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International Journal of Power Electronics

International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPElec)

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International Journal of Power Electronics (8 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • An efficient fault diagnosis model using Lappet Falco optimisation based on a deep neural network for the VSI under varying load conditions   Order a copy of this article
    by Vaishali Baste, Dipali Shende, Seema Idhate, Arya Deshpande 
    Abstract: Numerous industrial applications employ three-phase converters that are based on insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). However, the functioning and safety of power electronic devices and loads can be considerably impacted by IGBT faults. Maintaining high-power quality and system availability requires timely and accurate detection of power inverter failures. Constantly monitoring the failures in three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) has greatly improved maintenance efficiency and stability. Hence, the developed research employs the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Lappet Falco optimised deep neural network (LFO-DNN) model to create an open circuit fault detection model for the VSI circuit. Data collection involves extracting features such as three-phase voltage, current, speed, and torque from erroneous data. The DNN classifier trained on these features uses the average three-phase current value to identify faulty switches. The VSI acting as a load with variable frequency reference is connected to a three-phase induction motor. The proposed Lappet Falco optimisation accurately yields impressive results in terms of prediction accuracy of 96.34%, precision of 96.34%, recall of 96.24%, F1 measure of 94.23%, MSE of 3.66, and specificity of 95.28%, demonstrating high efficiency for both 90% training and a k-fold value of 10.
    Keywords: voltage source inverter; VSI; insulated-gate bipolar transistors; IGBTs; open circuit fault; deep neural network; DNN; Lappet Falco optimisation; LFO; discrete wavelet transform; DWT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10068618
  • Nonlinear adaptive feedback linearisation-based backstepping controller design for islanded DC microgrid   Order a copy of this article
    by Shipra Jain, Rajesh Kr. Ahuja, Anju Gupta 
    Abstract: The solar-powered DC microgrid using adaptive feedback linearisation-based backstepping neural network controller (FLBNNC) can able to get the desired bus voltage with enhanced transient and steady-state responses. The uncertainties in the solar panel are caused by varying irradiance and temperature which will cause the solar current to vary. Hence in the proposed controller, the varying current is approximated by the Hermite neural network. Similarly, at the battery source and battery load, the varying impedance due to charging and discharging are approximated by the neural network in the proposed adaptive feedback linearisation-based backstepping neural network controller. The controller is novel and has simple mathematics, less data computation, reduced burden. The overall analysis has been revealed in terms of rise time (sec), settling time (sec), peak overshoot (%) for the different conditions like start up response, grid reference voltage variation from 4860 V, battery state of charge (SOC) for less 10%. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is compared with the conventional PID and backstepping controller (BSC). From the analysis, it is evident that the proposed controller (FLBNNC) is able to provide minimum settling time (sec) and rise time (sec), reduced peak overshoot (%) in comparison to PID and BSC which maintains the constant and smooth voltage at the grid terminal.
    Keywords: adaptive backstepping controller; battery energy storage system; DC microgrid; Lyapunov function.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10069413
  • Modelling of an integrated grid-connected three-phase current source unidirectional buck battery charger for electric traction application   Order a copy of this article
    by Izuchukwu Nnanna Eze, Linus Uchechukwu Anih, Cosmas Uchenna Ogbuka 
    Abstract: The difficulty of accessing controlled fast battery charging station in some geographical areas for electric vehicles necessitates one of the ideas of integrated motor drive and battery charging unit. To integrate the charger into the traction motor, one of the stator windings of the split-phase interior permanent magnet synchronous motor is connected to three-phase utility supply while the second stator winding feeds the extra-provided power electronic charger circuit. To this end, a unique complex q-d analytical equational control is used to realise the pulse width modulation (PWM) instead of the traditional PWM method. Current source control technique is employed in the charger control structure in lieu of voltage source converter (VSC) control topology. The reduction in grid line current harmonic distortion is 69.6% compared to VSC topology. Transfer function is developed to calculate the current and voltage control system proportional integral parameters. MATLAB study confirms the efficacy of the configuration.
    Keywords: split-phase; proportional integral; PI; Butterworth coefficient; current harmonic; electric vehicle.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10069462
  • MPWM full-bridge converter for voltage spike-free current doubler rectifier performance in vehicular applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Kirti Mathuria, Harpal Tiwari 
    Abstract: This paper describes an efficient bridge DC-DC converter for vehicular applications. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) for active switching is possible with the current-doubler rectifier. The presented configuration uses the energy stored in the filters’ inductors to perform soft switching in a wide load range. Moreover, no voltage oscillations or spikes occur due to the rectifier diodes, and duty cycle loss is low. The simulation and test results detailed the converter’s functions. A hardware configuration of 500 watts at 80 kHz has been used to validate the simulation results. A DSP controller board with the model number TMS320F28379D produces real-time gating signals.
