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International Journal of System Control and Information Processing

International Journal of System Control and Information Processing (IJSCIP)

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International Journal of System Control and Information Processing (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • PCBA defect classification in real world with out of distribution detection   Order a copy of this article
    by Wei Wang, Zhenyi Xu, Yu Kang, Lijun Zhao 
    Abstract: Inadequate chip solder joints can significantly impact the overall quality of finalized PCB products. Detecting all solder joint defects in real time and adaptively during the actual production process poses a formidable challenge due to the diverse nature of these defects and the limited availability of anomaly data. In contrast to the conventional PCBAdefect classification task that is limited to pre-labeled defects, we propose adaptive classification algorithms capable of identifying new categories of defects and ensuring accurate classification of labeled categories. Specifically, we developed a multitasking network that utilizes Swin-Transformer as the underlying architecture to classify labeled categories and identify novel defective categories. And neuronal activation coverage is designed to detect unseen types of PCBA defects. Furthermore, we propose an end-to-end unsupervised hashing algorithm that incorporates novel category discovery for images classified as previously unseen categories. Finally, we conducted experiments on a variety of different backbone networks in real PCBA defect datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
    Keywords: Solder joints; defect classification; out-of-distribution; novel category discovery.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSCIP.2024.10063882
  • Sub-pixel Resolution Thematic Map Based on Multi-source Data Fusion   Order a copy of this article
    by Peng Wang, Yuzhou Liu 
    Abstract: In this paper, super-resolution mapping method is used to enhance the spatial resolution of the original HSI and process the mixed pixels, producing the sub-pixel resolution thematic map. Currently, super-resolution mapping usually selects only Panchromatic images (PAN) or Light detection and ranging images (LiDAR) to be fused with HSI, while this paper proposes a multi-source data fusion method for super-resolution mapping (MSDF), which first fuses HSI with PAN by pansharpening based on principal component analysis (PCA), followed by LiDAR by generalized fusion map method, and finally classifies the fused image by support vector machine (SVM) to generate the sub-pixel resolution thematic map. The proposed MSDF in this paper fuses three types of data sources (i.e., HSI, PAN and LiDAR) to obtain the fused image with full spatial-spectral-elevation information, which enhances the classification accuracy of the sub-pixel resolution thematic map.
    Keywords: Mult-source data fusion; hyperspectral images; panchromatic images; LiDAR images; super-resolution mapping.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSCIP.2023.10064386
  • Integration of Sensing, Communication, and Control for UAV-Assisted Data Transmission in Industrial IoT Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Qirui Luo, Ling Lyu, Yanpeng Dai 
    Abstract: With the development of unmanned system, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are widely used in industrial filed to assist the monitoring data transmission. However, the mobility of UAVs and AGVs make it challenging to timely obtain the accurate channel condition. In order to address this issue, this paper firstly proposed a sensing-communication control integrated architecture for UAV-assisted industrial IoT systems. Then, the integration of sensing, communication and control (ISCC) scheme is investigated to improve the data transmission rate. Moreover, a ratio of transmission rate to power consumption maximisation problem is formulated to maximize the overall performance. As the formulated problem includes a rank-one constraint, a dual layer penalty based successive convex approximation algorithm is designed to effectively solve the non-convex optimisation problem. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed ISCC scheme in improving the overall performance of UAV-assisted industrial IoT systems.
    Keywords: Integrated sensing and communication; UAV-assisted data transmission; industrial IoT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSCIP.2024.10066317