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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (IJMME)

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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Literature Review into Leadership Styles Discussed in Mining Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Manoj Kumar, Abraham KP, Madhu Anand 
    Abstract: The global extractive sector is widely recognised for its exceptionally demanding operational milieu. In this context, managerial figures, especially those in leadership positions, are crucial in steering the sector toward sustained progress, realisation of organisational objectives, and adherence to professional commitments. The indispensability of a proficient leadership paradigm extends beyond workforce management it is vital in fostering optimal employee performance and strategic decision making. This research endeavour sought to comprehensively evaluate and encapsulate the scholarly discourse on leadership styles, examining their impact on various facets of organisational allegiance as well as other consequential metrics such as leadership efficacy, employee output, and the overall quality of the occupational environment. Employing a meticulous systematic review methodology and an exacting selection criterion, this investigation scrutinised 65 scholarly peer-reviewed articles and thesis from diverse databases and repositories. Of these, 19 were deemed impactful and thus were meticulously chosen for in-depth examination and synthesis.
    Keywords: leadership styles; transactional and transformational leadership; leadership effectiveness; reciprocal and digital leadership; mining industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065514
  • Image Analysis for Meso-Structural Seepage Behaviours on Pore-Scale Granular Soil: Implied in the Transition Rules of Erosion Mode   Order a copy of this article
    by Bin Zhu, Jun Chen, Mei Zhou, Dexian Liang, Qiaohui Pi 
    Abstract: This study explores the meso-structural characteristics and erosion stability of three groups of gap-graded gravel soils using pore-scale seepage simulations and grading entropy analysis. It examines how heterogeneity in the distribution of fine particles influences pore-pressure concentration and fluid flow dynamics by analysing and simulating image-based models of three groups of gravel soil specimens. Results indicate that specimens with lower fine grain content exhibit more uniform pore-pressure distribution and enhanced erosion stability due to the structural support provided by coarse grains forming a stable skeleton. Evaluation across grading entropy and Kenney and Lau's criterion highlights the critical role of finer grain content, i.e., the value of c, in determining internal erosion susceptibility. Despite minor variations in optimal finer-grain content criteria, the findings underscore a conservative approach to stability assessment consistent with established criteria.
    Keywords: meso-structure; granular soil; erosion mode; fine grain content; permeability; grading entropy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065850
  • Alumina Industrial Waste Management of Red Mud: A Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Dan Bahadur Pal, Amit Kumar, Sumit Jana 
    Abstract: Bauxite ores are digested with caustic soda to produce alumina and red mud is left as a solid waste product. Environmental worries about its disposal continue to be a global problem. Many academics have put forth much effort over the years to create different, cost-effective ways to use red mud. The 2 to 4 tons of red mud could be ejected for every ton of alumina produced. This essay offers an analysis of red mud's extensive use around the globe. Worldwide, enormous amounts of red mud are produced each year, creating a very significant and worrying environmental issue. This essay discusses red mud and characterisation concerning the global and Indian contexts. It provides a thorough analysis of red mud neutralisation and disposal techniques and a detailed evaluation of the work done up to this point to use red mud in various sectors. Red mud's chemical and mineralogical features are outlined.
    Keywords: red mud; utilisation; cement; brick; mining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065851
  • Impact of Textural Characteristics on Physico Mechanical Properties of Rocks of Kashmir (North-West) Himalaya, India.   Order a copy of this article
    by Aasif Ahad, Kaiser Bukhari 
    Abstract: Rock is used as a basic construction material, and hence, its strength plays a pivotal role in the construction of almost every engineering structure. The determination of physicomechanical properties of rocks is of utmost importance in almost every geotechnical structure. In this study physicomechanical characteristics like unit weight, point load index test (Is(50)/MPa), Schmidt rebound hardness test (Srh), and uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) were evaluated to correlate these properties with the textural coefficient. For this objective, six kinds of different rocks were studied microscopically, and complete laboratory tests were conducted in the same manner as devised by ASTM and ISRM standards. The microscopic studies were carried out after making thin sections and then the textural characteristics were evaluated. The microfabric texture of rocks alters these properties. The physicomechanical properties were correlated with the textural coefficient via simple regression analysis and the different equations attained show a good relationship between them.
    Keywords: digital photographs; textural coefficient; TC; thin sections; uniaxial compressive strength; UCS; Schmidt rebound hardness; SRH; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10066071
  • Mineral Liberation Analysis of Complex Gold Ores and Implications on Treatment Options: The case for Kapanda, Ibindi, Mawemeru and Itumbi Mineralisation in Tanzania   Order a copy of this article
    by Sospeter P. Maganga, Alphonce Wikedzi, Samwel V. Manyele 
    Abstract: This study presents a mineral liberation analysis of complex gold ores and implications on treatment options at Kapanda, Ibindi, Mawemeru, and Itumbi mineralisation locations in Tanzania. The analysis was carried out using the ThermoFisher Scientific Mineral Liberation Analyser 650 instrument. Results revealed that Ibindi material exhibited higher assays of Cu (6.46%), Fe (28.50%), Pb (3.75%), and Zn (0.34%) compared to materials from other locations. Moreover, at grind size of 75106 m (conventional milling process), 97% of pyrite-marcasite, 90% of siderite, 70%75% of chalcopyrite, 50%65% of sphalerite and 10% of galena could be liberated. This implies that galena cannot be effectively recovered through conventional milling flotation processes. Based on the analysis results, it is recommended that Kapanda and Ibindi materials undergo copper flotation followed by gold cyanidation, whereas Mawemeru and Itumbi materials have potential for gold cyanidation using lixiviant mixtures such as cyanide-glycine due to low concentration of cyanide-consuming minerals.
    Keywords: complex gold ores; MLA; flotation; cyanide-glycine leaching; automated mineralogy technique.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10066535
  • Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Fuel Consumption of Dump Trucks in an Open-Pit Mine in Peru   Order a copy of this article
    by Marco Antonio Cotrina Teatino, Jairo Jhonatan Marquina Araujo, Jose Nestor Mamani Quispe, Solio Marino Arango Retamozo, Joe Alexis Gonzalez Vasquez, Eduardo Manuel Noriega Vidal, Eusebio Antonio Araujo 
    Abstract: Mining dump trucks account for 31% of energy consumption and up to 60% of operating costs in open pit mines. This study aims to predict the fuel consumption of mining dumpers in an open pit mine in Peru by applying innovative hybrid machine learning models, including artificial neural networks (ANN), decision trees (DT) and random forests (RF), optimised with genetic algorithms (GA). The models evaluated the efficiency and cost savings of replacing 24 m3 dump trucks with 26 m3 dump trucks. The data were divided into 70% for training and 30% for testing. Input variables included utilisation, operating hours and total trips. The RF + GA model achieved the highest accuracy (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 250.05, MAE = 185.09), followed by ANN + GA with an R2 of 0.87 and DT + GA with R2 of 0.86. This novel approach significantly improves the prediction accuracy, showing that replacing dump trucks can save an average of US$1.76 per hour.
    Keywords: mining dump trucks; fuel consumption; hybrid techniques; machine learning; genetic algorithms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2025.10066537