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International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)

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International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Towards a new cloud computing-based approach and framework supporting knowledge management process   Order a copy of this article
    by Imane Chikhi, Hafida Bouarfa 
    Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) within an organisation is defined as a set of processes and tools to make both tacit and explicit knowledge, available for decision-making, competitiveness improvement, innovation and organisational learning. Technology is one of the most important factors for KM accomplishment. Cloud computing technology has opened up new prospects and brings many advantages for KM achievement. This paper proposes a new cloud computing-based approach and framework supporting the KM process. The proposed framework is generic, adapted to any type of organisation and takes into consideration various types of knowledge. Unlike the existing cloud-based KM approaches and frameworks, it covers all the KM sub-processes. In this paper, we focus on the knowledge spotting, acquisition and formalisation processes. We provide a detailed description of the referenced KM sub-processes activities. Furthermore, we highlight the cloud services supporting the execution of KM process activities. The proposed approach is validated through a case study.
    Keywords: knowledge management; knowledge management process; knowledge management activities; cloud computing; cloud-based KM framework; knowledge spotting process; knowledge acquisition process; knowledge formalisation process; knowledge engineering.

  • Using fuzzy SWARA for evaluating the influence factors of knowledge management in tourism industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamed Gheibdoust, Mahdi Homayounfar 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify and prioritise the influence factors of knowledge management (KM) in the tourism industry. In this study, after identifying the influence factors of KM in the tourism industry, they were prioritised using the fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (fuzzy SWARA) method. Data collection was carried out in travel agencies, located in the city of Rasht (Iran) using the SWARA questionnaire from October 2022 to February 2023. The influence factors of KM in the tourism industry include eight main criteria. The findings show that the criterion of knowledge acquisition has taken the first place among the influence factors, and the criterion of knowledge evaluation has obtained the last rank. The findings of the research can introduce managers to the most significant influence criteria of KM in the tourism industry and help to create innovation and increase competitive advantages. Also, by identifying these factors, managers can provide appropriate policies for the best possible implementation of KM in this industry.
    Keywords: knowledge; knowledge management; tourism industry; fuzzy SWARA; Iran.

  • Knowledge-based organisational climate change: research on psychological and workplace results   Order a copy of this article
    by D. Jesura Pauline, E. Sheela 
    Abstract: The study focuses on the impact of climate on organisational development, encompassing a wide range of factors like regulations, constraints, and philanthropic efforts. The climate within an organisation distinguishes it from others and is pivotal in enhancing employee well-being. This research employs primary quantitative methods, utilising SPSS for analysis. It features nine main questions, supplemented by two demographic queries, with 51 participants. Analytical techniques such as frequency distribution, correlation, linear regression, and the Cronbach alpha test were applied. The results show a positive correlation between the variables, with the statistical significance of the analysis confirmed through ANOVA and the model summary, indicated by a si value of 0. The high Cronbach alpha value suggests strong internal consistency among the variables. The study reveals that the organisational environment can bolster employee reliance or diminish effectiveness. It also highlights that an organisations culture should manifest in its climate.
    Keywords: knowledge-based development; climate change; employee wellbeing; human behaviour; organisational effect; organisational development.

  • Models-simulators as an analytical basis for strategic decision-making by pharmaceutical companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Zoia Sokolovska, Oksana Klepikova 
    Abstract: The article is focused on the applied aspects of using simulation models in the decision-making process by pharmaceutical industry. The key points are in managing pharmaceutical enterprises in the uncertainty and in estimating risks in military conditions. The research was conducted using the statistics of pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine. The proposed simulation models and experiments are aimed at managing a productive process and developing a financial strategy by determining and studying the most significant factors influencing the decision-making management process. The presented simulation model was developed in the AnyLogic software on a computer simulations hybrid paradigm based on the system dynamics method and agent approach.
    Keywords: pharmaceutical company; decision-making process; simulation model; simulation experiment; financial and investment strategy; product portfolio.

  • Exploring the Asian Productivity Organization model in Iranian electricity distribution companies: an importance-performance analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sara Damavandi, Hamid Khajouei 
    Abstract: Nowadays, organisations consider knowledge as a key competitive advantage and consider it even higher than their financial ability. For this reason, knowledge management is accepted as one of the critical success factors. In this research, the combination of resource-based and knowledge-based perspectives has been used to examine the various dimensions of the Asian Productivity Organization model. This work has been done using importance-performance analysis in one of the electricity distribution companies in Iran. To accomplish this, we utilised the fuzzy best-worst method (FBWM) and surveyed with input from 15 experts and 50 survey respondents. The results revealed that people, knowledge process and learning and innovation exhibited a low importance-performance level. Furthermore, leadership and process were characterised by low importance, but relatively high performance compared to technology and outcomes. The findings of our study offer valuable recommendations for decision makers in EDCs situated in developing countries to enhance KM practices in their organisations.
    Keywords: knowledge management; Asian Productivity Organization model; APO; electricity distribution companies; importance-performance analysis; best-worst method.

  • What do we actually hide: conceptual and measurement challenges of knowledge hiding research   Order a copy of this article
    by Kaiyu Yang, Vincent Ribiere, Alex Bennet 
    Abstract: Since the knowledge hiding concept was identified a decade ago, significant progress has been made in deciphering the antecedents and consequences of this detrimental behaviour of individuals in organizations. Previous knowledge hiding studies focused very little attention on what type of knowledge (knowledge (informing), (codified/explicit) knowledge, or tacit knowledge) was hidden when investigating the claimed concept. Starting with a systematic literature review that identifies “non-sharing” publications followed by a thorough examination of existing empirical research on knowledge hiding, this conceptual paper revisits the concept of “knowledge” and its nature. It concludes that “knowledge hiding” has not yet been adequately investigated and that the knowledge hiding concept has often been confused with information hiding. Therefore, the authors call for a broadened view to encompass different knowledge types in future research and for further development of more reliable and valid measurement instruments with defined context to sufficiently measure knowledge hiding.
    Keywords: knowledge hiding; information hiding; non-sharing behaviour; systematic literature review; artefact; codified knowledge; knowledge management; KM.