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International Journal of Intelligent Machines and Robotics

International Journal of Intelligent Machines and Robotics (IJIMR)

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International Journal of Intelligent Machines and Robotics (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Deep learning-based approach for recognition of local fish   Order a copy of this article
    by Masum Shah Junayed, Afsana Ahsan Jeny, Md. Tarek Habib, Md. Sadekur Rahman 
    Abstract: Bangladesh is a riverine country with thousands of rivers and ponds. Bangladesh, being a fish-loving nation, is considered one of the most suitable areas for fish culture. People of this generation in Bangladesh usually fail to recognise the local freshwater fish. Performing a classification of freshwater fish can help people recognise the local fish of Bangladesh. In this way, a vital part of the cultural heritage of Bangladesh can be retained. In this paper, a number of local freshwater fish are classified based on their characteristics. For this reason, we take a purpose for identifying fish. For our experiment, we have used total 6,000 images of ten local freshwater fish. We have used four convolutional neural network models, namely Inception-V3, MobileNet, ResNet50, and Xception for classifying the fish. We have obtained good accuracy, i.e., more than 95% with all four models, where MobileNet outperforms all other models by showing an accuracy of 98.41%.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; convolutional neural networks; deep learning; local fish detection; transfer learning; computer vision; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMR.2020.10030951
  • Design and Implementation of Sub-systems of an Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyanka Jadli, Gaurav Kelkar, Saket Yeolekar 
    Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the design and systems involved in the working of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Its design can be divided into navigation and arms. The navigation includes thrusters, float assembly and a central ballast. The float assembly controlled by a stepper motor and the central ballast for vertical movement are used to controlling the crude motion of the ROV, while the thrusters are used to fine-tune it. The arms are controlled using a hydraulic assembly, with proportional directional control valves (PDCVs) positioned inside the ROV and a power pack above the water surface. A forward kinematics (FK) and comprehensive inverse kinematics (IK) approach is also discussed in the paper.
    Keywords: underwater ROV; remotely operated vehicles; ROVs; navigation; manipulators; FABRIK; kinematics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMR.2020.10037008
  • Automation of Food Delivery Service in Railways   Order a copy of this article
    by Yash Pawse, Anudeepa Kholapure, Sai Karthik Nandigama, Mrinal Malkar, Vaibhavi Amal 
    Abstract: In this era of smartphones, one needs maximum facilities readily available on the click of a button. As days have passed by, technology has improved greatly, shifting as many services on the online web and smartphone-based platforms. In this hour of smartphone revolution, our focus should be on achieving maximum possible mobile services, or say the services which can be available anywhere anytime without much hassle. This paper aims towards achieving a freestanding and autonomous delivery service for railways that requires almost no monitoring or direct involvement of humans. This idea is much needed at the time when lesser human interaction is preferable and it promotes the idea of social distancing during some widespread epidemics and pandemics. The idea can be abstracted to various other domains including restaurants, hospitals, libraries, etc. Furthermore, it reduces the workload upon labour and can help save costs in the long run, considering a one-time investment in setup costs of the technology. Our approach for this idea covers the crucial aspects of the service and some minor add-ons can be put later on as per the needs of the domain in which it is deployed.
    Keywords: Android; application; automation; delivery service; smartphones; microcontroller; railways.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMR.2021.10038866
  • A Nouvelle Tennis-Ball Collecting Mobile Robot   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmoud Sharabati, Majdi Sultan, Sohaib Abu Omar, Karim Tahboub 
    Abstract: Tennis players need to collect balls from different points on the court. Players use a lot of balls during the training sessions, which makes collection time-consuming and tedious. Some manual tools and mechanisms are used to facilitate the collection process, such as picking up hoppers and tubes. This article presents a novel mobile robot that collects up to fifty tennis balls. The novel collection system consists of a rotating brush that pushes tennis balls into a lightweight basket behind the robot. The mobile robot has onboard intelligence that is equipped with an integrated myRIO device, actuators, sensors, and a rechargeable battery. A point-to-point path planning algorithm with a fifth-order timing law is implemented with three levels of control to achieve the robot's required speed and overcome the change in its tire diameter. A tennis player can command the robot to move it and collect the balls through a mobile application.
    Keywords: mobile robot; tennis ball robot; path planning; human-robot interaction; mechatronic design; PID control; DDMR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMR.2023.10063294