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International Journal of Enterprise Network Management

International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM)

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International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (11 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Mining customer reviews to evaluate the contact center agent performance using custom kernel functions   Order a copy of this article
    by A. Santhosh Kumar, Punniyamoorthy Murugesan, Ernest Johnson 
    Abstract: In today's digital world, the exponential growth of unstructured text data necessitates businesses to rethink their organisational strategies based on the insights extracted from data using text or opinion mining. To extract opinions from text documents, various machine learning algorithms are utilised, with support vector machine (SVM) being a popular one due to its ability to efficiently classify non-linear data using the Kernel trick (Kernel function). This function implicitly transforms the input to a higher dimensional vector space, making it easier to classify data linearly. In our study, we have applied the dissimilarity kernel function, which is suitable for sparse data. We evaluated the performance of the new kernel function in classifying opinions from customer feedback in the business to consumer (B2C) contact centre industry and ranked contact centre agents based on the customer feedback data.
    Keywords: opinion mining; Jaccard dissimilarity kernel; custom kernel functions; contact centre agent performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10057130
  • An analysis on the time-varying correlation among selected agricultural commodities: A DCC-GARCH Model-based approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Eva Mishra, R. Murugesan 
    Abstract: As per the literature survey, very few studies analyse the dynamics of conditional correlation and spillover effects between agricultural commodity prices. This research aims at finding the dynamic correlation among agricultural commodity prices. The knowledge of the dynamic correlation between agriculture crop prices is of great significance to consumers, government agencies, investors, farmers, and policymakers. The DCC-GARCH model is used on the agricultural commodity prices such as rice, wheat, gram, banana, groundnut, onion, potato, and sugarcane, spanning 20002020, collected from the Indian agricultural market. Our research confirms the presence of a dynamic correlation between agricultural commodity prices. The DCC-GARCH model was found to be efficient in evaluating conditional correlation. There was a conditional correlation among gram and other agricultural crops (banana, groundnuts, onion, and potato) prices for a long period. The change in the price of rice crops alters the prices of other agricultural commodities considered in our research.
    Keywords: dynamic correlation; spillover; DCC-GARCH; agricultural crop prices; agricultural market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10057821
  • A Bibliometric Analysis of Skill Development Training and Employability: Towards a Future Research Agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by S. Lakshmi Devi, Simanchala Das, Biswajit Acharjya 
    Abstract: This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of skill development training and employability, to identify emerging research trends and proposes a future research agenda in this area. A comprehensive analysis of extant literature retrieved from 284 articles and 2,353 citations from the Scopus database for the period from 19742022 was made for getting an overall understanding of the trends and patterns of research on skill development. The study explored a growing trend toward publications on skill development research over the years and provides ample scope for future research. Furthermore, this thematic analysis of the publication history identifies the principal dimensions and directions of the research on skill development. By synthesising and organising research on skill development training, the present study would also help policymakers to redesign the interventions aimed at enhancing employability and promoting sustainable economic growth.
    Keywords: skill development; Research; publications; bibliometric analysis; employability; sustainable economic growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10058121
  • Performance improvement in inventory classification using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Kathirvel Selvaraju, Punniyamoorthy Murugesan 
    Abstract: Multi-criteria inventory classification (MCIC) is popularly used to aid managers in categorising the inventory. Researchers have used numerous mathematical models and approaches, but few resorted to unsupervised machine-learning techniques to address MCIC. This study uses the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm to estimate the parameters of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), a popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm, for ABC inventory classification. The EM-GMM algorithm is sensitive to initialisation which in turn affects the results. To address this issue, two different initialisation procedures have been proposed for the EM-GMM algorithm. Inventory classification outcomes from 14 existing MCIC models have been given as inputs to study the significance of the two proposed initialisation procedures of the EM-GMM algorithm. The effectiveness of these initialisation procedures corresponding to various inputs has been analysed toward inventory management performance measures, i.e., fill rate, total relevant cost, and inventory turnover ratio.
    Keywords: expectation-maximisation algorithm; Gaussian mixture model; GMM; multi-criteria inventory classification; MCIC; ABC classification; fill rate; total relevant cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059173
  • Uncovering the factors influencing employees' intention to quit in hospitality industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Nivethitha Santhanam, Vaijayanthee Anand, Srinivasan S 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the role of human resource practices (training and career development opportunities) in explaining employees' turnover intentions, as well as the interaction effects of organisational identification on this relationship. Data were gathered from 410 frontline employees working in India's four- and five-star hotels. The hypothesised relationships were tested using structural equation modelling. The findings indicate that employees' perceptions of human resource practices in their organisation had a significant impact on their intention to quit. Furthermore, the interaction of organisational identification with human resource practices significantly moderated the investigated relationship, with higher organisational identification decreasing the intention to leave. By emphasising the impact of organizational-level practices on individual-level outcomes, the study contributes to the academic discourse on human resource practices. The findings of the study also support the utility of aligning organizational goals and values with those of employees.
