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International Journal of Happiness and Development

International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD)

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International Journal of Happiness and Development (15 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Happiness as an Unmet Reality in Pakistan: Discourses of Divorced & Separated Individuals   Order a copy of this article
    by Saira Batool, Rabia Ali 
    Abstract: This research paper highlights the dilemmas associated with the social construction of marriage versus the ideation of marriage as a modern symbol of unity in contemporary Pakistan. The paper draws on the narratives of sixteen divorced and separated men/women. These findings reveal that women experience marriage differently compared to men. Marital happiness for women is attained in their willingness to act in subordinate and submissive roles due to the hegemonic masculinity of men. The marriage contract in Pakistani society gives an upper hand to men and women are expected to be obedient and respectful. In this study, based on their personal experiences all divorced and separated women considered happiness in marriage merely a temporary situation. Defying the patterns of obedience had led to unhappiness and dissatisfaction in their marital relationships. The major problem had been the inability to accept the ground realities of marriage in its practical form in contrast to their perception of marriage as a romantic and happy relationship. When the ground realities didnt meet their expectations; their relations came to an end leading to social stigma and emotional dilemmas. These findings suggest the need to rethink marriage as a complex and evolving institution in contemporary Pakistan.
    Keywords: Happiness; Divorce; Separation; Marriage; Imagination; Qualitative Methods.

  • Income and happiness: a study of a panel of US residents   Order a copy of this article
    by Ling Zhang, Sajal Lahiri 
    Abstract: Can money buy happiness? Does the marginal effect of income on happiness of an average change over time? Does the change in income of an average individual increase their happiness over time? These are the main research questions that this paper attempts to answer using a longitudinal dataset for US residents, viz., panel study of income dynamic (PSID), for the years 2019, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The main methodology we use is Ordered-Logit regressions. We find reasonably strong evidence of an yes answer to all three questions. Our results pass a number of robustness checks.
    Keywords: Easterlin Paradox; happiness; income; ordered-logit regression; PSID data; longitudinal study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10062250
  • Impact of income on life satisfaction in India: a generalised ordered probit model approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Neeraj Kumar, P. Mahendra Varman 
    Abstract: The present study examines the impact of Net state domestic product (NSDP), absolute income, relative income, and income inequality on the life satisfaction of the people in India. The current study identified that an asymmetric income effect in the Indian context, i.e., an increase in income has a positive impact on those who currently reported lower levels of satisfaction. However, the relationship between an increase in income and life satisfaction is weak for those who currently reported higher levels of satisfaction. The results of the study support the existence of the Easterlin paradox in the context of India. Furthermore, the results emphasise the relative importance of absolute income compared to relative income. Although both factors hold significance, their combined impact on life satisfaction is not markedly stronger. The relationship between life satisfaction and income inequality is not identical as we move from a lower level to a higher level of life satisfaction.
    Keywords: subjective well-being; life satisfaction; net state domestic product per capita; relative income; income inequality; generalised ordered probit.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10062842
  • Happy-NE-R leadership for companies in emerging economies   Order a copy of this article
    by Raquel Ruiz-Rodríguez, Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado, Rafael Ravina-Ripoll 
    Abstract: Business leaders in emerging economies want to create better workplaces. The first objective is to present a literature review on leadership in emerging economies. The second objective is to reflect on the most appropriate leadership styles for todays firms in emerging economies. A bibliometric analysis of the literature up to 2023 is developed. The results show that firms in emerging economies tend to consider the transformational leadership. And the main emerging themes are the perspective of corporate governance and effects such as innovation and sustainability. This paper is the first to propose a leadership style that combines three of the most current leadership styles, Happy, NEuro and Responsible leadership, called Happy-NE-R leadership. This new style can help leaders in emerging economies to manage their companies responsibly and improve the well-being of their people. Then, emerging economies can have better places to work and a happier and more satisfied workforce.
    Keywords: leadership; emerging economies; BRICS; Brazil; Russia; India; China and South Africa; E7 group; happy leadership; neuroleadership; HappyNE-R leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10064437
  • Psychometric assessment of the Persian version of the future time perspective questionnaire in college students   Order a copy of this article
    by Forough Jafari, Seyedehdorsa Siadati, Fatemeh Bahrami 
    Abstract: This study aimed to validate the Persian version of the future time perspective (FTP) Questionnaire, a factor impacting psychological well-being, for use in Iranian society. 367 randomly selected students (2030 years old) from Tehran universities participated. The questionnaire by Brothers, Chiu, and Diehl (2014), with 12 questions and three subscales, was employed alongside the Hope scale by Snyder et al. (1991). Exploratory factor analysis revealed three subscales: opportunities, limitations, and ambiguities, explaining 61.18% of the variance. Cronbachs alpha for the components was 0.80, 0.77, and 0.82, indicating internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analysis affirmed model fit. Convergent validity displayed a significant correlation between FTP and the Hope scale. Results suggest the Persian FTP questionnaires validity and reliability for psychological interventions and studies among Iranian college students.
