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International Journal of Reliability and Safety

International Journal of Reliability and Safety (IJRS)

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International Journal of Reliability and Safety (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Pre-chamber spark ignition: a reliability analysis of pre-chamber valve functions   Order a copy of this article
    by Faraz Akbar, Sarah Zaki 
    Abstract: A pre-chamber ignition allows spark-ignition engines to operate in lean air-fuel settings. It improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions. In this study, a reliability analysis of a single GE Jenbacher J620 natural gas engine was done. It was operational on continuous load in the power generation sector in Karachi, Pakistan. A bathtub curve of the GE J620 pre-chamber gas valve (PCV) was generated. The three-year industrial data comprised PCV failures that occurred between two overhauls. During infant mortality, the curve revealed 7 failures during 1000 hours. This decreased to a failure for the next two cycles of thousand hours each. There was a 40% decrease in reliability after 1500 hours. Exponential distribution revealed that the mean time-to-failure (MTTF) was 545.5 hours. This study was the first of its kind in the facility. Previously, much time was lost in breakdown maintenance. Thus, it helped to increase the systems reliability.
    Keywords: bathtub curve; exponential distribution; failure rate; fuel injection; gas engine; pre-chamber combustion; pre-chamber spark ignition; pre-chamber valve; probability density function; reliability.