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International Journal of Private Law

International Journal of Private Law (IJPL)

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International Journal of Private Law (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Legal regulation of migration policy in EU countries: current challenges   Order a copy of this article
    by Svetlana Drobyazko, Anna Baboi, Oleg Batiuk, Zoriana Dilna, Irena Szarowska 
    Abstract: The purpose of the paper is a comprehensive study, scientific description, and analysis of the legal framework for the regulation of migration policy, the practice of application by states and other subjects of international law of legal norms regulating the protection of migrants, refugees, and persons in need of temporary protection. The methodology used in the paper combines elements of political, historical and philosophical analysis, as well as an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to comprehensively highlight the specifics of the formation and implementation of EU migration policy under modern conditions. The main results are the analysis of legal documents regarding the problem of refugees, which are unable to overcome the EU migration crisis. In conclusion, possible strategies for overcoming the migration crisis in the EU in the legal sphere are considered.
    Keywords: legal regulation; migration policy; refugees; strategy; migration crisis; persons in need of temporary protection; humanitarian status; multiculturalism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPL.2023.10057681
  • The future of GAFAM and competition law: two models in perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Habiba Bhouri 
    Abstract: Online platforms play a vital role in our daily lives. They have become essential for both internet users and businesses. At present, competition authorities are very active vis-a-vis the strategies of digital giants. Competition law is flexible enough to deal with their specificities. However, the traditional tools of competition law do not make it possible to detect and effectively repress the anti-competitive practices of digital platforms and particularly GAFAM (acronym of Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, to which Microsoft is sometimes added). The authorities are concerned with the performance of the criteria for reviewing merger operations. In this context, reform of competition law is essential to consider the new forms of domination by GAFAM. This article discusses the European initiative and future American projects.
    Keywords: GAFAM; competition law; regulation; monopoly; state authority; big tech.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPL.2023.10059877
  • Privatisation process in Kosovo: characteristics, property and legal perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Ardrit Gashi 
    Abstract: The paper presents a theoretical and practical research endeavour aimed at elucidating various distinct aspects of an ongoing process of privatisation in Kosovo. This process is notable for its unique features and challenges. One fundamental characteristic and, at the same time, an issue within this process, is its primary focus centred around socialist property/socially owned enterprises, distinct from public or state property/state-owned enterprises. These concepts remain ambiguous, particularly in context of investments and real estate markets trends. To provide a comprehensive understanding of this process, this research offers a concise overview of the economic and legal context of property, as well as emphasising the underlying of legal framework governing privatisation process and models. A crucial element of the process involves the allocation of privatised property through long-term leasehold to private individuals. It is important to note that within Kosovo and its neighbouring regions, the concept of leasehold is not formally recognised by property law. This study confronts numerous challenges arising from the unique approach, resulting in a significant number of property related claims. By exploring the complexities, it aims at evaluating whether the process qualifies as privatisation in its strictest sense.
    Keywords: Kosovo; law; privatisation; property; socially owned enterprise; property rights.

  • Conflicts in the judicial procedure when confronting ordinary and official document transactions: analysing the decisions issued by the primary and appeal courts in Tehran   Order a copy of this article
    by Iraj Babaei, Salman Pourmoridi, Nedjatolah Ebrahimian 
    Abstract: The present study aimed to examine and analyse the texts and opinions issued by the Appeal Courts of Tehran Province using a qualitative approach and conducting a document and content analysis. In the present work, several questions were taken into consideration, including does the ordinary document (affidavit proving document) indicate the ownership of the property registered in the name of another person in the real estate registry office or not? Can one request the court to rule on the cancellation of the formal document based on the intended ordinary document and its validity? It was revealed that as the influence of the official document was mentioned in the registration law, the official document is still valid and can be issued as invalid by the courts only in cases where there are faults in the trend of preparing and issuing the official document.
    Keywords: ordinary documents; official documents; judicial procedure; conflict and citation ability; Appeal Court of Tehran Province; primary courts; Real Estate Registration Law.