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International Journal of Global Environmental Issues

International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGEnvI)

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International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (11 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Agriculture waste management: a bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Anu Gupta, Divya Siwach, Vikas Kumar 
    Abstract: This study presents a detailed bibliometric analysis of agricultural waste management and its related policies. Literature on agricultural waste management has been reviewed for a time period of ten years (2011 to 2020) from Scopus database. Quantitative analysis and network visualisation has been conducted to highlight the core research constituents like authors, countries, journals, institutions, etc. RStudio and VOSviewer applications have been used for data analysis and visualisation. The scientific interests and most active and cited authors in the field have been identified along with their relationships. Most relevant publications and the most occurring keywords in the research field have also been highlighted. This approach helps in unpacking the evolutionary nuances of the agricultural waste management, identifying the emerging trends and areas and developing reference for future research.
    Keywords: agriculture; agriculture waste management; waste management policy; bibliometric analysis.

  • Investigating landslide susceptibility in the mountainous area of Union Territory Jammu and Kashmir, India: a comparative perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Lucky Sharma, Narendra Kumar Rana, Gaggan Kumar 
    Abstract: The escalation of geo-hazards, particularly landslides, has become a pressing concern, exacerbated by both natural factors and human activities. The frequency of rainfall-triggered landslides in mountainous regions is surging, posing imminent threats to lives and infrastructure. Jammu and Kashmir witness this peril throughout the year, affecting millions. This study focuses on creating a landslide susceptibility map for District Doda, employing a multi-method approach. A comparative analysis of multi-criteria decision method-analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and Shannon information entropy (SIE) determines their efficacy. The inventory, comprising 250 landslides, incorporates nine conditioning factors. AHP designates 91% of the area as very high or highly susceptible, while SIE identifies 46.49% as vulnerable. Area under curve (AUC) values of 0.898 and 0.976 for AHP and SIE, respectively, underscore the latter’s superior predictive capability. This study is instrumental in aiding stakeholders with decision making, land-use planning, and formulating effective mitigation strategies.
    Keywords: landslide; susceptibility; Shannon entropy; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; geohazards; decision making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2024.10064539
  • The effect of global economic and geopolitical uncertainty on global food commodity prices   Order a copy of this article
    by Ibrahim A. Onour 
    Abstract: The paper aims to assess the impact of global uncertainty, on global food commodity prices. The global uncertainty variables include global economic policy uncertainty index, global climate policy uncertainty, and global geopolitical risk indexes. Markov switching dynamic regression (MSDR) model is employed using monthly data during the period from January 1997 to September 2022. Results of MSDR show that there are two distinct states during the sample period, the state of low volatility period (state 1) and the state of high volatility (state 2). In state 1, all explanatory variables have a significant impact on the global food commodity price index. However, in state 2 only the economic policy uncertainty has a significant impact on food commodity prices, implying that uncertainty in global economic policy is the principal driver of global food commodity prices in the two states.
    Keywords: global economic policy uncertainty; GEPU; climate policy uncertainty; food commodity.

Special Issue on: International Design of Dialogic Environmental Policies

  • Origin and historic path of the triticum compactum (Binkel) in alpine and pre-alpine agriculture   Order a copy of this article
    by Margarita Kwich, Gilbert Ahamer 
    Abstract: Recently, great interest in historic grain varieties arose, given their positive nutritional properties and usefulness for endurance in local climates, such as European Triticum compactum, colloquially named Binkel in German. This article analyses answers to the following questions: 1) when was the Binkel first mentioned/described in historical literature and records?, 2) what is the Binkels genetic and geographic origin? 3) how and when did Binkel come to the Alpine region? Were breeding measures applied? Historic evidence first perceived Binkel through the pen of Viennese historians and perceives winter and summer forms. In the 19th century, Binkel was famously attributed to the dwellers of the stilt houses and called the oldest wheat from Europe. Originally stemming from Iran in a complex historic and genetic trajectory, Binkel was highly esteemed in Tyrol and Salzburg for its high endurance up to 1,600 m altitude.
    Keywords: Binkel; triticum compactum; historic grain species; genesis of grain.

  • True empathy, part 4: the 4 types of empathy   Order a copy of this article
    by Ingrid Maria Moser 
    Abstract: The four types of empathy represent several possibilities to shape empathy from different points of view. These four types of empathy are discussed: 1) empathy with the inner spaces: the symbolic interpretation of the inner spaces; 2) empathy in the organs: the symbolic interpretation of the organs; 3) empathy in the spine: symbolic interpretation of the spine; 4) empathising with the chakras. There are relationships between the organs, the vertebra, the signs of the zodiac, the planets, and the inner spaces of the body; and these are discussed in much detail in this fourth article on empathy, together with typical diseases in the context of these relationships.
    Keywords: energy; healing; empathy; wholeness; spiritual healing.

