMI), and economic production quantity (EPQ). This paper’s literature review framework provides a clear overview of the field of non-instantaneous deteriorating inventory analysis that can serve as a springboard for additional investigation. The research work summarised in this paper provides clear information about non-instantaneous deteriorating items. In addition, the article provides a research gap and future research directions in this area.
    Keywords: non-instantaneous deterioration; economic order quantity; EOQ; two warehouses; vendor managed inventory; VMI; economic production quantity; EPQ.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061336
  • Incorporating robust and quasi-robust optimization methods to model the relief distribution problem under uncertainty   Order a copy of this article
    by Israa Ismail 
    Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of modelling uncertainty in supply, demand, and travel time parameters in relief distribution optimisation models. The model aims to minimise the deprivation cost, expressed as a function of deprivation time, and updates the deprivation status of demand nodes at the beginning of each time period in the planning horizon. The uncertainty realisations in travel time are thus discretised and delays are expressed as number of time periods behind the expected delivery time. The first part of the article adapts the reasonable worst case robust optimisation approach to model uncertainties in supply and demand parameters which are assumed to be uniformly distributed. The second part introduces a novel quasi robust optimisation approach to model uncertainty in travel time where delays in each arc are assumed to be proportional to the assigned arc load for more protection against constraints' violation. The model is tested and verified empirically.
    Keywords: humanitarian logistics; robust optimisation; travel time uncertainty; deprivation cost; relief distribution models.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061472
  • Enhancing the POLCA Production Control System by Indirect Load   Order a copy of this article
    by Fernando J. Gómez, Moacir Godinho Filho, Matthias Thurer, Nuno O. Fernandes 
    Abstract: Paired-cell overlapping loops of cards with authorisation (POLCA) is a card-based production control system (PCS). The original POLCA system uses authorisation dates based on an MRP list to release jobs to the shop. However, when jobs present high variability in processing times, POLCA may refuse a job to start production on a station, even if available capacity exists, negatively impacting performance. To limit this problem, we adapt POLCA to consider the stations' indirect load (IL) at job release to gain flexibility. We compare the mechanisms through simulation experiments. Results suggest that the indirect load mechanism helps this system to improve operational performance, especially concerning job throughput times and customer delivery time. This research implies that managers should consider the indirect load at stations when using POLCA for production control in a lean production context with high variability.
    Keywords: production control; POLCA; IL-POLC; indirect workload; order release.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061806
  • An examination of the association between Green HRM practices & Pro Environmental Behaviour: Prism of AMO theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Vanisri K, Prabir Chandra Padhy 
    Abstract: Recent literatures acknowledge that business entities nowadays focusing much on environmental issues. Human resource management occupies a noteworthy place in making organisations green or environmental oriented. This study investigates the direct impact of green HRM practices on employees' pro environmental behaviour. Green HRM has little effect on employee pro-environmental behaviour, notably in IT. Accordingly, this research aim to dissect the influencing role of green HRM practices like green recruitment, green training, green performance management, and green incentives on pro-environmental behaviour among IT workers. The data was collected from IT employees in India using survey technique. This study attempts to find that whether there is significance among green HRM practices and pro environmental behaviour. The extent of relationship is detailed through statistical analyses. The relationship that exists among green recruitment, green training, green performance management is analysed in this study.
    Keywords: information technology sector; green HRM; pro environmental behaviour; IT employees.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061919
  • Assessing the Factors Influencing Healthcare 5.0 Readiness   Order a copy of this article
    by Urmila Natarajan, M. Suresh 
    Abstract: The healthcare transformations focus on understanding patient care plan developments and effective service care. Technical developments in the health sector enhance the patients care and provide a better experience in treatment. As the transformations are increasing in healthcare units in every aspect and this era is very much technical oriented, the focus of the study is on Healthcare 5.0 readiness, where it significantly trying to find out the readiness level in healthcare organisations. The conceptual framework is to understand the collective concerns of the elements through total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) and to distinguish the factors which have driving and dependence power. The factors are identified from literature reviews and experts’ opinion through interviews to know the interrelations and interconnection between the factors. Therefore, the study results say sustainable development and innovative technology usage are critical factors in Healthcare 5.0 readiness. This study will benefit the researcher, healthcare managers and practitioners to know the factors of 5.0 readiness to healthcare change.
    Keywords: Healthcare 5.0; hospitals; sustainable systems development; collaborative robots; 5G communication service; smart technologies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10061952
  • Productivity Assessment for Academic Institutions using DEA-Malmquist PRODUCTIVITY INDEX   Order a copy of this article
    by Geo George, Georgy Kurien 
    Abstract: The paper aims to study productivity change in the education sector. The productivity study, considering a group of educational institutes, helps in framing policies and bringing changes that help improve the quality of education. This efficient benchmarking tool allows institutions to learn from the best practices of other successfully running institutions. The study is based on a non-statistical DEA-based Malmquist productivity index for calculating the productivity change in institutions. Thirteen colleges in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, were selected by non-probability judgmental sampling. The fixed base method and Euclidean distance ensures homogeneity in the sample. Single, double, and three decomposition helps identify the reason for the growth, progress, or stagnation in technical change, technological change, scale efficiency change, or frontier change. This paper fulfils an identified need to understand how productivity calculation helps institutions frame better policies and take necessary action that helps them be productive.
    Keywords: productivity; data envelopment analysis; DEA; Malmquist productivity index; MPI; benchmarking; quality assurance; higher education institutions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062194
  • A Scientometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Marketing and SME Performance for Long-term Sustainability   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Manigandan 
    Abstract: The study aims to examine the comprehensive relationship between entrepreneurial marketing (EM) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) performance. The present study addresses the research gap in many empirical studies available. However, no systematic literature reviews focused on the impact of EM on SMEs' performance in emerging markets. Thus we investigate the 167 documents retrieved from the Scopus database using bibliometric analysis, thematic clustering, and performance analysis. The study mainly focuses on annual scientific production, keyword analysis, citation, co-citation, and country-wise analysis. R studio and VOS software were used to conduct visualise the network analysis and cluster analysis. The study's main finding is the highest production in 2023 with 205 publications, and the most impactful countries are Ulster University and the USA, respectively. This article will be more helpful to society in providing a conceptual framework for the firm development process and emerging markets.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial marketing; SMEs performance; systematic literature review; integrative framework; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062256
  • Exploring Electronic Gadget Buying Behaviour in India: A Social Media Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Surbhi Goyal, Navdeep Kaur 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of demographic factors on consumer buying behaviour for electronic gadgets, within the context of Indian social media platforms. This study also explored how demographic information influences consumers' purchasing decisions on social media when it comes to electronic gadgets. This study utilises a quantitative research design. Firstly, quantitative data is collected through online surveys distributed on social media platforms to gather information about consumers' demographic characteristics and their buying behaviour for electronic gadgets. The gathered information analysis has been done with IBM SPSS Statistics version 22. The results of this study revealed that demographic information significantly impacted the consumer behaviour. Single and married individuals demonstrate varied buying patterns, highlighting the need for tailored approaches. Gender also exhibits different preferences, necessitating gender-specific marketing strategies.
    Keywords: demographic influences; consumer buying behaviour; electronic gadgets; social media; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062332
  • Adoption and Usage of Digital Banking Services: A Rural Indian Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Gayatri Samantaray, Pushpendra Khandelwal 
    Abstract: The landscape of banking is shifting as a result of the proliferation of digital banking services, which are enabled by a wide range of applications developed by financial institutions. The rapid rise of digital banking has transformed the Indian financial landscape. Despite the Indian Government's schemes aimed at financial inclusion through cashless transactions and technology-based services, the adoption of digital banking is facing certain constraints in the rural parts of the country. In response, this research makes an attempt to explore the factors that are vital to the adoption and use behaviour towards digital banking in the rural Indian context. User-friendliness and convenience, awareness, digital banking self-efficacy, and trust and security confidence emerged as significant predictors of intention to adopt and facilitate digital banking use behaviour. These findings offer newer insights into this under-explored domain to facilitate conceptual development, strategy formulation, and effective policy development.
    Keywords: digital banking; services; adoption; intention; rural India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062345
  • Do Psychological Capital and Digital Readiness Impact Service Quality in Interior Designers in Indonesia? The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour and Work Engagement as Mediators   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajriya Ninda, Budi W. Soetjipto 
    Abstract: Service quality is an important aspect of service industries, and it has been discussed in many industries, such as banking, healthcare, and hospitality. There is a need to view the creative industry as a designer. In this instance, digital technology's effect on service quality and pandemic COVID-19 accelerates the adaptation. Interiors designers are adapting but still struggle because they typically conduct in-person design procedures, including brainstorming, mood boarding, collaboration, etc. This research proposed the psychological capital of interior designers could affect their service quality mediated by digital readiness, innovative work behaviour, and work engagement. The data was collected using a questionnaire-based survey of 139 interior designers in Indonesia and analysed using PLS SEM. The study's findings showed that psychological capital was crucial for influencing the service quality of designers, that work engagement and innovative work behaviour greatly impacted that quality, but that digital readiness had little bearing on any of those factors.
