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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (IJMME)

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International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Regional Steel Price Index Predictions for North China through Machine Learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Bingzi Jin, Xiaojie Xu 
    Abstract: Projections of commodity prices have long been heavily relied upon by investors and the government. This study examines the challenging task of estimating the daily regional steel price index in the north Chinese market for the period of 01/01/2010 to 04/15/2021. The projection of this significant commodity price indication has not received enough attention in the literature. After training our models with cross-validation and Bayesian optimizations, we apply Gaussian process regressions to verify our findings. The models that were built properly predicted the price indices between 01/08/2019 and 04/15/2021, with an out-of-sample relative root mean square error of 0.5871%. Investors and government officials can utilize the generated models for price analysis and decision-making. Forecasting results can help create comparable commodity price indices when reference data on the price trends suggested by these models are used.
    Keywords: Regional steel price index; Time-series forecast; Gaussian process regression; Bayesian optimization; Cross validation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065342
  • Exploration and Physicochemical Characterisation of Rayfield-Jos Alluvial Columbite Deposit for Effective Mineral Beneficiation and Value Metal Recovering of Niobium and Tantalum   Order a copy of this article
    by Nnaemeka Nzeh, Patricia Popoola, Abraham Adeleke 
    Abstract: This study primarily focuses on physicochemical analysis and characterisation of alluvial columbite deposit from Rayfield-Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria; as a promising source of Nb. Samples were characterised by PSD, morphological and chemical analyses. Other physical characteristics/properties such as SG, pH, moisture content and water absorption were performed. Morphologically, analysis showed particulates mainly of irregularly shaped, sub-hedral, sub-angular and spherical particles in the microstructure; indicating the presence of mostly columbite, silica and zirconia. Chemical analysis mainly showed oxide compositions of Nb2O5 as well as traces of certain other oxides. This study is aimed at providing in-depth comprehension of primary characterisation data and ascertaining general characteristics and physicochemical properties for exploitation and proper/appropriate beneficiation routes. It therefore creates baseline information/data on the choice, selection as well as designing feasible suitable extraction techniques or process routes in order to harness successfully and efficiently the Nb and other value metals from the study area.
    Keywords: columbite; Rayfield-Jos; niobium; tantalum; mineral; physicochemical; characterisation; beneficiation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065479
  • A Literature Review into Leadership Styles Discussed in Mining Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Manoj Kumar, Abraham KP, Madhu Anand 
    Abstract: The global extractive sector is widely recognised for its exceptionally demanding operational milieu. In this context, managerial figures, especially those in leadership positions, are crucial in steering the sector toward sustained progress, realisation of organisational objectives, and adherence to professional commitments. The indispensability of a proficient leadership paradigm extends beyond workforce management it is vital in fostering optimal employee performance and strategic decision making. This research endeavour sought to comprehensively evaluate and encapsulate the scholarly discourse on leadership styles, examining their impact on various facets of organisational allegiance as well as other consequential metrics such as leadership efficacy, employee output, and the overall quality of the occupational environment. Employing a meticulous systematic review methodology and an exacting selection criterion, this investigation scrutinised 65 scholarly peer-reviewed articles and thesis from diverse databases and repositories. Of these, 19 were deemed impactful and thus were meticulously chosen for in-depth examination and synthesis.
    Keywords: leadership styles; transactional and transformational leadership; leadership effectiveness; reciprocal and digital leadership; mining industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065514
  • Analysis of the Uncontrolled Emissions of Mine Gases at the Surface of the Closed Mine   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaroslaw Checko, Janusz Smoliło, Ronghou Liu, Venkata Suresh P, Andrzej B?k, Małgorzata Magdziarczyk, Adam Smoli?ski 
    Abstract: The volume of methane accumulates in the carboniferous rock mass is estimated to over 102 billion m3. In 2018, the extraction of methane from the carboniferous series in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland) amounted to 320 million m3, which corresponded to the quantity of the gas obtained via the hard coal mine methane drainage system in the entire USCB. The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on methane emission reduction in the energy sector introduced on 15th December 2021 obligates the mining industry to record the methane emission volumes in active mining plants as well as to identify and record the methane emission volumes in decommissioned mines. In the paper the methodology and the associated measurements for determining the uncontrolled methane emissions through the Carboniferous overburden in an area of decommissioned mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin were proposed.
    Keywords: uncontrol methane emission; coal mine; risk analysis; decommissioned mines.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMME.2024.10065587