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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding

International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (IJIMB)

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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Validation of the Emo-Decision-Making Contagion (EDMC) Measurement Scale   Order a copy of this article
    by Antar Chaabi 
    Abstract: Decision making is subject to irrationality, perceived as a margin of error for many authors. However, the decision depends on an irrationality whose impact should not be randomised and on a contagion that is intrinsically linked to it. This article then presents a new concept: emo-decision-making contagion (EDMC). This is a key construct for understanding the consumer in emotionally charged contexts. However, to date, the marketing literature has not provided us with a scale to operationalise it. This study aims, therefore, to validate a tool for measuring EDMC in the context of mass copying in its general definition. Data were collected by questionnaire from a convenience sample of 418 individuals. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) show that the emo-decision-making contagion has an adapted factor structure, both statistically and conceptually. A four-factor structure is corroborated to do this: exemplary decision-making, imitation, mimicry, and empathy.
    Keywords: emo-decision-making contagion; EDMC; empathy; mimicry; exemplarity; imitation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2024.10068513