    Keywords: digital readiness; innovative work behaviour; interior design; psychological capital; service quality; work engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062500
  • Analysis of the implementation of the LSS approach in Moroccan services: benefits, tools, difficulties, critical success factors   Order a copy of this article
    by Siham Alami Chentoufi, Abdelali Ennadi 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess the level of implementation of the Lean Six Sigma approach to optimise the performance of services in Morocco. To achieve our study objective, we analysed previous studies from a systematic literature review, and validated by Moroccan experts in the service sector. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 61 different services in Morocco. After collecting all the answers, we statistically analysed them to make them useful to researchers and practitioners of the LSS approach involved in performance optimisation, since no research has been carried out on the progress of the adoption of this approach within the Moroccan services. The results of this study reveal that the LSS approach is not yet implemented by all Moroccan services to improve performance, 65% of respondents have not yet tried to apply this method in their service.
    Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; service; Morocco; obstacles; critical success factors; CSFs; benefits; tools.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062576
  • The Past, Present, and Future of Service Recovery: A Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sayan Banerjee, Anil Verma 
    Abstract: Understanding the progress trajectories of service recovery in the academic context is highly quintessential for services marketing research and practice. This research presents an extensive bibliometric analysis of service recovery and its progress over the years. The sample utilised in this enquiry comprised of 1,066 documents gathered from the Scopus database. It was examined with techniques like performance analysis, co-citation analysis, keyword co-occurrence analysis, and thematic analysis. The performance analysis was conducted to examine the contributions of various research constituents like authors, countries, sources, and affiliations. The co-citation analysis provided an introspective view of the extant literature that forms the base for the enhancement of the service recovery research field. The keyword co-occurrence and thematic analysis furnishes information pertaining to the research themes within the purview of service recovery that has been addressed so far.
    Keywords: service recovery; bibliometric analysis; bibliometrix; keyword analysis; conceptual structure; thematic analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10062581
  • Analyzing the Expectation vs Satisfaction Gaps and Prioritizing Dimensions of Service Quality for Middle-Class Restaurant Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammed Yusoof Muhammad Yunis, Rafikul Islam, Siti Salwani Razali, Siddique Azam 
    Abstract: Service quality plays an important role in ensuring customer satisfaction and hence attaining competitive advantage for restaurant business. To bridge literature gap, this study prioritises SERVQUAL dimensions for middle-class restaurants in Malaysia and also investigates customer service quality perceptions and gaps. Data collection included 222 customers for performing gap analysis and 30 respondents for prioritisation of SERVQUAL dimensions. Analytic hierarchy process, descriptive analysis, ANOVA, and t-tests were used for data analysis. Results revealed the largest gap in reliability, while tangibles and assurance had the smallest gaps. No significant SERVQUAL gap differences were found among customer groups based on demographics. Responsiveness was ranked as the most important SERVQUAL dimension, followed by reliability with tangibles and empathy ranked lower. The results provide guidelines to the managers of middle-class restaurants to design their restaurants and enhance delivery of services. In particular, managers should prioritise creating a welcoming atmosphere through staff training, inclusive language, and supportive policies.
    Keywords: service quality; SERVQUAL gap; customer perception; middle-class restaurants; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; customer satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10062908
  • A Multi-Objective Robust Possibilistic Programming Approach to Designing Sustainable and Reliable Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network (Case Study: Aluminum Industry)   Order a copy of this article
    by Sajad Amirian, Maghsoud Amiri, Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard 
    Abstract: In this study, using a robust possibilistic programming approach with Me scale for solving sustainable and reliable supply chain network design (SCND) problems under uncertain conditions has been considered. The proposed approach eliminates the need for iterative consideration by decision-makers by providing unlimited choices from the optimism-pessimism spectrum. The mathematical model developed in this study is of MILP, which is implemented in GAMS software to solve it and find Pareto optimal solutions. The accuracy of the overall performance of the proposed model has been evaluated with four examples (based on the coefficients of the objective functions) from a case study in the aluminum industry. The variability of the justified decision space in the Me scale has helped to solve the (SCND) problem more flexibly and closer to reality through the possibility of exchange between the objective function and the risk-taking level of the managers.
    Keywords: sustainability; reliability; closed-loop supply chain network; robust possibilistic programming.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10063071
  • Business intelligence Systems Success Model Based on Information System Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Almuiet, Mohammad Bany Baker, Zaid Jaradat, Ala'a Bani Bakr, Qotadeh Saber Aljawazneh, Ghaith Jaradat 
    Abstract: In the literature, research often places more emphasis on decision-making systems than on the variables influencing BI adoption, and business intelligence (BI) is seen as a new decision-making domain. Along with other BI-relevant criteria, the article used the technology acceptance model (TAM), De Lone and McLean's model, and TAM. Survey information was collected from managers, accounting department heads, and IT department employees at Jordanian hospitals in order to experimentally test the suggested model. Based on the PLS-SEM results, it is clear that perceived usefulness, perceived usability, system quality, service quality, and information quality all had a favourable impact on BI adoption intentions, which in turn had a favourable impact on BI use. From a practical standpoint, stakeholders such as technology-based BI vendors, legislators, and healthcare providers can greatly benefit from the guidance provided by these findings.
    Keywords: business intelligence; BI; technology acceptance model; TAM model; IS model; healthcare sector; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10063411
  • Improving lean transformation success with change management techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Ariella Janka Tarjáni, Noémi Kalló, Béla Pataki 
    Abstract: While the success rate of lean transformations is low, soft management techniques such as change management methodologies are rarely mentioned in the lean literature. Combining the different approaches represented by lean and change management can support the success of lean projects and the organisation. As lean transformations are inevitably radical changes in organisations, they must be supported suitably by change management techniques. We show how the success of such a change can be forecasted and how the preparation and implementation phase can be supported with the help of change management. This paper presents a case study where a new lean tool, an online kanban board, is introduced into the operation of a service SME. Based on the case study, we recommend using the presented change management tools for lean implementations.
    Keywords: change management; lean management; lean office; kanban board; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10063440
  • Unlocking Supplier Development: A Comprehensive Analysis of Interrelationships and Strategies for Enhanced Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Dalvi Manojkumar, Vishal Bhosale, Anjali More 
    Abstract: The primary goal of this study is to identify and analyse the interrelationships among supplier development activities (SDAs) with the aim of step-by-step execution of supplier performance improvement through supplier development (SD). The interrelationships are identified through interpretive structural modelling (ISM), and the driving and dependence power of SDAs are determined using fuzzy Matrice dimpacts crois
    Keywords: fuzzy MICMAC; supplier development; SD; vendor development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10063846
  • An Investigation of Passenger Service Satisfaction with International Airports: Evidence from Vietnam-Taiwan direct flights at Tan Son Nhat International Airport   Order a copy of this article
    by Nam Tien Duong  
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate passengers' satisfaction with the Vietnam-Taiwan flights at Tan Son Nhat Airport in terms of flights and airport services. The findings indicate that satisfaction with various service attributes, such as ticket purchasing, destination and flight services, and airline staff services falls between dissatisfaction and satisfaction. In the multiple regression of flight service satisfaction, satisfaction with the two service dimensions, destination and flight services, and airline staff services, positively affect the overall flight service satisfaction. As for satisfaction with airport services, satisfaction with various service attributes, including terminal facilities, airport services, and passenger service information, ranges from dissatisfaction to satisfaction, while satisfaction with parking and ground transportation attributes lies between dissatisfaction and neutral. In the multiple regression of airport services satisfaction, satisfaction with the four service dimensions, terminal facilities, airport services, passenger service information, and parking and ground transportation, positively affects overall airport service satisfaction.
    Keywords: satisfaction; airport; passenger; service; flight; Vietnam; Taiwan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10064137
  • A Closed-loop Supply Chain Game Model Considering Reciprocal Preferences and Echelon Utilisation   Order a copy of this article
    by Shan Yu, Qiang Hou 
    Abstract: Considering the closed-loop supply chain decision-making process of power battery cascade utilisation under the reciprocal preference, this paper constructs the profit function of all stakeholders in the power battery closed-loop supply chain, studies the optimal equilibrium strategy and evolution characteristics, simulates the path evolution process of profits by numerical simulation, analyses the sensitivity of parameters, and verifies the impact of various parameters on the overall structure and path. The results show that with the increase of the reciprocity preference degree, the manufacturers will increase the retail price of new power batteries and the repurchase price of used batteries, and the echelon users will not change the retail price of high energy density batteries. The reciprocal preference behaviour among members enhances the interests of other members through profit transfer, achieves the maximum benefits of the closed-loop supply chain and promotes the sustained and stable operation of the supply chain.