    Keywords: FTP; future time perspective; opportunities; limitations; ambiguities; psychometrics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10065308
  • Exploring the emotional terrain: a comprehensive systematic literature review of the effects of emotional intelligence on stress and performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Swetha Suram, Vani Gayathri Rudra, Ramesh Kumar Miryala 
    Abstract: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to an individuals ability in identifying, comprehending, and regulating their own emotions, beside their capability to perceive and manage the emotions of others. Stress, a prevalent feature of modern living has significant ramification for ones overall well-being. Understanding the EI role in stress management is crucial to promote psychological resilience and well-being. The focus of the study is to review the literature on the relation between EI and stress. This paper presents a structural overview of 98 papers published in Scopus indexed journals. The existing literature in the field is presented in four focus areas: the impact of gender on EI, EI and stress on performance, the relationship between EI and work-life balance (WLB), EI and stress. The findings indicate that gender differences exist in EI and stress levels, positive correlation between EI and performance, and contribution of EI to WLB.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; stress; systematic review; stress management; resilience; well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10065435
  • Indexing financial empowerment for women in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Mamta Aggarwal, Priya Gupta 
    Abstract: This study attempts to present a comprehensive state and regional analysis of womens financial empowerment by constructing a financial empowerment index based on secondary data from the NFHS-5 (National Family Health Survey) dataset. To illustrate interstates and regional disparities, the financial empowerment index has been constructed based on five dimensions such as engagement in employment, access to financial institutions, ownership of assets, access to mobile phones, and their involvement in decision-making, revealing a moderate level of financial empowerment among women in India, with notable variation in the status of financial empowerment across different states and regions. Southern region exhibits outstanding performance, with states and UTs such as Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu and Telangana leading the charge to drive the region towards prosperity, while others lag within the criteria. The study recommends strengthening the existing program and introducing new measures for improving financial empowerment in women across all the states and regions.
    Keywords: financial empowerment; index; gender disparity; national family health survey; women; employment; access to financial services; assets ownership; access to mobile; involvement in decision-making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10065874
  • Antecedents of mental health of students during COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Richa Banerjee 
    Abstract: The widespread Coronavirus has affected every human being on this earth. COVID has affected people not only physically but mentally also. The present study aims to assess the impact of social support, psychological Resilience and Mental Health of graduate and postgraduate students. A cross-sectional survey was conducted during June 2021. The relationship among the variables was examined using PLS-SEM. The results of the study give explicit support to a significant relationship and impact of Resilience on Mental Health, the other relationship was checked between social support and the third association was between Mental Health and Social support and Resilience. The link exists between perceived social support (PSS) and MH (MH), it is recommended that students always receive more social support, particularly during the problematic COVID-19 epidemic, to enhance their MH and Resilience.
    Keywords: MH; social support; resilience; COVID-19; student.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10066098
  • A study on university students conflict resolution styles and happiness: the effect of psychological capital (a study in Iran)   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahtab Pouratashi, Asghar Zamani 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of students psychological capital on conflict resolution style and marital happiness. A survey was conducted among married students at Universities in Tehran, Iran. Data gathered by use of a questionnaire including scales of marital happiness (Azrin et al., 1973), conflict resolution styles (Kurdek, 1994), and psychological capital (Luthans et al., 2007). The reliability of the questionnaire was determined through viewpoints of some professors and experts in the field and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbachs alpha coefficient (=0.86 to 0.92). After data collection, descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted by SPSS software/23. The results showed that among psychological capital, self-efficacy had the most effects on positive problem solving. Resilience had the most effects on conflict engagement and compliance. Optimism had the most effects on withdrawal. Also, self-efficacy had the most effects on marital happiness. Among conflict resolution style, positive problem solving had the most effects on marital happiness. According to the findings, it is recommended that universities improve formal and hidden curriculum to develop students psychological capital.
    Keywords: psychological capital; conflict resolution style; marital happiness; student; self-efficacy; higher education; Iran.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10066707
  • Status effect or tunnel effect? Unravelling the dual role of relative income on subjective well-being among the Chinese population   Order a copy of this article
    by Hania Fei Wu 
    Abstract: This paper examines subjective well-being in China, with a particular focus on the role of social comparison. Specifically, it examines the impact of relative income on the subjective well-being among the Chinese population from 2005 to 2018, a period characterised by rapid economic growth. By matching data from 10 rounds of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) with the contextual income data from statistical yearbooks, we test the status effect and tunnel effect hypotheses. The analysis confirms the tunnel effect hypothesis: after controlling for individual income, the average income of the reference group has a positive effect on an individuals happiness; in addition, this positive effect substantially decreases and becomes insignificant after incorporating the objective measure of future income expectations. Our analysis provides empirical evidence for the tunnel effect and confirms that economic development can mitigate the negative effects of current inequality by raising peoples hopes for future income growth.