    Keywords: full bridge DC-DC converter; soft switching; electric vehicles; EVs; zero voltage switching; ZVS; modified pulse width modulation; MPWM; high frequency transformer; HFT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10069463
  • Optimal reliable constraints-based design space exploration in VLSI for power grid design   Order a copy of this article
    by Praveen Andrew, Vinay Kumar Sadolalu Boregowda 
    Abstract: The task of developing a power grid network (PGN) for a VLSI device is challenging because of the increase in network complexity. The PGN's metallic line resistances result in voltage dips called IR drops, which can change the voltage level of simple logic circuits and lead to system-on-chip (SoC) malfunction. Numerous reliability restrictions also have an impact on the IR drop, and breaking any of those rules might make the IR drop considerably worse. Hence, as it does not require any modifications to the grid's structure, the implementation of longer wires is proposed here. Consequently, the process of minimising inductive radiation drop is automated, and as such, the objectives encompass area, voltage drop, and penalty. Additionally, a new optimisation crisis is measured for dependability limitations, and the elephant herding updated whale algorithm (EHU-WA), a combination of the whale optimisation (WOA) and elephant herding optimisation (EHO) algorithms, is developed to solve this.
    Keywords: VLSI; IR drop; wire length; voltage drop; EHU-WA algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10068507
  • Grid interactive solar PV power generation systems using sparse control algorithms promoted by Andrew's sine norm   Order a copy of this article
    by Ranjeet Kumar, Omveer Singh, Shailendra Kumar, Tanu Prasad 
    Abstract: In this paper, a sparse Andrew's sine norm promoting (SASNA) control approach is presented for the grid connected double-stage solar energy generation system. This technique is able to inject noiseless current to the grid under varying nonlinear emergency load conditions. A boost converter integrates solar energy to the DC bus and acts as a peak power point tracker (PPPT). The DC link voltage is controlled through the proportional integral (PI) control. Moreover, in the second stage, voltage source converter (VSC) is integrated, which injects the power into the grid. It converts solar energy into AC power. The sparse Andrew's sine norm sparse-based technique is used to switch on the power devices of VSC, which improves the response of the PV system by incorporating sparse system. The load balancing, harmonic reduction, power factor correction (PFC), and voltage regulation features of the solar power generating system at point of common coupling (PCC) are provided for variety of loads, including solar insolation changes. The MATLAB/Simulink and OPAL-RT-based platforms are used to simulate and validate the response of the system.
    Keywords: adaptive filtering; Andrew's sine estimating algorithm; solar photovoltaic; SPV; DC-DC boost converter; load balancing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10068474
  • Flyback converter design with EMC improvement for railway applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Özkan Birinci, Nezihe Yıldıran 
    Abstract: Nowadays, switched mode DC-DC power supplies are widely used in industry. The flyback converter is at the forefront of the railway application due to its wide input voltage range at low powers, input and output isolation, reliability, and simplicity of design. This paper aims to design a flyback converter with an EMC filter and dimmable feature for use in led lighting designs in railway systems with high efficiency and low cost according to the equivalents in the literature and industry using hard switching technique and passive RC snubber. The power losses of the flyback converter circuit were calculated theoretically, and all the theoretical relations were simulated in the LTspice program. Additionally, the EMC filter circuit was designed and implemented according to the desired flyback converter specifications. The prototype of the designed flyback converter was implemented with an input voltage range of 77-137.5 Vdc, a rated output voltage of 24 Vdc, an output voltage of 20 Vdc in dimming mode, and the output current of 1.5 A. Then, electrical, thermal performances as well as EMC tests were performed experimentally. The converter reaches approximately 90% efficiency at rated power. The designed flyback converter complies with EN 50155 and EN 50121 railway standards.
    Keywords: DC-DC converter; EMC filter; flyback converter; railway application.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10068211
  • Fractional-order modular multilevel converter for high voltage supply   Order a copy of this article
    by Vivek Patel, Ashok Mankani, Kumar Saurabh, Aritra Chakraborty 
    Abstract: The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is a multilevel converter topology mainly used for medium/high-power applications, specifically for high-voltage direct current transmission systems. This paper proposes a mathematical fractional order (FO) modelling of MMC. Fractional behaviour helps to model and describe a real object more accurately than the integer order model. State-space equations of MMC are obtained and solved using fractional calculus. The application of FO elements, such as capacitors and inductors in power electronic systems, is explored for potential advantages in transient response, stability, and control. An approximation of the fractional-order capacitor (FOC) and fractional-order inductor (FOI) was done using minimax approximation in MATLAB. Utilise fractional-order differential solver (fde12) in MATLAB to analyse the steady state and transient response of the three-phase FO-MMC under various conditions. The simulation outcomes confirm the efficacy of the FO-MMC model, and the comparative performance analysis illustrates its superior transient response compared to integer-order MMC.
    Keywords: modular multilevel converter; MMC; fractional calculus; fractional-order capacitor; FOC; fractional-order inductor; FOI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2025.10068518