    Keywords: closed-loop supply chain; cascade utilisation; reciprocal preference; power batter.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064232
  • The Impact of Organisational Agility on Achieving High Performance in the Jordanian Public Shareholding Industrial Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Murad Salih Musallam Alkhalafa, Wan Nur Syahida Binti Wan Ismail, Wan Zanani Binti Wan Abdullah, Nur Haiza Muhammad Zawawi 
    Abstract: This article aims to evaluate the impact of organisational agility capabilities (OAC), namely agile strategy, agile processes, agile linkages, and agile people, on achieving comprehensive organisational transformation to the level of a high-performance institution. Additionally, this study proposes a transformation framework to convert low-performing organisations into high-performance institutions by exploring the essential administrative practices and methods required for such transformation. The data was collected through a survey questionnaire from managers in the upper and middle management of Jordanian public shareholding industrial companies. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was utilised to test the proposed hypotheses and examine the relationships among the study variables. The study found a positive relationship between OAC, agile strategy, agile processes, agile linkages, and agile people with the high-performance transformation framework. It also discovered that a learning organisation plays a positive mediating role in strengthening the relationship between these variables.
    Keywords: organisational agility; learning organisation; organisational performance; high-performance organisation; HPO; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10064466
  • Pricing new and remanufactured products: a strategic analysis of the selling and leasing Models   Order a copy of this article
    by Tao Zhou, Kai Li, Bohai Liu, Zhiying Kuang 
    Abstract: Growing environmental concerns have prompted firms to adopt sustainable practices, with remanufacturing emerging as a promising approach. However, implementing remanufacturing into business models presents challenges for firms. Our study examines the selling and leasing business models, analysing how ownership is transferred upon purchase or retained by the firm, and how returned product quality and customer perception impact remanufacturing, marketing, and the environment. We also identify conditions that favour each business model. Our findings indicate that the firm’s remanufacturing preference is contingent upon the quality of returned products, with full remanufacturing being favoured for higher quality products and partial remanufacturing being employed for lower quality ones. Notably, a high level of returned product quality may not always be beneficial for the firms remanufacturing profitability. The total environmental impact tends to decrease as the quality of returned products improves under certain conditions. Furthermore, a rise in the customer perception factor may lead to diminished profits and decreased environmental impact. Finally, our research indicates that the decision between adopting a leasing or selling model hinges on the quality of returned products, regardless of whether they were obtained through leasing or selling.
    Keywords: business model; remanufacturing; pricing; product quality; customer perception; environmental impact.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064610
  • Lights on the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in Moroccan Companies: Benefits, Barriers, Critical Success Factors (CSFs)   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma Arabi, Mohamed Saad Bajjou, ANAS Chafi, Mohammed E.L. Hammoumi 
    Abstract: This is the abstract reduced to less than 150 words: This paper focuses on the implementation of lean in different sizes of companies (very small, small, medium, and large), operating in Moroccan manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. The objective is to identify potential lean benefits. It also aims to identify the origin of the failure of lean manufacturing. Furthermore, it assess the factors contributing to the success of the implementation of lean production. To achieve these objectives, 263 completed responses were collected and analysed using SPSS. The results highlight that Moroccan companies mainly face difficulties in the category of managerial and cultural barriers. On the other hand, among the results of the study, it is important to underline the importance of leadership, participation from senior management and employees, communication, motivation and the development of a continuous improvement mind-set among employees in the successful implementation of the lean philosophy within Moroccan industries.
    Keywords: lean philosophy; Moroccan industries; perceptions; barriers; critical success factors; CSFs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064707
  • The Impact of E-Commerce Practices on Local Product Purchase Intention: a Moderating Factors Research   Order a copy of this article
    by Lin Li 
    Abstract: The current research was conducted to analyse the moderating role of the product description, enduring involvement, cognitive involvement, and affective involvement in the relationship between e-commerce practices and local product brands' purchase intention. The respondents were targeted physically in Changsha, Hunan, and a sample of 299 respondents was collected on a self-administered questionnaire using a random sampling method. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 29 was used for descriptive findings, and Smart PLS 3 was used for inferential statistics. The findings disclosed that product description, enduring involvement, and affective involvement significantly moderate the relationship between e-commerce practices and local product brands' purchase intention. However, the study found cognitive involvement has no moderating relationship between e-commerce practices and local product brand purchase intention. The findings of this research are novel for theoretical contributions to the literature. Furthermore, there are some practical recommendations in this research to improve the local product brands purchasing intention in China.
    Keywords: e-commerce; local products; purchase intention; product description; enduring involvement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064709
  • Investigating the Determinants of Picker Performance and Interdependencies between the Determinants of Third-Party Logistics Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Jinendri Prasadika, Annista Wijayanayake, D. H. H. Niwunhella 
    Abstract: The study focuses on the significance of order picking (OP) which is a pivotal and economically consequential operation in warehouses, emphasising its impact on client satisfaction and overall productivity. The study was conducted for third-party logistics (3PL) warehouses in Sri Lanka and it identifies and analyses 12 key factors influencing picker performance (PP). These factors are categorised into employee factors (EF), management factors (MF) and warehouse factors (WF). The study utilises partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to examine the relationships between PP and its determinants. Additionally, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method is employed to reveal causative relationships among these factors. The findings highlight the substantial role of EF, MF, and WF in enhancing PP. Ultimately, the research provides actionable insights for warehouse managers to strategically improve operational efficiency, address picker needs, and create a more streamlined and productive warehouse environment.
    Keywords: third-party logistics warehouses; picker performance; warehouse management; order picking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064720
  • A Preliminary Study on the Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of the Service Quality of Shared Green Transportation Mobility in Taiwan   Order a copy of this article
    by Che-Cheng Chang, Shu-Hsien Huang, Chen Chen 
    Abstract: The sharing economy especially that of electric light motorcycle scooters (e-scooters), contributes to both a green transportation system and increasing urban space. Given this, this study aimed to explore the current situation of service quality in the e-scooter sharing industry in Taiwan. A longitudinal approach was adopted for the purpose and a questionnaire containing 22 indicators was used to collect the data. The analysis of the results found that the ratings for the perceived importance were not aligned with those for satisfaction, indicating that the consumers found e-scooter sharing important but were not satisfied with the service provided. The findings serve as a useful strategic base for e-scooter business managers to evaluate and improve service quality, thereby boosting the sustainable development of the shared mobility economy.
    Keywords: shared electric scooters; IPA; SERVQUAL; service quality; green transportation; Taiwan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10064796
  • State of Art Review on Lean Six Sigma with Industry 4.0 Integration   Order a copy of this article
    by Vigneshvaran R, S. Vinodh 
    Abstract: LSS4.0, a combination of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 has brought revolutionary changes in manufacturing and management concepts due to the data driven nature of Lean Six Sigma. In addition to customisation, waste reduction and value addition, LSS4.0 provides process variation reduction, quality enhancement through elimination of repetitive task, service orientation, decentralisation and so on. Although LSS4.0 offers many significant advantages, still organisations are reluctant to implement integrated LSS4.0 approach due to lack of proper knowledge about LSS4.0 and its significance in current manufacturing environment. This article attempts to identify the current trend and future prospect of LSS4.0 through systematic literature review method. A framework to integrate and implement LSS4.0 is proposed in this study through analysis of LSS4.0 in various perspectives like barriers and challenges of LSS4.0, principles, enablers, critical success factors of LSS4.0. The framework proposed act as a guideline for industrial practitioners to implement LSS4.0.
    Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; Industry 4.0; I4.0; Lean Six Sigma 4.0; LSS4.0; systematic literature review; SLR; framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10065265
  • The Strategic Role of Business Analytics Adoption, Knowledge Retention, and Dynamic Capability to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage   Order a copy of this article
    by Dian Alanudin, Budi W. Soetjipto, Athor Subroto 
    Abstract: In today's turbulent digital landscape, create competitive advantage sustainability are the bedrock upon which successful businesses are built. Unfortunately, companies often lack this requisite expertise and strategies. This study aims to investigate the relationship between competitive advantage, knowledge retention, dynamic capability, and business analytics. Involving 327 companies, a set of questionnaires was analysed. The paper utilised structural equation modelling to test hypotheses in the proposed research model. This study reveals that competitive advantage can be built through knowledge retention and dynamic capability. Business analytics indirectly enhances competitive advantage. The relationship between business analytics and knowledge retention proves stronger than a direct link to dynamic capability. Business analytics efficiently analyses data to gain critical insights, detect emerging trends, and anticipate customer needs. Knowledge retention transforms business operations by streamlining processes, reducing costs and introducing innovative products and services. Dynamic capability is essential to navigate the constant disruptions in today's business environment.
