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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV)

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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Designing Intellectual Capital and Capital Structure for Financial Performance and Firm Value   Order a copy of this article
    by Muchlis Muchlis, Made Setini, Nur Fadjrih Asyik, Mochamad Mochklas, Ni Ketut Adi Mekarsari 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of a firm's capital components on its performance, including supply chain design, intellectual capital, and capital structure, which increases firm value between 2020 and 2023. A total of 385 were used as test objects from findings in the field by grouping 65 samples. It can be concluded that the findings are that intellectual and structural capital is an important factor in creating company performance and providing value creation for the company; this is a good issue for investors. Since investors recognised the importance of skilled human resources capable of successfully managing the business and establishing positive relationships with external parties, financial performance has not been shown to mediate the effect of intellectual capital on creating firm value. Simultaneously, capital from the structure impacts the company and company value directly and through the mediation of the company's financial performance. The important issue of structural capital is the level of security of trading capital, which is important for prospective investors.
    Keywords: structural capital; intellectual capital; financial performance; company value; skill human resources; value added intellectual coefficient.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10064905
  • Examining the Influence of Innovation, Entrepreneurial Initiatives, and Proactive Strategies on the Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Tuba Bajwa, Ahsan Ali Ashraf, Khalid Hafeez, Muhammad Shafiq 
    Abstract: This academic study examines the relationship between innovation, new business initiatives, proactivity, and business performance in Pakistani Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The study used a quantitative methodology and a sample size of 307 businesses to examine the correlations between these variables. The results show that innovation significantly and favourably affects SME business success. The performance of SMEs is greatly improved by innovative tactics including product development, process optimisation, and market differentiation. Additionally, it was discovered that new business ventures significantly and favourably affected firm performance. The findings of this study are important for Pakistani SMEs because they provide knowledge regarding tactics that could increase their efficacy and flexibility in the face of a dynamic and constantly changing business environment.
    Keywords: Innovation; New business venturing; Pro-activeness; Business performance; and Small and medium enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10065364
  • Innovation Choices in Modern Times: The Interplay of Technology and Non-Technology Approaches with a Spotlight on the Moderation Effect of Research Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Henry Junior Anderson, Samuel Amponsah Odei, Bright Frimpong, Jan Stejskal, Frank Febiri 
    Abstract: Recently, businesses have increasingly adopted open innovation, yet many still opt for internal innovation due to trust, security, and cost concerns. Notwithstanding, there has been little research into these strategic choices immediate and long-term effects. This study addresses this gap by analysing data from the European Innovation Scoreboard between 2011 and 2019. We investigate whether a firms decision to pursue internal or open innovation significantly impacts its technological and non-technological innovation outcomes over varying timeframes. Additionally, we examine the contingent influence of a research system on firms decisions regarding innovation collaboration. Our findings reveal that internal and open innovation strategies have distinct effects on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across different periods, particularly with a two-year time lag. Further, a robust research system can impede cooperative efforts to achieve technological and non-technological innovation objectives. The study concludes with practical policy recommendations, empowering businesses with clear guidance for navigating innovation strategies in current business environments.
    Keywords: Technological innovation; Non-technological innovation; Human capital; Open innovation; In-house innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10065417
  • A Sustainable Perspective of the Value Outcomes of Incubation: Preliminary Findings from Southern Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by Mery Blanck, José Luis Duarte Ribeiro 
    Abstract: Value creation assessment is a fundamental topic for the literature deepening on business incubation. However, it must be oriented to a value approach beyond the economic outlook and from an alternative angle to the value creation processes. To this end, the study investigates the value outcomes of incubation, first by applying the laddering technique as a decision process-tracing method to observe the value outcomes of incubators in terms of sustainability dimensions; second by developing a framework considering strategic target users, innovation objects and sustainability dimensions applied to incubatees to reveal how they perceive their value outcomes according to those framework elements. The findings show a significant asymmetry of managerial views between incubators and incubatees. For incubators, value outcomes of an economic nature still prevail over other dimensions, whilst incubated companies reveal more concern in positively impacting further sustainability dimensions with their innovation offering.
    Keywords: value outcomes; incubation; sustainability; value creation; laddering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10065472
  • Will I be Able to Function Effectively? Pandemic and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Wellbeing and Post-COVID-19 Functioning   Order a copy of this article
    by Gul Afshan, Amjad Ali, Adnan Manzoor 
    Abstract: The present study proposes a theoretical framework to explain the resource constraints induced by the pandemic on entrepreneurs. This theoretical study has also advanced the role of the type of entrepreneur in dealing with such stressors of a pandemic using the Lerman et al. (2020) stress event theory (SET). This study is theoretical. It proposes a conceptual framework for the relationships between COVID-19-induced resource constraints and the entrepreneurial post-COVID-19 functioning with the underlying mechanism of entrepreneurial well-being. Following SET, this conceptual paper proposes that opportunity entrepreneurs would be able to cope with stressful events, which makes the difference in his or her well-being, social relationships, and functioning compared to the necessity entrepreneur. However, the type of entrepreneur makes a difference in affected well-being and functioning. The authors have presented a theoretical model incorporating the predictors and outcomes of entrepreneurial well-being in times of the COVID-19 pandemic to suggest future research directions.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial well-being; necessity entrepreneur; opportunity entrepreneur; post-COVID-19 functioning; resource constraints.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10065532
  • For the Good of the People: Establishing Public Value Creation as an Objective for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Policy   Order a copy of this article
    by Juliane Corredor Jimenez, Simon Norris, Leonhard Gebhardt 
    Abstract: Currently, entrepreneurship policy equates value and productivity with economic growth and innovation. However, pressing grand sustainability challenges question this notion of productivity and the types and recipients of the value entrepreneurs should create. In this conceptual article, we argue that entrepreneurship policy should be re-oriented toward a public value framework that better reflects societal goals. This article argues that public value is created when the public (i.e., everyone in society or the majority of actors that constitute it) perceives a specific shared need to be met by an entrepreneurial solution. Based on a distinction between micro-level private and macro-level public value creation, this article proposes four pathways that explain how entrepreneurs can address the needs of the public. These public value creation processes help policymakers with designing entrepreneurship policies that address grand sustainability challenges. Furthermore, sustainable entrepreneurs may orient their solutions to societal challenges according to a public value creation perspective.
    Keywords: sustainable entrepreneurship; grand challenges; public policy; public value; entrepreneurship policy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2024.10065594