  • Theories of descent for the pile-dwelling wheat Triticum compactum (Binkel)   Order a copy of this article
    by Margarita Kwich 
    Abstract: Evolutionary historical and present-day environmental interests lead to portraying the worldwide and historically proven variety of Binkel wheat (Triticum compactum) which often comes under synonyms describing distinctions between numerous awned and unawned varieties as well as between summer and winter forms. This article summarises the various theories of descent of Binkel with its start in the Caucasus region, Binkels perception in the 20th century, and ongoing conservation initiatives. Baking properties and usages of straw are described with a focus on the Alps and especially on the Austrian-German border region, where numerous recultivation projects emerged recently. Overall, this fourth article concludes a series of years-long research activities led by the author.
    Keywords: Binkel; Triticum compactum; historic grain species; genesis of grain; sustainability.

  • Quality of the Mongolian medical massage therapy and its practical applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Otgontuya Dashdorj 
    Abstract: This article describes the specifics of Mongolian health traditions, among which massage, moxibustion and kyphosis. The oldest testimonies on massage date back to 2500-2300 BC and were found in the most ancient documents, retrieved in the Egyptian tombs of Saqqara. Carved images show two men while on ones leg massage is applied. In Ancient Chinese scriptures, medical acupuncture and moxibustion therapy and non-removable point massage therapy are mentioned. Mongolian massage therapy and point massage therapy in Asian countries is seen as human feet take through the soles the energy from the Earth. Similarly, it is believed to have existed among US aborigines and in ancient European cultures. This article uses the concept on Mongolian massage therapy and explores its application in our modern world during the globalising information age.
    Keywords: health; massage therapy; Mongolian medicine; moxybustion; kyphosis; manual therapy; back pain; holistic health; alternative medicine; Mongolian massage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.10058519
  • True empathy, part 3: practical foundations   Order a copy of this article
    by Ingrid Maria Moser 
    Abstract: As the practical foundations of true empathy, there are different types of perception: 1) physical perception; 2) psychic perception; 3) mental perception. Alignment with three principles shall be achieved: presence, mindfulness, and intentionlessness. The methodical implementation of empathy is usually conducted in three phases: 1st phase: relaxation and experience of wholeness; 2nd phase: release of blockages and detachment by true forgiveness, and 3rd phase: conclusion. The healer’s relationship with the empathiser is that of an obstetrician. It helps him to remember his source again and to reunite with his true essence, which is love.
    Keywords: energy; healing; empathy; wholeness; spiritual healing; holistic healing; identification; holy spirit; energy healing; energy flow; cosmic powers; body; identification with the ego; the divine.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.10058607
  • Detailed historic analysis of the “pile-dwelling wheat” Triticum compactum (Binkel)   Order a copy of this article
    by Margarita Kwich 
    Abstract: When identifying the historical genesis of wheat (Triticum), often the narrative arises that its main European predecessor is Triticum compactum, which often was found in prehistoric pile-dwelling settlements in and around the Alps. Therein, the tetraploid type predominated, but hexaploid also occurred. The present article collects numerous historic accounts on Triticum compactum (Binkel, in German language) and critically relates them to modern archaeological evidence. The genesis of the species, finds, and historic records are discussed. Present literature does not allow with genetic accuracy that present-day Triticum compactum (Binkel) is totally identical with neolithic pile-dwelling wheat (Triticum antiquorum) but a multitude of hints points towards a considerable degree of similarity between both. Binkel’s value for present-day nutrition is undisputed.
    Keywords: Binkel; Triticum compactum; historic grain species; genesis of grain; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.10059663
  • Historic variation of Triticum compactum (Binkel) and its practical usage   Order a copy of this article
    by Gilbert Ahamer, Margarita Kwich 
    Abstract: The recent great interest in historic grain varieties, such as European Triticum compactum, named Binkel, is based on their positive nutritional properties and usefulness for endurance in local climates. This article continues an earlier article and answers these questions: 1) How do todays forms differ from the original forms?; 2) Where and to what extent was it spread in the meantime, possibly under other names?; 3) How were the grain products used?; 4) Is there evidence of its properties?; 5) What are the geographic boundaries of the growing area?; 6) Are there related wheat species? Having recently moved into wider practical application, Binkel offers the following convincing properties: very soft dough properties, a significant content of valuable ingredients and surprisingly good baking properties of this type of wheat.
    Keywords: Binkel; Triticum compactum; historic grain species; genesis of grain; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.10060065
  • Improving science-business communication through a structured dialogue in Georgia   Order a copy of this article
    by Gilbert Ahamer 
    Abstract: In the present geopolitical situation, it is essential to support young democracies on their self-selected path towards democratic, transparent and rule-based administrative structures, as required by their populations. Thus, the EU undertakes projects for institution building in Eastern Europe, and the present article describes concrete activities within the domain of science-business communication in neighbouring country. Based on the quintuple helix approach, diagnoses and analyses were performed for a national science funding system. Analyses of the profiles, strengths and weaknesses within both science and economic sectors show that the strengths within natural science should be better integrated in present-day global sustainability efforts and support neighbouring countries towards the European Green Deal to make results relevant for life practice. The revival of standing commissions on science-business cooperation also would encourage to better identify how to benefit from each other.
    Keywords: science-business cooperation; European neighbourhood; twinning; bibliometric analysis; economic analysis; economic profile; economic transition; environmental transition; EU; Accession.