    Keywords: business analytics; competitive advantage; dynamic capability; knowledge retention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10065384
  • The Role of Environmental Concern on Purchase Intentions Through Attitude, Perceived Ease of Use, and Willingness to Pay of Two-Wheeled Electric Vehicles in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Rhian Indradewa, Santi Sopiani 
    Abstract: Environmental concerns are crucial since they can lower oil usage, boost productivity, and benefit the environment. Through attitude, perceived ease of use, and willingness to pay, this study investigates the impact of environmental concern on purchase intention. Beginning in 2024, this quantitative study employing the structural equation model (SEM) method concentrated on Banten Province Indonesia residents who used two-wheeled vehicles. A Google form was used to distribute questionnaires online, and 210 people responded to the survey. The study's conclusions show that consumers’ attitudes, perceptions of two-wheeled electric vehicles' ease of use, and willingness to pay all contribute to their purchase intentions, which in turn influence environmental concern (EC). When creating policies and strategies that can lead to purchasing intention, this study proposes managerial implications for electric vehicle manufacturers regarding how to manage and implement environmental concern (EC) through the role of attitude (ATT), perceived ease of use (PEU), and willingness to pay (WTP) of consumers.
    Keywords: organisational transformation; organisational culture; job satisfaction; readiness to change; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10065607
  • The Influence of Graphic Chinese Characters in Product Advertising Posters Towards Young Consumers   Order a copy of this article
    by Mengchen Zhang, Siti Salmi Jamali, Adzira Husain 
    Abstract: The research was conducted to measure the correlation between graphic Chinese characters, purchase intention, product advertising poster, and young consumer feedback. The data of the study was collected from Chinese young customers. A sample of 280 young consumers in China was collected by using a self-administrated questionnaire. Partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the data using SmartPLS 3. The study found that correlations between graphic Chinese characters, purchase intention, product advertising poster, and young consumer feedback were positively accepted. The gaps in the body of knowledge are addressed by the study. The study provides recommendations to improve the purchase intention of young consumers in China by considering graphic Chinese characters.
    Keywords: graphic characters; product advertising; consumer feedback; purchase intention; young consumers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10065816
  • A Novel Method for Calculating Time Intervals Between Sequential Activities in Event Logs   Order a copy of this article
    by Seyed Hossein Siadat, Hamed Rouhani 
    Abstract: Business processes generate a significant amount of data that needs to be communicated and transferred efficiently. One method to analyse this data involves the use of event logs, which document the time interval between two consecutive activities within a process. This time interval can expose potential issues and opportunities for improvement within the process. Various techniques, including machine learning, process mining, and mathematical algorithms, have been employed to analyse these time intervals. This paper introduces a conceptual model designed to evaluate the time interval between consecutive activities in business processes. This model aids in comparing and managing these time intervals, thereby optimising the utilisation of organisational resources. It is important to note that this research is solely focused on the time index and does not take into account other performance indicators of the process. The initial implementation of this model reveals the trend of the time interval between two consecutive activities.
    Keywords: machine learning; business process management; BPM; statistical process control; SPC; event log; process mining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10065982
  • The Impact of Experience Scape Stimulus on Memorable Guest Experience in the Hospitality Sector: An Empirical Evidence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepika Reddy, Veer P. Gangwar, Bijay Kushwaha 
    Abstract: The current investigation aims to examine the influence of experiential stimuli on creating a memorable guest experience within the hospitality industry. It is widely acknowledged that guest expectations and experiences are critical in determining their satisfaction and likelihood of returning. Even a single negative experience can significantly reduce the chances of a future visit. To explore this phenomenon, the present study utilised purposive sampling techniques to select 402 guests from five-star hotels. The research model was tested and validated using partial least square structural equation modelling. The findings indicate that physical, social, cultural, individual, and situational factors contribute to creating a memorable guest experience in the hospitality industry. However, the impact of natural and technological stimuli on guest experience, while positive, was found to be statistically insignificant. The implications of these results are further discussed in the manuscript.
    Keywords: memorable guest experience; experience scape stimulus; experiential stimuli; guest expectation; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066050
  • Confirmation Bias and De-biasing Mechanisms in Financial Decision Making   Order a copy of this article
    by Phaik Nie Chin  
    Abstract: This study examined the relationship between confirmation bias and overconfidence bias, as well as the effectiveness of contradicting reason and feedback mechanisms in mitigating overconfidence bias among individuals. A total of 174 participants were recruited for 13 experimental sessions. The degree of overconfidence bias, including: 1) trading volume and price prediction error, was assessed using a simple trading mechanism; 2) an overconfidence score was collected through a questionnaire during laboratory experiments. The findings indicate that individuals exhibiting confirmation bias tend to have higher overconfidence scores and price prediction errors compared to those without such bias. Moreover, the results from the solution mechanisms indicate that feedback mechanisms are more successful in reducing overconfidence bias in individuals. The study offers valuable insights to companies, policymakers, and individuals, emphasising the significance of confirmation bias and providing guidance on how to enhance performance through de-biasing mechanisms.
    Keywords: confirmation bias; overconfidence; miscalibration; financial decision making; price prediction error; trading volume.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066055
  • Lean Six Sigma in Services: a Systematic Review of the Literature   Order a copy of this article
    by Siham Alami Chentoufi, Abdelali Ennadi 
    Abstract: The culture of continuous improvement is weakly anchored in most services, which face similar quality, time, profitability, and customer satisfaction requirements as industries. Service companies such as financial institutions, banks, call centres, and insurance companies can benefit from Lean Six Sigma (LSS), a methodology that combines Lean's process acceleration and Six Sigma's performance reliability. Despite its popularity and proven effectiveness, LSS faces challenges and requires continuous enhancement. This article systematically reviews 102 general literature articles on LSS in the service industry, analysing its implementation. The study classifies the number of citations in articles regarding LSS across departments, identifies 11 major challenges in deploying LSS, 8 critical success factors for its implementation and sustainability, 13 tools for addressing process improvement, and 8 main benefits of LSS in the service sector.
    Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; LSS; services; challenges; critical success factors; benefits.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066058
  • Examining the Barriers to Integrated Models for Quality Management Systems in Civil Engineering Consulting Organisations in South Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Phetola Elias Maleaopo, Surajit Bag, Jan Harm Christiaan Pretorius 
    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate the barriers that affect the implementation and practice of integrated quality management system (QMS) models in the context of civil engineering consulting organisations in South Africa (SA) by applying the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) method and the MICMAC analysis. Ten barriers identified from the literature and verified by experts as the most applicable to civil engineering consulting firms in SA are analysed. The results suggest that the application of the ISM method and the MICMAC analysis confirms that the implementation and practice of an integrated QMS model in civil engineering consulting firms in SA is significantly influenced by a series of interlinked barriers. The top barriers to the use of integrated QMS models are the absence of top management support and lack of continuous improvement as indicated by the ISM model and verified by the MICMAC analysis.
    Keywords: operations management; civil engineering firm; integrated QMS model; South Africa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066065
  • Supplier Development for Sustainability in the Healthcare Supply Chain: an Empirical Study of a Developing Country during COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Nooshin Ghanbari, Reza Hafezi, Mohamad Sadegh Sangari, Ali Bozorgi Amiri 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate how sustainability in economic, social, and environmental dimensions can be enhanced through supplier development in the healthcare supply chain. Data were collected through a survey study, and partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed for data analysis. The findings demonstrate that strengthening relationships between customers and suppliers is a key factor in enhancing supply chain sustainability. This study reveals that improvements in the activities that contribute to supplier development have a significant impact on fostering trust, customer awareness, and the supplier's brand image. These enhancements can significantly improve supply chain sustainability within the healthcare industry. The research results aim to provide an integrated perspective on supply chain sustainability, emphasising its economic, social, and environmental dimensions.