    Keywords: Employee turnover intention; human resource practices; organizational identification; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059184
  • An empirical study on the nexus among the prices of commodities: An ARDL and Bound test approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Shanmugargaraja V, R. Murugesan, Ishita Khartad 
    Abstract: This study investigates the nexus among the commodities: Bitcoin, Copper, Gold, Silver, Crude oil, and Iron ore.Previous studies on establishing the plausibility and the dynamic nexus among commodities are rare.This research attempts to fill this gap. This study investigates whether there are long-term and short-term links between commodities for the period 2010-2022 by applying the bounds testing method to co-integration and ECM, built using an ARDL model and establishing both short-term and long-term relationships among the economic variables analyzed. The ECM confirmed the presence of some co-integration relationship for all the variables, both in the short and long term. A strong correlation was discovered among the commodities, which were greatly influenced by their lagged values. The results of this study provides an opportunity for policymakers and researchers to understand the nature of the relationship between the analyzed variables and further support the development of new policies for economic sustainability.
    Keywords: ARDL; NARDL; Bound test; nexus among commodities; ECM; ECT; bitcoin. Copper; Gold; Silver; Crude oil; Iron ore.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059264
  • Factors influencing the consumer intention to recommend the adoption of the near field communications: A partial least square- structural equation modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Rishabh Shekhar, Tangala Venkateswarlu 
    Abstract: The study aims to investigate the factors influencing the consumer intention to recommend the adoption of the near field communications. Constructs, namely relative advantages, trust, hedonic motivations, personal innovativeness, customisations, and, are included in the technology acceptance model. The influence and role of relative advantages, trust, hedonic motivations, personal Innovativeness, customisations, and were investigated. The study's findings unveil that trust and perceived ease of use significantly influence perceived usefulness. Another interesting result of this study is that relative advantages, trust, hedonic motivations, personal Innovativeness, and customisation affect perceived ease of use. Theoretical, practical implications and future avenues are discussed.
    Keywords: near field communications; NFCs; intention to recommend; mobile wallet payment services; technology acceptance model; TAM; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059352
  • Mobile wallet payments- A Systematic literature review with Bibliometric and Network Visualization analysis over two decades   Order a copy of this article
    by Arijit Das, Rishabh Shekhar 
    Abstract: The study aims to review the literature on mobile wallet payment and align research trends using a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades. It uses bibliometric analysis of the literature research retrieved from the Web of Science database. The study period was from 2001 to 2021, with 1,134 research papers. It also provides the indicators like citation trends, cited reference patterns, Authorship patterns, subject areas published on the mobile wallet, top contributing authors, and highly cited research articles using the database. Furthermore, network visualisation analysis, like the cooccurrence of author keywords and keywords plus terms, has also been examined using VOS viewer software. The bibliometric analysis shows that the Republic of China dominates mobile wallet payment, and India is a significant contributor. Furthermore, the constructions of the network map using a co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling shows an interesting pattern of mobile wallet payment.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; MWPS; citation analysis; VOS viewer; network analysis; visualisation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059490
  • A Qualitative Analysis of Customer Acquisition in Online Fitness Communities   Order a copy of this article
    by Yamini S., Gajanand M. S 
    Abstract: Physical activity and exercise are important for all age groups. The virtual fitness sector has experienced a boom post-COVID-19 pandemic due to changes in lifestyle. Research studies that analyse the effect of the usage of fitness applications are very scarce. To bridge this research gap, the impact of these factors in creating awareness and increasing the download of fitness apps is studied. We conduct an exploratory study to identify the factors that influence the online fitness sector post-COVID-19 pandemic and find alternatives that can attract more customers to use fitness applications. The results of the study show that advertisements in social media play a major role in marketing a product to a larger audience, but it is not necessary that a celebrity will make an impact on the product to the audience. The results from this study will help managers of fitness apps and directors of online fitness programs.
    Keywords: virtual fitness applications; healthcare; digital healthcare start-up; exploratory study; customer acquisition.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2025.10059713
  • Cognitive biases in decision making during the pandemic: Insights and viewpoint from people behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Yamini S., Gajanand M. S 
    Abstract: In this article, we have attempted to study the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually increased and impacted the world. The authors integrate the knowledge from cognitive psychology literature to illustrate how the limitations of the human mind might have a critical role in the decisions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors show the correlation between different biases in various contexts involved in the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the ways in which we can nudge ourselves and various stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. This study uses a typology of biases to examine how different patterns of biases affect the decision-making behaviour of people during the pandemic. The presented model investigates the potential interrelations among environmental transformations, cognitive biases, and strategic decisions. By referring to cognitive biases, our model also helps to understand why the same performance improvement practices might incite different opinions among decision-makers.
    Keywords: behavioural economics; cognitive biases; pandemic; irrationality; information related biases; loss aversion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2024.10059792
  • Supplier relationship management maturity: a scale development study   Order a copy of this article
    by Luay Jum’a, Karam Al Mandil 
    Abstract: Mature supplier relationship management (SRM) practices have an impact on all sourcing processes in manufacturing firms. This paper aims to develop a scale for evaluating and improving supplier relationship management maturity (SRMM). In Study One, data was collected by surveying 202 managers sampled from different industrial sectors in Jordan. The study used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to validate the suggested dimensions. Study Two was conducted to cross-validate the resulting scale and to provide evidence of consistency across various industrial sectors based on a different sample of 334 managers. With 20 items, the SRMM scale developed involves five dimensions, including: purchasing department structure, supplier evaluation system, adoption of technology, collaboration with strategic suppliers, and corporate social responsibility goals compliance. This scale provides academics and managers with a multi-dimensional tool for measuring and evaluating SRMM. Moreover, it offers a useful framework to explore the antecedents and consequences of mature SRM.
    Keywords: Supplier relationship management; Supply chain; Supplier relationship maturity scale; Supplier collaboration; Manufacturing firms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2025.10065119