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International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management

International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management (IJDSRM)

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International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Risk attitudes of forest dependent communities: evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Sundar Balakrishna, Vineet Virmani 
    Abstract: This study presents evidence on the risk attitudes of forest dependent communities from two geographically distinct regions of Andhra Pradesh, India in the context of joint forest management program begun by the Government of India since 1990. We study the risk attitudes of the forest dependent communities (FDCs) using data from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh in two geographical regions Rayalaseema (a dry forest region) and the coastal region (forests with fertile soil). Attitudes towards risk were measured as the revealed degree of risk aversion from the multiple price list methodology. We identify socioeconomic determinants of their risk levels. For members of FDCs from Rayalaseema, income did not contribute to risk attitudes. For those from the coastal region, evidence shows that members from the low and high income groups were found to be risk seeking and those from the middle income groups risk averse.
    Keywords: Andhra Pradesh; forest dependent communities; incomes; India; joint forest management; multiple price methodology; risk attitudes.

  • An interdisciplinary crisis management approach based on day-to-day business operations and project delivering for typical cruise companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Konstantinos Chrysafis, Ioannis Theotokas, Georgia Papadopoulou 
    Abstract: In the last 20 years, owing to the frequent occurrence of crises and the economic globalisation that fatally led to the increased competition, companies faced the need to adopt a crisis management approach to ensure their survival. The cruise sector, as an important component of the global economy, experienced a significant downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now threatened by the energy crisis. In this work, the aim is to combine the advantages of these approaches, in the context of a crisis management model based on day-to-day operations and project delivering. A thematic synthesis of qualitative literature is carried out and the project management methodology is employed. The result is an easy-to-use integrated crisis management model with significant implications both in an academic and a managerial level. This approach makes can be used both by companies in the shipping industry and other industries after being appropriately tailored and customised.
    Keywords: crisis management; operations management; project management; risk management; cruise industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2023.10058629
  • Doctors' attitudes toward social media use amid the COVID-19 pandemic using an extended technology acceptance model   Order a copy of this article
    by Alexios-Serafeim Nterekas, Christos D. Melas, Vassilis S. Moustakis 
    Abstract: Social media have revolutionised communication, exchange of information, interaction, and collaboration. Research reported herein focuses on doctors' attitudes (ATT) towards the actual use (AU) of the social media Facebook and Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conceptual framework was driven by the technology acceptance model (TAM) and involves five factors: ATT, behavioural intention (BI), perceived ease of use (PEoU), perceived usefulness (PU), and AU. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used on a random sample of 328 doctors from Greek public hospitals. For Facebook, the ??? towards AU of social networks through the mediating factors PU, PEoU, and BI. For Twitter, the ATT towards AU of the social networks. Doctors reported using social networks during the pandemic to read research outputs uploaded by other medical colleagues and researchers. Results demonstrate that despite reliability issues, social networks may significantly contribute to the dissemination of medical knowledge and communication between health professionals.
    Keywords: public hospitals; social networks; technology acceptance model; COVID-19; structural equation modelling; exploratory factor analysis; health professionals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2024.10063699
  • Resilience of complex systems in modern contexts: sense-making of deviations and enabling the human for mitigating unwanted events and incidents   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Bakhshandeh, Jayantha P. Liyanage 
    Abstract: Over the last few decades, the scale and nature of industrial transformations have been quite substantial, generating new solutions with inherent technical, operational, and organisational complexities. Modern industrial systems in both public and private sectors are engineered and operated under demanding conditions where faults, failures, and malfunctions represent a relatively higher degree of risk in terms of safety, security, environmental impact, and economy. In such new emerging contexts, the understanding of inherent abnormalities, ability to identify early-deviations, advancing situation awareness, and taking precautionary measures early are critical for mitigating inherent potentials for unwanted events and incidents and thus ensuring resilience of complex industrial systems. This paper explores and elaborates on these aspects further in detail based on an ongoing research project. Subsequently, further analysis of two major industrial accidents is performed to understand the patterns of deviations and lost opportunities from the perspectives of accident prevention and impact mitigation.
    Keywords: complex systems; industrial assets; digitalisation; deviations; major accidents; advanced situation awareness; resilience; enabling human operators.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2024.10065455
  • An empirical assessment of the factors causing delays in project completion in the construction sector of Lahore, Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Laraib Fatima, Zainab Nawal 
    Abstract: The purpose or focus of the study was to assess the factors, which are causing a delay in project completion in the construction industry of Lahore, Pakistan, and investigating the effect of these delays. Also, the study was focused on seeing that either project manager level of autonomy and favourable project location do have any impact in minimising the delays or not. For carrying out this study, 200 samples were obtained by a well-structured questionnaire from stakeholders connected with construction industry. PLS and SPSS software had been used for analysing the data to obtain the measurement models. The findings of the study showed that factors related to consultants had the significant impact in delaying the construction projects. Additionally, it has been observed that the project manager level of autonomy helps in minimising the delays in construction projects. On the other hand, favourable project location cannot do so.
    Keywords: client's incompetency; consultant's incompetency; contractor's incompetency; enterprise environment factors; organisational process assets; OPAs; PLS; SPSS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2024.10065456
  • The problem of negative total faced in the COPRAS method of multi-criteria decision-making techniques and a solution proposal   Order a copy of this article
    by Hasan Kazak 
    Abstract: Multi-criteria decision-making techniques have been developed for solving complex problems with more than one alternative, and many types have emerged over time due to their importance/benefit. These models help the process of making the most accurate decision by evaluating many quantitative and qualitative criteria in a wide variety of sectors/fields. The COPRAS model is one of these methods and has been used to solve many problems and make decisions since its introduction in 1994. The COPRAS method also contains a problem that overshadows its importance. In the COPRAS method, a weighted normalised decision matrix is constructed to obtain dimensionless weighted values from comparative indices. At this stage, if the denominator is negative, this process not only fails to produce the desired result, but also reverses the ranking and prepares the ground for the selection of the wrong alternative. This study proposes a solution that eliminates this negative sum problem in the COPRAS method and ensures the smooth operation of the COPRAS method.
    Keywords: multiple criteria analysis; multi-criteria decision making; COPRAS method; ideal solution; decision matrix; negative sum problem.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2024.10065457