    Keywords: Healthcare Systems; Buyer-Supplier Relationship; Sustainability; Supplier Development; Structural Equation Modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10066067
  • Exploring Human Factors as Barriers to Artificial Intelligence-Human Collaboration Among Shop Floor Workers in Bangladesh's Garment Factories   Order a copy of this article
    by Surajit Bag, Gautam Srivastava 
    Abstract: Garment factories in developing countries like Bangladesh are moving towards digitalised and automated systems by enabling artificial intelligence (AI)-human collaboration. In Bangladesh, garment factories are facing a lot of challenges in implementing AI. This study aims to identify the important human factors as barriers to AI-human collaboration in the garment factories of Bangladesh. An extensive literature review was done to identify the human factors as barriers to AI-human collaboration in garment factories. Interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is used to understand the complex relationship between the identified barriers and determine the sequence of the barriers in the form of a framework. Further, MICMAC analysis is used to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proposed framework by classifying the barriers into driving forces and dependence forces. Findings show that the bottom-level human factors as barriers are the lack of strong leadership support (B2) that finally impacts the top-level barriers, i.e., lack of employees’ psychological safety (B7), lack of employee engagement (B10), lack of employee commitment (B11), and lack of empowerment of shop floor workers (B12). Enabling strong leadership support can eliminate bottom-level barriers, facilitating AI-human collaboration on the shop floor in the garment industry in Bangladesh.
    Keywords: human factors; barriers; AI-human collaboration; garment factory; shop floor; operations; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066088
  • Lean Six Sigma for Fulfilling Value-Added Services in the Post-Pandemic Logistics Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Hokey Min, William Sawaya 
    Abstract: The lingering COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war have created unprecedented supply chain turmoil that has swept the world. Repeated supply chain disruptions put enormous pressure on the logistics industry to reassess how it conducts business. Such reassessment includes the assurance of timely and error-free order fulfilment of value-added logistics services. This paper proposes a Lean Six Sigma program that utilises a broader array of tools and methods to ensure superior value-added logistics services. The proposed Lean Six Sigma program aims to identify various sources of logistics fulfilment mistakes or inconsistencies and eliminate them by reducing the variability within logistics fulfilment services. To demonstrate the usefulness and practicality of the proposed Lean Six Sigma program, we discuss the application to a typical third-party logistics setting where value-added services are rendered to a global marketplace.
    Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; third-party logistics; 3PL; value-added services; VAS; DMAIC approach; process map; supply chain resilience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10066131
  • Location Selection for Bakery Industry in Geographically Diverse States of India Considering PESTEL Factors   Order a copy of this article
    by Muskaan Kothari, Ayush Nair, Javed Aslam, Mohammed Rehaan Chandan 
    Abstract: In any industry, the choice of location has a profound effect on the ease of operations. Industries require distinct inputs based on functionality that is totally dependent on the region where it is located. The article employs the PESTEL analysis technique to determine the influence of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors in influencing location decision-making process. The location choices of eight geographically varied states such as Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal have been examined as an example of the Indian baking industry location selection. The eight states were rated for all the components under each factor, which were determined through questionnaire answered by the industry experts. Net ratings were evaluated for each state by using factor rating method. Upon analysis the study reveals that Gujarat as the most desirable location and Bihar as the least performing location for the setup of a bakery industry. Thus, PESTEL analysis and factor rating, when combined with the required data, may accurately estimate the ambient location of any industrial plant while taking into account the greatest number of external factors.
    Keywords: location; decision making; PESTEL analysis; factor rating; bakery/food industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066171
  • Analysing the Influence of Stakeholders on the Implementation of Ethical Systems for Accident Reporting in the South African Construction Industry: A Qualitative Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Gundo Nyatema Radzilani, Surajit Bag, Jan Harm Christiaan Pretorius 
    Abstract: The study elucidates the current state of ethical reporting systems, identifies and analyses the roles of significant stakeholders, reveals the dynamics underlying stakeholder interactions and their consequent impact on ethical implementations, and assesses stakeholder influence on the accuracy of accident reports. Insights were derived from qualitative analysis of interviews with 15 experts closely associated with the sector. The research highlights a tangible conflict between moral obligations and commercial imperatives, exacerbated by South Africa's unique socio-economic and political context. The South African construction industry's historical and socio-economic trajectory, combined with a complex mix of cultural characteristics, stakeholder power, and institutional constraints, creates a distinctive environment despite similarities to global challenges in the field. The report underscores the need for a comprehensive, multifaceted strategy that emphasises stakeholder education, structural improvements, stringent regulatory oversight, and a firm commitment to ethics from industry leadership to balance stakeholder influences with ethical imperatives.
    Keywords: accident reporting; ethical reporting; operations management; reporting integrity; South African construction; stakeholder dynamics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066332
  • Leveraging Blockchain Technology Capabilities for Supply Chain Performance Enhancement: An Exploratory Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Gangaraju Vanteddu, Asit Bandyopadhayay 
    Abstract: Blockchain technology (BCT) is one of the key technology enablers in the emergent Industry 4.0 system of manufacturing practices. The absence of holistic research that explores the interrelationships between the key BCT capabilities, desirable supply chain (SC) performance characteristics (both traditional and those that gained prominence in the post-pandemic era), and the relevant SC performance drivers/enablers is one of the key impediments for academicians and practitioners to fully research, understand, and adopt the BCT in global supply chain management (SCM) contexts. Through this exploratory study based on extensive literature review we try to address this research gap and we believe the research contributions made in this paper, particularly the interrelationship diagram and the BCT-SCM integration matrix would be valued by academicians/practitioners and ignite an interest in both the theory and practice of BCT integration in global SCM contexts, one of the key technology frontier areas in the 21st century.
    Keywords: blockchain technology; BCT; supply chain management; SCM; disintermediation; decentralised architecture; distributed network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066369
  • An evaluation of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction: a case study of the home appliance company in Kosovo   Order a copy of this article
    by Artan Veseli, Diana Veseli 
    Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in a retail home appliance industry in Kosovo. Convenience sampling was used to select respondents from various demographic backgrounds, and data were collected through survey questionnaires distributed to 400 customers of the largest retail home appliance company chain in Kosovo, resulting in a valid response rate of 70% (279 respondents). The SERVQUAL instrument was employed to assess the five dimensions of service quality: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Descriptive statistics and paired sample t-tests were used to analyse the data. The results showed that the quality of service the company provided significantly influenced customer satisfaction. Negative gap scores were observed across all SERVQUAL dimensions, suggesting that the level of customer satisfaction was below the desired level. These findings were consistent with previous research conducted in the home appliance industry in various countries.
    Keywords: service quality; customer satisfaction; home appliance industry; Kosovo.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066512
  • Extended UTAUT Model to Understand the Role of Computer Anxiety and Work-Life Quality in Faculty Adoption of Online Learning in Higher Education Institutes   Order a copy of this article
    by Vishnu Lal, G. Varaprasad 
    Abstract: This research aims to enhance the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) framework to better comprehend the adoption of e-learning platforms by faculties in a developing country. The constructs for the UTAUT model were chosen based on the e-learning context and expanded with the variables work-life quality and computer anxiety. The proposed model was tested with data gathered from faculty members of higher education institutions. The hypotheses testing and adequacy of the proposed model were evaluated through structural equation modelling using SmartPLS 3.2.8. The study's results show that ten out of the fourteen hypothesised paths significantly impacted faculty acceptance of e-learning platforms, and a total of seven significant factors explained a variance of 59.7% of the dependent variable behavioural intention. The study adds an expanded UTAUT framework to adoption theories and discusses how work-life quality and computer anxiety influence the original variables and highlights their practical implications.
    Keywords: adoption theory; education industry; services marketing; massive online open courses; MOOCs; SmartPLS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10066723
  • Supply Chain Traceability: a Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Sila Anwar, Rameez Khalid, Abdul Qadus 
    Abstract: Supply chain traceability is one of the most important and emerging concepts in the current complex and challenging environment. It allows for the fast recognition and mitigation of problems like delay, quality, and security in supply chain management. It also addresses the issues of legal compliance, product quality and safety, and customers' trust. Our study synthesises literature profiling 344 peer-reviewed articles and conducts a thematic bibliometric analysis of 148 articles, identifying five main clusters: RFID technology, blockchain technology, food supply chain, supply chain management activities, and supply chain management integration. Both RFID and blockchain are widely researched in the context of their influence on supply chain traceability. The literature also discusses the sectorial approach to food supply chains and the interaction of the upstream and downstream elements, mimicking the layers of supply chain management. The most prominent authors, journals and articles in the field are then identified and lastly an agenda for future research is presented.
    Keywords: Supply Chain Traceability; RFID; Blockchain; Tracing; Bibliometric Review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066727
  • The strategic use of learning in repetitive projects   Order a copy of this article
    by Carlos Gomes Da Silva, Pedro Carreira 
    Abstract: In this paper, a multiobjective model is developed to manage the learning effect in repetitive projects by controlling the decision of which team of workers executes each activity and when. Indeed, each activity can be executed using more or less working teams across projects and at different moments, which determines the intensity of learning effectively acquired and has conflicting consequences on the completion time, costs and quality of the projects (objective functions of the model). An empirical experiment based on benchmark project networks assesses the gains of incorporating and managing the learning effect. In addition, the model can also be used to bound the effects of behaviour phenomena that interfere with learning by setting appropriate parameters. Finally, an interactive approach to dealing with the model in dialogue with the project manager is proposed to enhance its practical use.
