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International Journal of Sustainable Aviation

International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (IJSA)

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International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Heuristic methods for integrated incremental schedule design and fleet assignment problem for hub and spoke network   Order a copy of this article
    by Melis Tan Tacoglu, M. Arslan Ornek, Yigit Kazancoglu 
    Abstract: Managing airline inbound and outbound schedules among passenger demand and aircraft utility complexity are addressed through three proposed heuristic methods for integrated schedule design and fleet assignment problem (ISDFAP) in single-hub, two-flight leg hub-and-spoke networks. The second heuristic, considering waiting time and available seat capacity, contrasts with the first, focusing only on waiting time for passenger-flight assignments. Meanwhile, the third heuristic considers aircraft buffer time and stay time restrictions at the destination. Comparing the first two heuristics reveals that considering seat availability doesn’t reduce waiting time. Flight departure time adjustments and overall timetable changes depend significantly on buffer time and wait time criteria.
    Keywords: hub and spoke network; flight scheduling; schedule design; transit passenger; wait time.

  • Role of agility, adaptability and alignment on green supply chain management practices: a case of aviation industry of Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonia Nazeer, Hassan Mujtaba Nawaz Saleem 
    Abstract: The urgency for sustainable practices is highly important for the aviation industry as it is one of the most environmentally damaging sectors and contributing almost 4% into the global greenhouse gas emissions. The present study examines that how Triple-A (agility, adaptability and alignment) influences GSCM practices in Pakistan’s aviation industry. A sample of 163 participants was drawn from various division of the aviation sector and data is analysed using SmartPls. The results showed a significant relationships between agility; adaptability; alignment; and GSCM practices. Notably, adaptability surfaces as a major driver underlining the importance of flexibility in adopting eco-friendly methods. The theoretical implications of this study are that it will enhance our knowledge on different dimensions related to GSCM while practical implications includes that it provides the basis for managers and policy makers to take the strategic decisions.
    Keywords: aviation management; air transport management; air logistics; triple-A capability; green supply chain management; GSCM practices; Pakistan.

  • Non-discretionary output oriented data envelopment analysis for ranking airports: an Indian case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Sudhakar Piratla, Binod Kumar Singh 
    Abstract: Understanding and enhancing airport efficiency is crucial due to the unprecedented growth of air travel and the critical role of airports. In this investigation, 39 airports spanning 21 states in India were scrutinised over a decade. Comprehensive data on eight inputs - number of cities connected, aircraft parking bays, land lease area, floor lease area, employees, runway length, operation hours, and expenditure - were compiled alongside five output variables land lease revenue, non-aeronautical revenue, aircraft, passengers, and freight. The analysis employed an output-oriented, non-discretionary BCC DEA model to rank airports based on their efficiency. Results revealed that ten out of the 39 airports consistently maintained a perfect efficiency score of 1.00 over the ten years, while the efficiency status of the remaining airports exhibited variability. The ten-year average data indicated potential increases in output quantities for land lease revenue, non-aeronautical revenue, aircraft, passengers, and freight for approximately ten airports categorised as inefficient.
    Keywords: airports; efficiency; non-discretionary and discretionary inputs; outputs; data envelopment analysis; BCC DEA model; optimisation.

  • Extended panel method to study sounding rocket aerodynamics   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Thang Nguyen, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Quoc Tru Vu, Lac Hong Nguyen 
    Abstract: This paper presents an efficient approach to study sounding rocket aerodynamics by extending the original version of the wing-body combination panel method. By adding some theoretical and empirical terms together with the vortex-panel modeling, the extended panel method may be used to determine all aerodynamic coefficients over a wide range of Mach numbers. The method was first applied to a simple rocket model, and the results were validated against wind tunnel experimental data and those from the CFD-based simulation method. It was found that compared to the original version, the present method shows more reliable results for rocket aerodynamics. It was then applied to study the aerodynamics of an actual sounding rocket model at various Mach numbers and analyze the unsteadiness effect. The method presented in this paper can be applied to aerodynamic studies in the preliminary design stage of sounding rockets and other types of high-speed air vehicles.
    Keywords: rocket aerodynamics; panel method; unsteady aerodynamics; sounding rocket.