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International Journal of Image Mining

International Journal of Image Mining (IJIM)

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International Journal of Image Mining (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A new random number generator based on a linear shift register and a coupled chaotic map for image encryption   Order a copy of this article
    by Hadjer Bourekouche, Samia Belkacem, Noureddine Messaoudi 
    Abstract: This work involves creating a binary sequence generator for use as a session key in block cipher methods. The key sequence created by the coupling chaotic map, known as the 1D logistic-sine system (LSS), which has high strength owing to its chaotic qualities, is XORed with the basic 8 bit linear feedback shift register (LFSR) key sequence to form the final key. The obtained key sequence, whose randomness characteristics were measured using the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST SP 800-22 r1a, exhibited high randomness quality, encouraging its use in cryptographic applications by XORing it with greyscale image pixels to obtain the encrypted image. The proposed encryption algorithm has the advantages of high speed, and resistance to various types of crypto analytical threats with a large key space.
    Keywords: random number generator; RNG; linear feedback shift register; LFSR; logistic-sine system; LSS; National Institute of Standards and Technology; NIST; randomness; image encryption.

  • Selection paradigm into content-based image retrieval: a review   Order a copy of this article
    by Mawloud Mosbah 
    Abstract: This study aims to collect, organise, examine, and evaluate the research literature on selection paradigm into content based-image retrieval (CBIR) in English Language from serious results returned by Google Scholar in a window of 1,000 documents. The present literature review has followed the rules of literature review. In particular, the identified relevant papers are categorised according to their addressed CBIR system compound on three categories: those addressing interrogation and interaction module, those dealing with feature and indexing stage, and those articulated about matching measure process. Each of the cited categories adopts its own selection algorithms and tools with certain effectiveness and efficiency degree.
    Keywords: content based-image retrieval; CBIR; selection; selection into CBIR; accuracy; efficiency; literature review.

  • Grunwald fractional partial derivative equation-based Ruzicka indexed deep multilayer perceptive learning for face recognition   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Moorthi, S. Karthikeyan 
    Abstract: Face recognition and pattern recognition which has been widely investigated in past few decades. Thus, it is crucial to give efficient face recognition in actual input images. Some deep learning models present fine performance in the face detection and also accomplished better face recognition results. But the complexity involved in the recognition was not reduced. In contrast to existing works, multilayer perceptron uses the multiple layers to process the given input and provide the accurate results in recognition process. But, the optimised results were unable to be obtained in the recognition process. To solve this issue, a novel method called as normalised bilateral Bray Curtis Ruzicka indexed deep multilayer perceptive learning (NBBC-RIDMPL) based on the Grunwald fractional partial derivative equation (GFPDE) is introduced for accurate face recognition. The experimental results of face recognition shows that the proposed NBBC-RIDMPL based GFPDE increased the recognition accuracy, recognition time, and precision.
    Keywords: face recognition; computer vision; pattern recognition; multilayer perceptive learning; PDE; fractional PDE.