    Keywords: Project management; repetitive projects; learning; behavioural learning disturbances; multiobjective model; interactive approach.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066813
  • Exploring the Impact of Service Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction in Chinese Dragon Animation Film Design   Order a copy of this article
    by Chen Yang, Siti Salmi Jamali, Adzira Husain 
    Abstract: This research is designed to comprehensively determine the factors which are influencing dragon animation films' customer satisfaction. This study determine the impact of four independent variables: quality of animation, customers service, timeliness of delivery and cost effectiveness. The mediating variable of the study is dragon animation perceived value while the dependent variable is overall satisfaction. The study is designed to enrich the dragon animation films related to academic literature providing empirical evidence for the findings. The study is based on a survey based approach. A sample of 333 dragon animation film service customers were collected. Partial least square-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was performed. The findings of the research confirmed significant correlations between quality of animation, customers service, timeliness of delivery, cost effectiveness, dragon animation perceived value and overall satisfaction of customers. The research has theoretical value as the gaps in literature regarding dragon animation films are addressed. Practically, the study is significant to improve the body of knowledge by suggesting reliable findings for improving dragon animation films related perceived value and overall satisfaction of customers.
    Keywords: dragon animation; animation films; customer satisfaction; service quality; dragon film design; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066918
  • Machine Learning in Forecasting Time Series to Control the Stock of High-Cost Drugs used in Cancer Treatment   Order a copy of this article
    by Paulo César Ossani, Lorena Mazia Enami, Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal 
    Abstract: An incorrect forecast can have tragic consequences for patient care. From a practical point of view, a financial compromise can be made as long as service levels are maintained at a maximum. Aiming at a compromise monetary reduction while still meeting demand, this study addresses a cancer drug inventory control in a small hospital. While there is extensive use of parametric time series models, this paper proposes the use of machine learning techniques, such as random forests, support vector regression, K-nearest neighbours, and extreme learning machines, which can produce better results in predicting drug consumption monthly data between 2015 and 2019. Indicators such as inventory turns and service levels were used to validate the models, which increased inventory turns by more than 45%, which represents a large impact. Thus, better demand accuracy is achieved without compromising the service levels, proving the feasibility of the techniques.
    Keywords: decision making; healthcare; k-nearest neighbours; machine learning; turnover.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10066923
  • Creativity Drivers for Six Sigma Project Success   Order a copy of this article
    by Timothy Baker, Xun Xu, Lizao Zhang, Phillip W. Witt 
    Abstract: Six Sigma projects are important to enhance the quality management process. This study investigates the creativity drivers for Six Sigma project success. We performed two action research projects that corroborated the theory that team creativity mediates the impact of openness to experience on project success in Six Sigma project settings. We then constructed and performed reliability-internal validity tests on scales via our random sample survey of 736 manufacturers in Canada and the USA. Finally, we used structural equation modelling on these survey data to test that the theory holds. Our findings suggest that the general level of team creativity is a stronger predictor of project success than environmental factors surrounding the team, such as a work atmosphere that is tolerant of dissension.
    Keywords: Six Sigma; team creativity; project performance; quality management; team performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10067265
  • A Systematic Literature Review of AI-Driven Communication: Foundations, Trends and Future Research Propositions   Order a copy of this article
    by Utpala Das, Kulbir Kaur Bhatti, Raj Kumar Singh 
    Abstract: This research aims to synthesise the literature on the AI-driven communication research landscape using bibliometric analysis. This study examines past, current, and future research in AI-driven communication. The documents are extracted from the Scopus database, and 190 papers are chosen, applying the bibliometric study's standard inclusion and exclusion criteria. Citation analysis is performed to identify the most influential documents, institutions, countries, and authors. The most prolific writers and sources are identified using productivity analysis. The four thematic clusters of AI-driven communication research are discovered using bibliographic coupling. Thematic clusters are AI-guided Chatbots, Human-AI Interaction, Digital Economy, and Virtual Assistants. Co-citation analysis is employed to identify citation patterns and highly referenced texts. Additionally, co-occurrence analysis is employed to create thematic trends, and word cloud highlights the frequently used keywords in AI-driven communication research. The articles outline the directions for further study.
    Keywords: AI-driven communication; Citation Analysis; Bibliometric Analysis; Word Cloud; Co-occurrence Analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067268
  • Service Logic and Value Co-Creation Reconsidered: the Service Method and its Theoretical Implications for Service Science, Management and Praxis   Order a copy of this article
    by Fernando Yanine 
    Abstract: The paper presents a critical advancement in services’ science and management, addressing gaps in the existing literature on service logic, value co-creation, and introducing the service method and its pivotal role. It emphasises service as a reciprocal exchange of value, reliant on coordinated actions by providers and clients. While current discourse acknowledges client participation, it overlooks the mechanics of engagement and guiding service processes. Through qualitative inquiry, the paper asserts that service involves orchestrated value exchange managed by specific process architectures within organisations. Employing a systemic perspective, it identifies a gap in conventional understanding and advocates updates to address it. Drawing from systems engineering and sustainable marketing, it introduces the service method as an analogue to the scientific method. Highlighting its teleological and ontological implications, the paper calls for an ex-ante analysis to enrich service science, positioning the service method as essential for enhancing engagement, value co-creation, and practical applications.
    Keywords: service process architecture and design; service logic; service method; value exchange; value co-creation; service science and praxis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067491
  • Retrospections of the Workplace Ostracism Research: Foundations, Identifying Trends, and Future Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Garima Gupta, Yamini Pandey, Vibhuti Singh, Namrata Singh, Prabhakar Singh Tomar, Ateeq Ahmed 
    Abstract: This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of workplace ostracism research on 269 documents extracted from the Scopus database. Through the application of diverse methodologies such as productivity analysis, citation analysis, and co-citation analysis, the study explores the intellectual framework and emerging patterns within this domain. This bibliometric analysis furnishes a valuable synopsis of the present status of workplace ostracism research, providing insights into its core themes, evolving patterns, and potential future avenues for exploration. The examination uncovers four distinctive clusters: organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), counterproductive work behaviours (CWB), knowledge hiding, and workplace incivility. These groupings underscore the complex nature of workplace ostracism and its repercussions on various facets of employee conduct. Moreover, the paper identifies emotional intelligence, employee performance, and knowledge hiding as principal thematic domains in the research. Furthermore, it accentuates the increasing attention on workplace incivility, CWB, work identification, and exclusion as noteworthy themes of workplace ostracism.
    Keywords: workplace ostracism; organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; counterproductive work behaviours; CWB; bibliometric analysis; citation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067493
  • Navigating the Frontier: how New Operations Management Trends Drive Financial Sustainability   Order a copy of this article
    by Fred Konneh Songa Monson  
    Abstract: This study looks at the relationship between emerging trends in operations management and financial sustainability. Relevant articles published between 2004 and 2024 were subjected to a systematic review and bibliometric analysis. This review provides a thorough understanding of how combining sustainability principles with new OM trends can improve financial sustainability, and emerging trends present encouraging opportunities for efficiency and cost management. The results highlight how crucial it is to modify conventional OM procedures to incorporate cutting-edge tools and calculated tactics that support more general sustainability objectives. These observations guide organisations’ practical approaches to navigating the changing financial sustainability landscape. This study makes a unique contribution by offering a thorough examination of current OM trends and how they might affect financial sustainability.
    Keywords: operations management trends: OM; financial sustainability; systematic review; frontier; navigating; new; drive.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067524
  • Ownership Structure and Its Impact on Supply Chain Management: an Empirical Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Sreekumar K. P, Arun Thomas, Vinay Panicker 
    Abstract: This empirical study examines ownership structure's influence on supply chain management in analysing risks and disruptions; formulating mitigation strategies considering three manufacturing firms with different ownership structures namely, Public sector undertaking, Public limited, and Private enterprise. Sixteen key risk enablers are identified through a systematic literature review and the Delphi method. ISM, MICMAC analysis, ANP, and the Kruskal-Wallis test are employed to compare risks and mitigation strategies across the firms, while the influence of ownership structure is examined through the comparison of adopted mitigation strategies. This study contributes empirical evidence on risk distribution and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies across different ownership structures. It sheds light on decision-making processes and resilience strategies influenced by ownership, facilitating the development of tailored mitigation strategies for effective supply chain risk management.