    Keywords: relative income status; social comparison; tunnel effect; expected future income; subjective well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10066708
  • The impact of financial well-being on subjective happiness, innovativeness, and personal growth   Order a copy of this article
    by Petek Tosun, Mesut Dogan, A.Secuk Koyluoglu 
    Abstract: This study examines the impact of the perceived personal financial condition (financial well-being, economic hardship, income change, and financial threat) on subjective happiness and depression and the influence of subjective happiness and depression on personal growth initiative and consumer innovativeness. The theoretical model that depended on the broadenand build theory of positive emotions was tested on a consumer sample (n = 755) using hierarchical regression analyses. The findings supported the hypotheses and showed the significant impact of personal financial condition on happiness and depression. Financial well-being positively influences subjective happiness and reduces depression. Subjective happiness and depression lead to increased levels of consumer innovativeness and personal growth initiative. This study contributes to the literature by suggesting and empirically testing a comprehensive theoretical model that demonstrates the significant impact of personal financial condition on happiness and depression and, consequently, consumer innovativeness and personal growth initiative.
    Keywords: financial well-being; financial threat; subjective happiness; depression; personal growth; consumer innovativeness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10067613
  • Impact of work-life balance on employees well-being in selected manufacturing sectors in Kerala   Order a copy of this article
    by Jyoti Kamboj, Eronimus A, Sreedha K. Nambiar 
    Abstract: In Keralas manufacturing sector, employees often experience increased stress levels, diminished job satisfaction, and a decline in overall well-being due to the imbalance between work and personal lives. The demanding nature of their work and long hours often interfere with family time and personal pursuits, leading to strained relationships and health issues. This study utilises the JD-R Model to explore how WLB affects employees well-being. The study collected data from 203 employees in selected manufacturing industries in Kerala and is analysed through SEM-AMOS. The results found strong positive relationships between WLB and each dimension of well-being. Specifically, employees with better WLB experience improved physical health, psychological well-being, stronger social relationships, and financial stability. The findings underscore the importance of WLB in enhancing employee welfare and organisational effectiveness in manufacturing industries. We provide valuable insights for organisations, employees, policymakers, and government to foster a healthier and more productive workforce.
    Keywords: WLB; work-life balance; physical well-being; psychological wellbeing; social well-being; financial well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10068066
  • Financial inclusion and financial well-being among youth: a systematic scoping review   Order a copy of this article
    by Avnner Chardles Wellfren, Roslaini Abdul Jalil, Nelson Lajuni, Izaan Azyan Abdul Jamil 
    Abstract: This research aimed to comprehensively explore the relationship between financial inclusion and financial well-being among youth, focusing on financial inclusion. Employing a systematic scoping review methodology, this study examined a broad spectrum of scholarly works to identify existing knowledge gaps and provide insightful recommendations for future research. The research findings suggested that financial inclusion exhibited an inconsistent direct effect on financial well-being; however, it played a notable role as a supplementary factor. It is imperative to acknowledge that the effective utilisation of financial inclusion necessitated the cultivation of appropriate skills, attitudes, and behaviours to fully harness its potential advantages in enhancing financial well-being. These results serve as a foundational reference for future research, offering insights into the current state of the topic. Lastly, the study aimed to raise awareness within communities and government agencies about the importance of enhancing the social well-being and happiness of young people.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; financial well-being; financial wellness; happiness; young people; review; systematic scoping review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10068067
  • Dynamic transformations: unravelling the linkages between shifting MPI patterns and economic growth variables in Himachal Pradesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Ritesh Singh 
    Abstract: Study recognises poverty as complex phenomenon but it can be measured on the basis of three dimensions; Health, Education and Living Standards. There are various indicators of these dimensions of MPI. A change in MPI rate has been observed between two national reports 20152016 and 20192020 published by NITI Aayog. MPI in urban areas of Himachal Pradesh has increased over the period of time which is an eye opener to the government and needs to be taken care of. The Cooking Fuel is the most deprived indicator over the time period. Although MPI in rural areas has fallen but still its intensity is very high. Multiple Linear Regression model shows that there is positive statistical significant relationship between MPI, HCR and Intensity. Spearmans Rank Correlation shows that out of various different development indicators of Himachal Pradesh; Total Food Grain and Government Jobs have positive correlation with MPI whereas Agriculture Societies and Secondary Sector have negative correlation with MPI.
    Keywords: poverty; deprivation; development indicators; rural; urban; regression; correlation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10068663
  • COVID-19 impact on Coventry residents mental wellbeing   Order a copy of this article
    by Velina Hristova, Wenyu Han, Kaloyan Haralampiev, Tim Healey, Ivo Vlaev 
    Abstract: The present study examined different factors that affected Coventry residents mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 4162 respondents from the Household Survey of Coventry City Council were included in the data analysis. The short version of the WarwickEdinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) and a COVID-19-related worry score were used for the purpose of the study. The results indicated that the most significant influence on residents mental wellbeing was the extent to which members of the household worried about COVID-19. Furthermore, there was a significant association between the mental wellbeing score and factors such as general health condition and alcohol consumption. Participation in social and cultural activities (in person and online), visiting park or open space, involving in everyday activities, attendance of pubs and clubs when COVID restrictions were lifted, enjoying live music in person and virtually, were all positively related to improved mental wellbeing.
    Keywords: mental wellbeing; worry score; COVID-19; social and cultural engagement; Coventry city.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2024.10069172