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International Journal of Power Electronics

International Journal of Power Electronics (IJPElec)

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International Journal of Power Electronics (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Stability analysis of selective inter-harmonic compensation approach for light flicker mitigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Archana Sharma, Anshul Kumar Mishra, Bharat Singh Rajpurohit 
    Abstract: In this paper, stability analysis of an approach for Light Flicker (LF) mitigation is proposed. Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) is one of the major sources of injecting inter-harmonics and contributing LF. Mathematical analysis of EAF current is done to determine the frequency components majorly responsible for LF. Based on the outcomes conventional control algorithm of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is modified to mitigate the inter-harmonics between frequency range 30Hz-70Hz, which gives advantage of capacity and capital savings. Although the proposed system reduces the flicker level Pst below 1 but it increases the system's order. In this work, stability analysis of proposed system with STATCOM is done to authenticate its practical implementation. Impedance-based small-signal modelling of the system is used to analyse the effect of current loop and voltage loop individually and together. The performance of system reveals that the proposed system is stable and can be used in practical applications.
    Keywords: electric arc furnace; EAF; inter-harmonics; light flicker; LF; power quality; PQ; static synchronous compensator; STATCOM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2024.10063142
  • A uni-stage battery charging system using an isolated inverted Cuk converter in bridgeless configuration   Order a copy of this article
    by Tanmay Shukla 
    Abstract: This article presents a bridgeless isolated and inverted Cuk (BLIIC) converter-based single-stage electrical vehicle battery charging system (SSEVBCS). The suggested BLIIC converter scheme has fewer components than other bridgeless Cuk converter schemes. The converter is garnished with input and output inductances which lessens supply current harmonics like Cuk converter. The advantages of BLIIC converter are eradication of one inductor and a diode which are generally used in bridgeless (BL) converter configurations. SSEVBCS system witnesses the eradication of a rectifier and a low pass filter that reduces the size and losses of the system. Discontinuous current conduction (DCC) mode operation lessens the sensor requirements in comparison to continuous current conduction (CCC) mode. The above benefits make the SSEVBCS system cheaper, more compact, and more efficient. The detailed stability analysis of BLIIC is also included in the paper. Prototype, as well as Simulink results, have been presented to validate the presented SSEVBCS.
    Keywords: bridgeless; DCC mode; BLIIC converter.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2024.10063393
  • Anomaly detection and circuit-based categorisation of fault in PV systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Divyanshi Srivastava , Navdeep Singh 
    Abstract: This paper includes the hybrid technique for anomaly detection and fault diagnosis in the PV systems. The sensor-based and sensorless fault detection techniques (FDTs) are not applicable in case of multiple fault detection in each string at the same time. The existing sensor-based FDTs have no alternative option in case of sensor failure conditions. To overcome the discussed problem, a hybrid technique is designed to prevent the PV system from serious fire hazards. The fault detection in case of sensor failure events can be solved by the sensorless anomaly detection technique. Furthermore, maximum power points based anomaly technique uses the inflection point to identify the partial shading and fault conditions. To categorise the multiple fault conditions the nth numbers of voltage sensors are used for n number of strings. The effectiveness of the hybrid technique is shown by several case studies and validated through OPAL-RT setup.
    Keywords: open circuit fault; line to line fault; L-L fault; line to ground fault; L-G fault; partial shading; maximum power point tracking technique; MPP tracking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2024.10064617