    Keywords: Supply chain risk; Supply chain disruption; ISM; ANP; MICMAC analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067643
  • Internationalisation of Experience-Centric Services   Order a copy of this article
    by Sofia Vitorino Dias, Fernando Luiz Emerenciano Viana, Afonso Carneiro Lima 
    Abstract: This article explores the internationalisation process of experience-centric service operations. Based on the theories of internationalisation of services and experience-centric service operations, we present a conceptual framework by undertake multiple case studies in four international companies that operate in Brazil: Starbucks, Hard Rock Cafe, M.A.C Cosmetics, and Apple Store. We find that most companies' internationalisation process is supported by partnerships, allowing the necessary adaptation of products and processes. Three new aspects emerge from the data: the processes standardisation, employees' diversity, and organisational culture alignment. Based on the results, we extend the framework to formulate five theoretical propositions. By identifying the importance of diversity within organisations, we contribute to the perception of inclusion within organisations so that a greater part of society can feel welcomed and represented within the corporate world. Overall, our article not only makes theoretical contributions, but also delivers important practical implications.
    Keywords: internationalisation of services; services operations; operations strategy; experience-centric services.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10067703
  • Prioritising Digitalisation Elements for Sustainable Hotel Operations: Insights from an ISM-MICMAC Study in North Indian Hotels   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarvjeet Ranjan, Aman Dua, Niraj Vishvakarma 
    Abstract: Digitalisation plays a crucial role in achieving sustainability. This study aims to identify and rank the primary obstacles to implementing sustainable practices in North Indian hotels. This study utilises the ISM-MICMAC approach to analyse and prioritise thirteen key challenges. These barriers are categorised into three hierarchical levels, which indicate their influence and reliance. At Level 1, Design for Sustainability (DFS) and Green Purchase Intention (GPI) directly influence operational sustainability. Level-2 barriers, such as Green Washing (GW), impact GPI. Level 3 includes fundamental components such as Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Fear of Environmental Consequences (FEC). All elements are interrelated and essential for making strategic decisions. The study emphasises the significance of prioritising these attributes to attain long-term excellence through digitalisation. Policymakers and hotel managers are provided practical suggestions to enhance their environmental initiatives. Future studies should look beyond North India to see if digital technology may improve hotel sustainability internationally.
    Keywords: Green Branding (GB); Green Effect (GE); ISM-MICMAC; Digitalisation (DI) and Sustainable Initiatives (SI).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067834
  • Pavement to Platform: Uncovering Cloud Adoption Factors for Highway Operators   Order a copy of this article
    by Shathees Baskaran, Mohd Syahrul Amin Yahya, Nomahaza Mahadi, Revathi Gopal, Logaiswari Indiran 
    Abstract: In a competitive environment, highway operators must keep pace with emerging technologies to deliver high-quality services. Grounded in the TOE framework, this research examines cloud computing adoption among highway operators. Using a quantitative research approach, data is collected through a cross-sectional survey targeting highway operators across Malaysia. The research framework is analysed with structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Findings reveal that top management support and technology complexity significantly impact technology readiness, which, in turn, is positively associated with cloud computing adoption. Moreover, strategic reactiveness moderates the relationship between technology readiness and cloud computing adoption. These insights offer valuable guidance to management teams within highway operations, highlighting factors that drive or hinder cloud computing adoption. Crucially, this study underscores the role of top management in ensuring the successful integration of cloud computing technology.
    Keywords: top management support; technology complexity; technology readiness; strategic reactiveness; cloud computing adoption; highway operators.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10067898
  • A Comprehensive Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Implementation in the Mining Industry and its Global Implications   Order a copy of this article
    by Leonard Manurung, Gatot Yudoko, Mursyid Hasan Basri 
    Abstract: The mining industry is crucial to the global economy but struggles with aligning to sustainable development due to environmental and social impacts like degradation and community displacement. This study reviews the integration of sustainable supply chain management in mining, focusing on the bauxite sector, and incorporates the 5P principles of sustainable development goals (people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership). Key challenges and opportunities are identified, highlighting the need for balancing operational demands, environmental protection, and community empowerment. The research underscores the strategic importance of sustainable practices for the long-term viability of the mining industry and its contribution to global sustainability.
    Keywords: sustainable supply chain management; SSCM; sustainable practices; mining; bauxite industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068224
  • A Proposal of an Adapted Analytic Hierarchy Process Method to Determine the Shortage Costs of Repairable Supplies   Order a copy of this article
    by Oscar De Almeida Machado, Mauri Aparecido Oliveira 
    Abstract: This paper presents an adapted Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the shortage cost of repairable supplies, which are spare parts that can be repaired and form part of a larger system or equipment. To apply widely used mathematical models efficiently, it is necessary to assess ordering, holding, acquisition, and shortage costs. The shortage cost is uncertain mainly due to factors like its impact on the organisation’s image. Two scenarios are analysed: one where all costs (ordering, holding, and acquisition) are known, and another where only the acquisition cost is certain. Sensitivity analysis is performed in both scenarios to evaluate the effect of these uncertainties. The findings indicate that the proposed AHP method is easily implementable, providing a practical tool for decision-makers facing uncertainty in supply chain management, especially in the context of assessing the shortage cost for repairable supplies.
    Keywords: . Repairable supplies; shortage cost; Analytic Hierarchy Process Method; ordering cost; holding cost; acquisition cost; eigenvalue; sensitivity analysis; elicitation; Supply Chain Management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068675
  • Marketing to Improve Participation in Occupational Health Programs: applied to Business Settings   Order a copy of this article
    by Vanessa J. Cisneros-Guillen, Elsa D. Paredes-Rivadeneyra, Maria Jeanett Ramos-Cavero, Franklin Cordova-Buiza 
    Abstract: Companies face the challenge of promoting employee well-being, productivity, and satisfaction, requiring workers' awareness of programs that foster healthy behaviours and prevent occupational illnesses and injuries. This study aims to identify effective marketing strategies to enhance worker participation and awareness in occupational health programs within service sector companies in an emerging economy. Using a mixed-methods, cross-sectional design, data was collected from 345 workers through Google Forms and six experts via videoconferencing, with analysis conducted in SPSS. Results highlight the importance of improving communication strategies on occupational health, with respondents favouring wall displays (28.2%), health advisors (29.1%) offering guidance on posture and habits, and incentives like discount coupons (56.4%) for services such as chiropractic care. Experts recommend using printed newsletters and social media. Overall, the study concludes that implementing these programs positively influences employee motivation and fosters a culture of workplace well-being.
    Keywords: Work environment; occupational health; marketing; health programmes; promotion strategies; communication strategies; Peru.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068446
  • Local Government Budget Absorption in Indonesia: the Influence of Human Resource Competencies, Budget Planning and Organisational Commitment   Order a copy of this article
    by Julita Saidi, Jumiati Sasmita, M. Luthfi Iznillah 
    Abstract: Effective budget absorption is important to ensure that public resources are used optimally to achieve development goals and provide public services. There are many factors that influence this. This study aims to analyse the influence of budget planning and organizational commitment on budget absorption in the local government of Kampar Regency, Indonesia, as well as the role of human resource (HR) competence as a moderating variable. The data in this study were obtained from primary sources by distributing questionnaires to 87 respondents. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach. The results of this study contribute to the literature by showing that budget planning and organisational commitment are more dominant in influencing budget absorption compared to individual competence. The managerial implications of this study emphasize the importance of improving the budget planning process and strengthening organisational commitment to achieve more effective budget absorption.
    Keywords: Budget Planning; Organizational Commitment; Competence of Human Resources; Budget Absorption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068448
  • Matheuristic Applied to the Cutting Stock Problem with Due Dates   Order a copy of this article
    by Elisama Oliveira, Elizabeth Wanner, Elisangela Martins De Sá, Sérgio Ricardo De Souza 
    Abstract: This paper addresses the Cutting Stock Problem with Due Dates (CSPDD), an extension of the Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) in which due dates are added to the orders. The CSP is a problem extensively studied in the literature, which minimizes an objective function, satisfying constraints associated with the demand for cutting items from stocked objects without any consideration concerning order due dates. This paper introduces a mathematical formulation and a solution proposal for the CSPDD. The proposed procedure consists of, first, obtaining a fractional feasible solution from solving the relaxed problem using the simplex method with column generation; second, getting an integer solution by applying the Relax-and-Fix heuristic; and, third, improving the solution obtained in the second phase by using the Local Branching matheuristic. Computational results show that this proposed procedure yields solutions with the same quality as the ones obtained by the CPLEX solver in a smaller average runtime.
    Keywords: Cutting Stock Problem with Due Dates; Cutting; Local branching; Column Generation; Relax-and-Fix.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068561
  • Green Pharmaceutical Investments: a Sustainable Solution for Indian Healthcare Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankit Singh, Vikash Kumar 
    Abstract: This research investigates green pharmaceuticals investments as a sustainable solution for Indian healthcare sector, focusing on environmental challenges, eco-friendly practices, and the role of impact investing to enhance industry sustainability. With a sample size of 516 respondents from selected pharmaceutical companies, this study identifies key environmental obstacles in tradition manufacturing and assesses the effects of green practices on sustainability. It explores the role of impact investing in accelerating eco-friendly initiatives and identifies primary stakeholders, challenges, and opportunities in integrating impact investing with green pharmaceuticals progress. The findings suggest that targeted investment strategies and stakeholder collaboration are crucial for enhancing the environmental sustainability of India's pharmaceutical sector. The novelty of this study lies in its comprehensive analysis of the intersection between impact investing and green pharmaceutical practices, offering a unique framework for sustainable development in the healthcare sector.
    Keywords: impact investing; green pharmaceuticals; environmental sustainability; pharmaceutical industry; sustainable healthcare.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068716
  • Simulation Modelling for Retail Self-Checkouts: Performance Analysis and Optimisation   Order a copy of this article
    by Shu Zhou, Taeho Park, Jin Kyung Kwak 
    Abstract: Many retail stores have installed self-checkout lanes in addition to their regular cashier counters. However, there has been no quantitative research regarding whether self-checkouts actually decrease average wait times during checkout. This study conducted a simulation to estimate customer wait times at checkouts of both types cashiers and self-checkout. The simulation parameters were modified based on real-world data from an existing study. We present the patterns of the wait times, number of waiting customers over arrival rates, and the number of checkout counters. We also demonstrate use of the goal programming optimisation method to show how retail stores could manage self-checkout lanes along with conventional cashier lanes.
    Keywords: Self-checkout; Simulation Optimization; Retail Stores; Service Operations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068892
  • Capacity Utilisation Assessment in Two-Stage Processes with Undesirable Feedback: A case study in Mainland China   Order a copy of this article
    by Elahe Zaker Harofteh, Elham Zaker Harofteh 
    Abstract: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a known method for evaluating capacity utilisation, allowing organisations to compare their performance against the ideal standard. This research aims to measure capacity utilisation within a network structure with shared resources and undesirable feedback using DEA techniques. Undesirable factors can significantly affect capacity utilisation. These factors can hinder the effective use of available resources and reduce the overall capacity utilisation rate. To address these factors, we propose a slack-based measure model (SBM) to assess performance and measure capacity utilisation while considering the weak disposability of such factors (undesirable feedback). The proposed SBM model is applied to estimate the CU score in a study involving industrial production processes in mainland China. The findings contribute to a better understanding of capacity utilisation and provide insights for enhancing production efficiency in manufacturing systems.
    Keywords: Network data envelopment analysis; Capacity Utilization; Undesirable output; Weak disposability; Shared resources.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2024.10068895
  • Global financial services and its related technology usage   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith, Stanko Racic 
    Abstract: A major global study was undertaken that included 20 markets and over 22,000 online interviews. The survey results were initially reported in percentages, which were used as a basis for analysis. The basic finding was that on average 1 in 3 digitally active consumers use two or more FinTech services. That is significant enough to suggest that such technology has reached early mass adoption. A common assumption is that FinTech firms struggle to translate innovation and great customer experience into meaningful numbers. The initial findings reflect considerable consumer appetite for new and innovative financial service products that take advantage of new consumer technologies, such as mobile and cloud.
    Keywords: developing economies; emerging financial markets; EY FinTech adoption index; 2017; financial inclusion; financial technology and usage; FinTech; technology adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2022.10053334
  • Industry 4.0 maturity model: an assessment in manufacturing enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Poliana Carneiro Gomes, Julia Carvalho Fernandes De Oliveira, Kleber José Tenório Tavares, Fagner José Coutinho De Melo, Djalma Silva Guimarães Junior 
    Abstract: This paper aims to identify the level of digital transformation of industries, based on their degree of Industry 4.0 maturity and whether they contribute to the country’s innovative environment or need to be boosted to reach a degree of expected maturity. The selected methodology was applied research, with an exploratory/descriptive, quantitative, and survey, using an online questionnaire. The maturity assessment used to analyse the industries was Acatech Industry 4.0 maturity index. The survey was applied with five industries located in Pernambuco/Brazil. The overall Industry 4.0 maturity of the studied companies was calculated as 2.49, which is still in the digitisation phase, below the minimum value to be considered mature/maturing in the scope of Industry 4.0. Besides, the studies reveal that it is important to prioritise investments in principles of Industry 4.0 and to create an innovation area in the industries that there are not yet.
    Keywords: smart factory; Industry 4.0; Industry 4.0 maturity model; technology 4.0; Industry 4.0 principles.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10053683
  • Psychological factors influencing the adoption of three-wheeler electric vehicles: a study on users in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Navin Mathew, G. Varaprasad 
    Abstract: Emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles are one of the significant contributors to the increased air pollution. Studies indicate that EV is one of the possible practical implications for reducing air pollution. Out of all segments, the three-wheeler is one of the most widely used because of its public transport usage. Even though electric three-wheelers (e-rickshaws) are available in the market, customers refrain from buying them. This study aims to investigate and analyse the psychological factors impacting the adoption of e-rickshaw in Patna, India. The partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was used to analyse the data. Awareness of EVs and environmental concerns are found to be the most influential factors affecting the adoption of EVs with the help of importance-performance map analysis (IPMA). The results obtained from this study can be used by government agencies and vehicle manufacturers to make policies for faster adoption of three-wheeler EVs.
    Keywords: three-wheeler EV; adoption; PLS-SEM; awareness of EV; environmental concern.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10053617
  • Redesigning human vaccines supply chain network post-COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Iran   Order a copy of this article
    by Malihe Lahmi, Arash Nemati, Abdul Sattar Safaei 
    Abstract: The emergency need for vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded the significance of having an efficient vaccine supply chain network. The fact that the COVID-19 vaccine (C19V) is a newly added member of the vaccine basket highlights the importance of redesigning the current vaccine supply chains, particularly in countries with some existing vaccine manufacturers. In addition, the economic and social drawbacks of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to the vagueness of some factors, such as birth rate and childhood vaccine demand. Hence, this paper proposes a fuzzy multi-period mixed-integer mathematical model to modify the current vaccine supply chain to deal with new challenges after the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed model is solved using the CPLEX solver in a case study from Iran. Results show that Iran needs four new vaccine manufacturers and eight distribution centres to handle the vaccine transmission between factories and all customers in the new vaccine supply chain network.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic effects; COVID-19 vaccine; optimality grade; location-allocation-inventory problem; redesigning supply chain network; uncertain demand; vaccine supply chain; vague vaccine waste rate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054458
  • The Impact of E-insurance on Profitability: the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and Agility   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohsen Seify, Ali Sanayei, Seyed Fathollah Amiri Aghdaie, Majid Mohammad Shafiee, Daryoosh Mohamadi Zanjirani 
    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the impact of e-insurance on profitability, with the mediating role of agility and competitive advantage in the insurance industry, which has rarely been investigated in the previous literature. The study sample was 320 managers and experts of insurance companies in Iran. Structural equation modelling with the partial least square approach (SEM-PLS) was adopted for analysing the data. The results indicate that e-insurance has a positive and significant effect on profitability through agility and competitive advantage. Moreover, a positive and significant relationship between agility and competitive advantage was confirmed. This study provides insurance practitioners and managers with new insights to implementing e-insurance to gain agility, competitive advantage, and profitability.
    Keywords: e-insurance; profitability; agility; competitive advantage; insurance industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10054066
  • Supply chain in the wake of COVID-19 a bibliometric and content analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, Leena Sachdeva, Gunjan Soni 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has immensely impacted the global supply chain. Although many research articles have been published in this field since 2020, the literature is still fragmented. Recognising this gap, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of literature published on COVID-19 and global supply chain management. The two-tier bibliometric and content analysis is performed to identify the key research themes and future research directions. A set of 273 articles published in the Scopus database during 2019 and 2021 (Q3) were considered for analysis. Further content analysis of co-citation analysis emphasises three research themes namely supply chain disruption, supply chain resilience, and control and mitigation strategies of COVID-19 outbreak. The findings highlighted that COVID-19 disruption can be minimised by information sharing, use of digital technology, and reconfiguration of supply chain. The outcome of this study led to the identification and analysis of the strategies, methodologies, and emerging focus areas for discussion.
    Keywords: COVID-19; supply chain; bibliometric analysis; content analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2023.10053910